Post styling
{{{MAP Rights}}}MAP Rights
##fortuneYour fortune: Gem
||spoiler text||spoiler text
(((detected)))((( detected )))
##2%9+3(##2%9+3) = 10
[Board Rules](https://your.imageboard/a/custompage/rules.html)(staff only)Board Rules
`inline monospace`inline monospace
int main() {...}
int main() {...}
( ・ω・) Let's try that again.
( ・ω・) Let's try that again.
Supported languages for code block syntax highlighting: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/blob/master/SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.md. If you do not specify a language, a subset of languages is supported for auto-detection: javascript, typescript, perl, js, c++, c, java, kotlin, php, h, csharp, bash, sh, zsh, python, ruby, css, html, json, golang, rust, aa. If the language is "plain", an unsupported value, or the auto-detect confidence is too low, highlighting is disabled for the code block. If the language is "aa", the font will be adjusted for Japanese Shift JIS art.
jschan 1.6.2