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lennon website
Replies: >>4410
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Replies: >>958 >>4410
Replies: >>4410
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>>19 (OP) 

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Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for  the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
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Replies: >>4508
>>4496 (OP) 
now THIS is christcuckery that i can get behind

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we have a male sacrificial sinless holy lamb. its penis is small so it can't sin and it is very humble. it was bred as a sinless sacrificial lamb. all sins are forgiven

all praise be to god

>And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering.” So they went both of them together.
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Replies: >>4507 + 1 earlier
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 7.56.01 AM.png
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the small penis of the lamb

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The lamb's penis was made small during breeding so that it was pure and innocent and could not engage in sex

it is the purest creation

it is beautiful to look at

created sinless by a pure line to have a small penis so that it could not sin

it is god
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Beautiful Lamb of God, guiltless and pure as snow, Gentle and merciful, beautiful Lamb of God. Sent from the Father’s love, Sent from the throne above, Sent to redeem us with its blood.
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“All humanity is grass,
    and all its loyalty is like the flowers of the field.
7 Grass withers and flowers fade away
    when the Lord’s breath blows on them;
        surely the people are like grass.
8 Grass withers and flowers fade away,
    when the Lord’s breath blows on them,
        but the word of our God will stand forever.”
>>4497 (OP) 

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Replies: >>4476 >>4484
>>4475 (OP) 
what the CIA will do to soyteens after the Antioch shooting
>>4475 (OP) 
Finally,  a good animal thread.

Let's make a nigger thread from it btw, chinks included.
Replies: >>4485 >>4486
chinks are keyed doe, i'd send some of the videos of chinks beating niggers but i dont think i saved them
Replies: >>4487
Delusional. Chinks are animals, niggers of shitasia.

What a pathetic site, 80% of pedo sissies that can't even post blvcks bois extinction. Liberalism is a trvly delusional shit.

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'ld 'rn 'te 'it

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Once upon a time, in a world not so different from ours, there was a curious creature named Elon. He wasn’t your ordinary man—he was, in fact, a bit of a mystery. With his brilliant mind for technology and space, he revolutionized the world with electric cars, spaceships, and ideas that could make anyone dream of the stars. But there was one thing that set Elon apart from others.

He had the face of a blobfish.

No one could quite explain it. His cheeks were soft and wrinkled, his chin sagged in a peculiar way, and his eyes—well, they looked like they’d seen both the deepest parts of the ocean and the farthest reaches of space. It wasn’t cruel, though; it was just... different. People would sometimes chuckle when they saw him, not out of malice, but because it was simply so unexpected.

But Elon didn’t mind. In fact, he embraced his blobfish-like appearance. While others may have felt self-conscious, Elon had learned to laugh with the world, even at himself. After all, he was busy building a future for humanity, designing Mars colonies, and making electric cars the new standard.

One day, as he stood before a crowd, talking about his latest vision for a human colony on Mars, someone in the audience raised their hand.

“Mr. Musk,” they asked, “does it ever bother you that you kind of... look like a blobfish?”

Elon paused, his face breaking into a grin. He took a moment before responding, “Well, I think blobfish are underestimated. They’ve got a lot more going on than people realize. They’re survivors, they’ve got unique qualities, and frankly, they look adorable in their own way. Just like me.”

The crowd laughed, and with that, Elon continued his speech, filled with confidence and determination. After all, whether you looked like a blobfish or not, greatness wasn’t defined by appearances—it was defined by the ability to change the world.
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Replies: >>4482
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>>4474 (OP) 
>That'll show those MAGA incels

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Man, I miss these threads on the sharty

Anyways, do any of you got any of these? I deleted my fluffy abuse folder a long time ago
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Replies: >>4468 >>4477
The Fluffy Abuse Song (Gud Babees Make Poopies In Da Witter Bawks).mp4
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nevermind it's actually still alive
Replies: >>4468 >>4481
'ems on the 'tube
Replies: >>4468
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>>3282 (OP) 
>>3282 (OP) 
I love fluffy abuse. post moar
Replies: >>4481
go to the website that skajyos linked >>3285

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Your website will not survive past 2025. Trust me.
Replies: >>1971 >>4473
ev&oe siegetards groom children on discord
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>>1912 (OP) 
Shut the fuck up kaffir
MAP rights are humans rights
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>>1912 (OP) 
>Your website will not survive past 2025
um looks like it just did
sorry ivan i don't speak russian

averi big stinky diapers.png
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posted it again award

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