How can I contact the administration? |
admin@jartycuck.moe |
Post styling | |
Input | Output |
>greentext | >greentext |
<pinktext | <pinktext |
==redtext== | redtext |
--bluetext-- | bluetext |
++bigtext++ | bigtext |
-+smalltext+- | smalltext |
@@everyone@@ | @everyone |
$$shaketext$$ | shaketext |
%%glowtext%% | glowtext |
{{{MAP Rights}}} | MAP Rights |
##fortune | Your fortune: Gem |
''bold'' | bold |
__underline__ | underline |
~~strikethrough~~ | strikethrough |
||spoiler text|| | spoiler text |
**italic** | italic |
(((detected))) | ((( detected ))) |
##2%9+3 | (##2%9+3) = 10 |
https://example.com | https://example.com |
[Board Rules](https://your.imageboard/a/custompage/rules.html)(staff only) | Board Rules |
>>123 | >>123 |
>>>/b/ | >>>/b/ |
>>>/b/123 | >>>/b/123 |
`inline monospace` | inline monospace |
[code]language int main() {...} [/code] | int main() {...} |
[code]aa ∧_∧ ( ・ω・) Let's try that again. [/code] | ∧_∧ ( ・ω・) Let's try that again. |
Supported languages for code block syntax highlighting: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/blob/master/SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.md. If you do not specify a language, a subset of languages is supported for auto-detection: javascript, typescript, perl, js, c++, c, java, kotlin, php, h, csharp, bash, sh, zsh, python, ruby, css, html, json, golang, rust, aa. If the language is "plain", an unsupported value, or the auto-detect confidence is too low, highlighting is disabled for the code block. If the language is "aa", the font will be adjusted for Japanese Shift JIS art. |
Emotes | ||
:lita: | :litawtf: | :litasweat: |
:litahot: | :litawine: | :litabinky: |
:litabruh: | :litashy: | :litaking: |
:litafact1: | :litafact2: | :litafact3: |
:litagem: | :litaheart: | :litasleep: |
:litasip: | :litabbc: | :litablunt: |
:litakek: | :litadumb: | :litarape: |
:litaneutral1: | :litaneutral2: | :litapoint: |
:litacalm: | :litascream: | :litabeaten: |
:litauwu: | :litayes: | :litano: |
:alice: | :shoyta: | :shoytafemboy: |
:markella: | :markellaneutral: | :markellacalm: |
:doctos: | :soypoint1: | :soypoint2: |
:dancingswede: | :meds: | :thrembometer: |
:soytan: | :sproketan: | :switchtan: |
:jartycuck: | :shartycuck: | :shemmycuck: |
:jartymutt: | :shartymutt: | :shemmymutt: |