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Thread from /b/

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Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for  the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
Message too long. View the full text
Replies: >>4508
>>4496 (OP) 
now THIS is christcuckery that i can get behind

Thread from /soy/

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Say hello to my little friend, Mizu, shes japanese shes 19 and you can call her Gemmiezu, she will destroy suba, soytan, tama and miss circle, shes also Orthodox christian or whatever, i call her Mizukan
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Jit really spamming 'p. On the dead jartypedo reboot website too. Aint no way.
Replies: >>5166
nigga got banned
Coal tranime OC btw
Gem aryanime OC btw

Thread from /b/

[Hide] (303.6KB, 384x512, 00:07)
we have a male sacrificial sinless holy lamb. its penis is small so it can't sin and it is very humble. it was bred as a sinless sacrificial lamb. all sins are forgiven

all praise be to god

>And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering.” So they went both of them together.

5 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4507 + 1 earlier
Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 7.56.01 AM.png
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the small penis of the lamb

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The lamb's penis was made small during breeding so that it was pure and innocent and could not engage in sex

it is the purest creation

it is beautiful to look at

created sinless by a pure line to have a small penis so that it could not sin

it is god

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Beautiful Lamb of God, guiltless and pure as snow, Gentle and merciful, beautiful Lamb of God. Sent from the Father’s love, Sent from the throne above, Sent to redeem us with its blood.
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“All humanity is grass,
    and all its loyalty is like the flowers of the field.
7 Grass withers and flowers fade away
    when the Lord’s breath blows on them;
        surely the people are like grass.
8 Grass withers and flowers fade away,
    when the Lord’s breath blows on them,
        but the word of our God will stand forever.”
>>4497 (OP) 

Thread from /soy/

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Thread from /soy/

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Thread from /soy/

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Thread from /soy/

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dead ESL pedo shitskin site thougheverbeit

Thread from /soy/

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hhnnngggg yesssss...... let me fuck your little pussy soytan...... hbnnnnbnghbbbbbbhhhhhh yesss yesss yeesssssss.... hnbbbbgghhhhhh
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Replies: >>5100 + 1 earlier
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>Soytan, please pee in my mouth.
<Discord space
>Please, I want you to force me to take HRT for your golden nectar. 
<Discord space
>Please castrate me, Soytan.
<Discord space
>I want you to take my masculinity away for your precious golden pee.
tap the pipes instead retard
I say that
Replies: >>5100
>>4270 (OP) 
Kill yourselves
746 - ai_generated laughing music pepe pepelaugh sound video.mp4
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Jarty pedos.......

Thread from /qa/

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why so dead
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>why so dead
skajyos hired tranny janny
the pph has never recovered

Thread from /soy/

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Thread from /qa/

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So how many times a day do jartyGODS goon?
Replies: >>4622
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>>4620 (OP) 
Personally it depends if im stressed or not
I goon maybe 2-3 times a week, sometimes I go a month withount gooning so that I can bust a huge load of cum

Thread from /int/

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is this an old 'toss? i dont think ive seen it before
Replies: >>882
it's from Logan Cooper era

Thread from /soy/

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how do i make a 13 year old faggot cut ximself
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Replies: >>5112
bro drank too much skibidi beer
HAHAHA, saved
'ox em
Spoiler File
(4.4MB, 320x240, 03:28)
>>541 (OP) 
tell him about bloodjakking
Replies: >>5117
xhe is so talented

Thread from /soy/

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Replies: >>5111
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>>5110 (OP) 
Replies: >>5113
is dat an adminerino?

Thread from /soy/

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try using nntpchan nginx or apache2 required 

you can still use jschan because nntpchan runs port 18000 by default 

you can always change it tho 

just giving you ideas

it is being actively developed or if anyone here would like to try nntpchan and peer with my node feel free to
no nginx or apache2 required

Thread from /lita/

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t50 niggercoal I spent an hour on
9 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
holy aryan
Replies: >>2252
Kys jassytroons, I was lying about that Indian fat woman down the pajeet street.
Replies: >>2250
Woah you are here too? I got banned from soybooru (on my main, ofc, I have an alt hehe). I got banned from sharty too for being a "foodist" and from booru for posting something that merely features foodism. Fucking insane, this site and jartycuck.moe will be my new homes
Replies: >>2252

Thread from /soy/

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Source: https://www.youtube.com/@SkibidiFarmsVideoArchive
Replies: >>5105
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>>5104 (OP) 

Thread from /ent/

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So in San Francisco people call each other G because there's an article by someone named Chatterjee (which sounds like chatter g or talking to the government) that is about antesynthetase disease and mechanics hands. So if you talk to the government you'll be given scar tissue in your lungs by having someone light something nasty on fire around you. It's a progressive disease and scar tissue doesnt heal. It hurts all the time and doesn't go away.

The shelter staff handed out candy bars that prevent gerd or acid reflux before someone set off a bunch of gas that poisoned everyone so it was like you eat the candy for which people without health insurance eat to prevent the sickness from triggering before the people were gassed. This was shelter staff members at 555 Beale street. Before it happened. Just a coincidence.

I hate coincidences like that. Can't prove anything but I can write about it. And it's a progressive disease that once you have people poison you can then make it so you can be controlled with drugs and abuse. 

And all of a sudden the streets of San Francisco have no pot on them but I don't have enough money to leave and will probably be prevented from doing so. And then when they want to kill me they just have everyone smoke as much pot as possible until the antisynthetase disease makes me die.

Replies: >>178
>>165 (OP) 
Too long didn't read

Thread from /lita/

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the file size limit should be at least 256 mb so we can upload the biggest gooneralds.
My Back fucking huts
it's 2025 i am not going to waste my time compressing webm like a cuck.

Thread from /ent/

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Replies: >>139
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>>138 (OP) 
loli hentai site however
Replies: >>143 >>153
Gemmiest jak award🏅
'jakked cunny is a good idea

Thread from /soy/

1908 - character_cobson character_shoyta character_soylita.png
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Replies: >>4625
>>4622 (OP) 
Hornyson is literally me
Gay as hell...
Replies: >>5097
Replace soylita and shoyta with 2 BBC bvlls
You are on jarty comrade. This is the norms here.

Thread from /soy/

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Thread from /soy/

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Replies: >>5088 >>5090
3483 - 836694d3dccd129637e7f072da6a6b92.png
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>>5085 (OP) 
gem it up with cubs instead
Replies: >>5095
>>5085 (OP) 
nuke the sharty already
are shartards this dumb? i thought they're supposed to hate us
Ronaldo > admin

Thread from /soy/

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>new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

>many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers.
Replies: >>5042
>>5041 (OP) 
I don’t think skibidilita would ever say something like this
skibidi woman☕

Thread from /soy/

61945 - SoyBooru.png
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real nigga questions
1. how young is too young to be a lolicon?
2. what do you consider the best loli character (mainstream or not)
3. what will be the future of the site if all else fails?
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You are a glownigger. @_@

Thread from /qa/

I have a very important question for skajyos
12 replies omitted. View the full thread
Are TWPtards just as trannific as TBPtards?
Replies: >>4604
Is shitsung the shittiest phone company?
Replies: >>4604
they are asians
Replies: >>4607
Is owning dogs nigger tier?
Replies: >>4608
what does that even mean? is owning cats chink tier?

Thread from /b/

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Thread from /soy/

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New IAS 'tosserald
Replies: >>5089
>>5087 (OP) 
He really hit the bull's eye with this one

Thread from /soy/

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Italy is white

Thread from /soy/

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Oohh baby, my BBC cum looks like glue baby
Chuds hate me like da joos baby
Rub my head on your g-spot
Call me Mr. Tyrone
Imma give ya Black cock (hey, hey, hey)
Imma give ya Black cock (hey, hey, hey)
Imma give ya Black cock, girl (hey, hey, hey)
Imma give ya Black cock (hey, hey, hey)
Imma give ya Black cock (hey, hey, hey)
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>5075 + 1 earlier
Replies: >>5075
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>>5071 (OP) 
black girl here i sucked my first BWC at 6 years old
Replies: >>5080 >>5083
Replies: >>5081
just imagine how many brown lolis got bleached by Anglos in the 19th century
Sudanese are considered white in America btw

Thread from /qa/

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even if child marriage was legalized, you still need to deal with the rape law and their parents too
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Replies: >>4597 + 1 earlier
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Mah boy.
you're gay
>>4570 (OP) 
I would make love to her so pleasurable that she would want to be my wife forever and tell her parents that she will kill herself if she can't marry me
Replies: >>4598
If she loves you, you would just need the approval of her parents, rape laws wouldn’t do much, unless you abuse her

This is how it goes where I live. The AoC is basically non existent, so unless her parents report you to the police or you get her pregnant, you can date her

Thread from /soy/

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>up for 2 hours
/v/ mods are based
Replies: >>5077
soylita vidya with daddy.png
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>>5076 (OP) 
>/v/ mods are based
I posted this Cobrarald once and I got a week ban, so I think that they are a bit cucked
Replies: >>5078 >>5082
i was being sarcastic when i wrote that
Replies: >>5079
lol I posted the same image but with the text "would you play vidya with your kid if you had one ?"
the map poster itt likely caused that

Thread from /a/

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Replies: >>405
>>398 (OP) 
I say this

Thread from /b/

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Replies: >>4476 >>4484
>>4475 (OP) 
what the CIA will do to soyteens after the Antioch shooting
>>4475 (OP) 
Finally,  a good animal thread.

Let's make a nigger thread from it btw, chinks included.
Replies: >>4485 >>4486
chinks are keyed doe, i'd send some of the videos of chinks beating niggers but i dont think i saved them
Replies: >>4487
Delusional. Chinks are animals, niggers of shitasia.

What a pathetic site, 80% of pedo sissies that can't even post blvcks bois extinction. Liberalism is a trvly delusional shit.

Thread from /soy/

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Hot topic currently,
Black kid decided to shoot up his school because he hates his own race. 2 deaths. Seems to be affiliated with 764/discords/soysphere & livestreamed on Kick. I have the full manifesto but Jassy bans pdf.
14 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
>Seems to be affiliated with 764
the insane people are the people who get groomed by quote and doll and play into the brainwashing that anyone who opposes them is part of some made up discord, evident because he talks about their existence in his manifesto.
Replies: >>5065
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the shoutouts page of the manifesto was literally just him simping for sharty and their admins while also complaining in detail about the problems of the website. yet after all that they still vehemently deny that he was one of them.
Replies: >>5070
>nusoicacas are self hating negroids

he should have put soyjak.st but issa gem
So much for the jartycuck meme

Thread from /lita/

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this board has the lowest ppd
100 replies and 43 files omitted. View the full thread
still shit, retarded shitskinner

(Ps just fun fact for cobra: he's not aryan, its da jeets, and he's german cuck that I know pretty close, so fucking close geg )
Replies: >>2240
you're just mad bc this dnb still somehow gets new art gems that are better than oc of any of the other shitsphere sites. now its time to go back to your brown ai slopjak videos circlejerk
Replies: >>2243
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Post your own art if you claim to be a better drawfag than CobraGOD
Replies: >>2243
draw POV  of (YOU) going balls deep in soylita
Replies: >>2243
Too much drama because of some no-name on internet, you must have your whole life based on it, geg.

Only if Cobra will join the fun, and only with 18 or older characters; fucking kids is retardeness, op's just attention seaking whores. 

I'm kinky, pay attention and pick a draw challenge Cobra, or be sissificated.
For example, serial killers, famous evil characters (I know your kink on clowns, you loved to be friend with Gacy when you was a teen, didn't you?). Up to you, sweetie.
Something without your comfort zone of usual goon shit. 

Make a new thread, if you want.

After some time on goonparty, I must make something a little more clear: I'm not from soyshpere, or whatever shit you call it. I'm here for different reasons. Soycrap full of shitskinner and liberal scum. 
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Thread from /soy/

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do you guys wanna raid the sharty while theyre weakend?
Replies: >>5060 >>5069
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>>5059 (OP) 
I don't want to get datamined though
Replies: >>5061
use croxyproxy
oh i'm a jassycuck
yes i'm a jassycuck
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oh i'm a jassycuck
yes i'm a jassycuck
>>5059 (OP) 
Even though vpns are allowed now, no
This imageboard is unorganized

Thread from /b/

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'ld 'rn 'te 'it

Thread from /qa/

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Where are all the post
Replies: >>4564
>>4563 (OP) 
what posts?
Replies: >>4565
Screenshot from 2025-01-22 20-35-22.png
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Must've been spam, very disappointing.
Replies: >>4566
yeah some sperg spammed cp for 2 hours
Last edited by admin

Thread from /b/

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Once upon a time, in a world not so different from ours, there was a curious creature named Elon. He wasn’t your ordinary man—he was, in fact, a bit of a mystery. With his brilliant mind for technology and space, he revolutionized the world with electric cars, spaceships, and ideas that could make anyone dream of the stars. But there was one thing that set Elon apart from others.

He had the face of a blobfish.

No one could quite explain it. His cheeks were soft and wrinkled, his chin sagged in a peculiar way, and his eyes—well, they looked like they’d seen both the deepest parts of the ocean and the farthest reaches of space. It wasn’t cruel, though; it was just... different. People would sometimes chuckle when they saw him, not out of malice, but because it was simply so unexpected.

But Elon didn’t mind. In fact, he embraced his blobfish-like appearance. While others may have felt self-conscious, Elon had learned to laugh with the world, even at himself. After all, he was busy building a future for humanity, designing Mars colonies, and making electric cars the new standard.

One day, as he stood before a crowd, talking about his latest vision for a human colony on Mars, someone in the audience raised their hand.

“Mr. Musk,” they asked, “does it ever bother you that you kind of... look like a blobfish?”

Elon paused, his face breaking into a grin. He took a moment before responding, “Well, I think blobfish are underestimated. They’ve got a lot more going on than people realize. They’re survivors, they’ve got unique qualities, and frankly, they look adorable in their own way. Just like me.”

The crowd laughed, and with that, Elon continued his speech, filled with confidence and determination. After all, whether you looked like a blobfish or not, greatness wasn’t defined by appearances—it was defined by the ability to change the world.
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Replies: >>4482
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>>4474 (OP) 
>That'll show those MAGA incels

Thread from /b/

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Man, I miss these threads on the sharty

Anyways, do any of you got any of these? I deleted my fluffy abuse folder a long time ago
2 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4468 >>4477
The Fluffy Abuse Song (Gud Babees Make Poopies In Da Witter Bawks).mp4
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nevermind it's actually still alive 
Replies: >>4468 >>4481
'ems on the 'tube
Replies: >>4468
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>>3282 (OP) 
>>3282 (OP) 
I love fluffy abuse. post moar
Replies: >>4481
go to the website that skajyos linked >>3285

Thread from /b/

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Your website will not survive past 2025. Trust me.
Replies: >>1971 >>4473
ev&oe siegetards groom children on discord
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>>1912 (OP) 
Shut the fuck up kaffir
MAP rights are humans rights
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>>1912 (OP) 
>Your website will not survive past 2025
um looks like it just did
sorry ivan i don't speak russian

Thread from /qa/

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we must be promoted or win the Copa Paulista to qualify for the Série D or the national cup.
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the duality of man

Thread from /soy/

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sorry guys i took a nap
Replies: >>4986
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thanks rooby roob

Thread from /a/

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New Stonetoss
Replies: >>404
Gem. I have a mouse pad and a flag like the Zeon flag in that picture.
Replies: >>380
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>>377 (OP) 
gemmy 'oss

Thread from /int/

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Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
 Chud Now 770 
Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon.Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
 Chud Now 770 
Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon.Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
 Chud Now 770 
Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon.Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
 Chud Now 770 
Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon.Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
 Chud Now 770 
Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon.Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
 Chud Now 770 
Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
 Chud Now 770 
Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon.Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
Message too long. View the full text
Replies: >>872
>>860 (OP) 
Screenshot_20250122_025242_Yandex Browser.jpg
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Screenshot_20250122_025218_Yandex Browser.jpg
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Replies: >>875
Replies: >>877
(Just little hack for fun)
Half of the user on site are russpigs, sweetie.

Thread from /int/

[Hide] (606.7KB, 300x400) Reverse
Raping pedophiles is NOT rape! 
Rape is HUMAN RIGHT, if it's not against any constitution law (they're legally full adults that means they CAN consent, you TARDS!)

Stop takin' right of love from oppressed minority, it's da personal life between GROWN people, you BIGOTS!

RAPE is a MYTH created by kikes, you low iq moralfags!
trvke. rape VVON

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (51.4KB, 680x768) Reverse
I'm going to make a 'lita chatbot.
>w-well.. do we get it? i'm the soyboy woahjack by the way, i'm looking from right to left
No, it's mine. Make your own. Share it with the people.
Replies: >>5039
[Hide] (3.8MB, 500x500, 00:34)
>I'm going to make a 'lita chatbot.
>>w-well.. do we get it? i'm the soyboy woahjack by the way, i'm looking from right to left
>No, it's mine. Make your own. Share it with the people.
>>4735 (OP) 
how is the chatbot coming along Chud

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (5MB, 600x450, 00:05)
@indian nigger admin@
give me Mod so I can make this site alive
Replies: >>5034 >>5035
[Hide] (6.3MB, 480x498, 00:36)
>>5033 (OP) 
>>5033 (OP) 
Message too long. View the full text

Thread from /int/

[Hide] (79.1KB, 675x579) Reverse
Shut this transphonic site down
transphobic even though we have >>>/lgbt/

Thread from /b/

averi big stinky diapers.png
[Hide] (743.8KB, 832x1216) Reverse
posted it again award

Thread from /b/

[Hide] (2.9MB, 4080x3072) Reverse
Rate my MAP affirming NEETslop
Replies: >>4467
>>4466 (OP) 
The SOVL menu

Thread from /soy/

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can we raid these niggas so we can start pedonigger nuclear war
3 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4997 + 1 earlier
>>4961 (OP) 
>datamining link
[Hide] (246.5KB, 1342x409) Reverse
looks like the shardee is doing it now
Replies: >>5021
bu5t will be excited with the nginx logs lol
we need to get jewtubers to make more outrage videos so these places will not be dnbs anymore
Replies: >>5030
No thank you

Thread from /b/

[Hide] (443.2KB, 585x674) Reverse
We defeated them once, we will defeat them again.
fuck off frogtroon, shartyshotas are ours to rape
88112 - SoyBooru.mp4
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>fuck off frogtroon, shartyshotas are ours to rape
[Hide] (23.5KB, 934x298) Reverse
Replies: >>4463
GEEEEG its hilarious how silent they are about this

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (166.4KB, 725x1856) Reverse
juventus da mooca won, and xhe will win the paulista a2 btw
Replies: >>4999
>>4998 (OP) 
Replies: >>5022
at least we've won the copinha btw

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (1.2MB, 1920x1080) Reverse
mi esposa chino
Replies: >>5002 >>5020
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>>5000 (OP) 
esa es chiyo o algo
Replies: >>5003
[Hide] (166.4KB, 725x1856) Reverse
>>5000 (OP) 
qué esposa chiqo o algo

Thread from /ent/

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Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (82.6KB, 977x1123) Reverse
post shoyta gems
3 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
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this page needs a hero!
Replies: >>4953 >>4955
coal with gemmish properties
Replies: >>4954
[Hide] (259.4KB, 1131x600) Reverse
>Jet is a type of lignite,[1] the lowest rank of coal, and is a gemstone. Unlike many gemstones, jet is not a mineral, but is rather a mineraloid.[2] It is derived from wood that has changed under extreme pressure.
746 - ai_generated laughing music pepe pepelaugh sound video.mp4
[Hide] (3MB, 852x480, 00:07)
>site owner is a zukencord foodist 

[Hide] (166.4KB, 725x1856) Reverse
ca juventus won btw

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (10.6KB, 590x791) Reverse
need JM girl video... send steamy father-daughter love...
[Hide] (14.2MB, 600x900, 01:34)
can't upload good JM shit after skike reduced file size limit twice, sorry
[Hide] (35.3KB, 800x639) Reverse
skajyos deletes so fast this feels like the old ragefag days
marge why delete sounds of mature sex o algo

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (42.1KB, 1209x1047) Reverse
>Alright, time to jerk off to some neko shota.
Replies: >>4988
>>4973 (OP) 
kiwiCHADS, this is your mindset
Replies: >>4989

Thread from /soy/

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dnb of a site
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Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (10.3KB, 192x192) Reverse
>post your pajeet memes in this thread
>some more
>a few more
>ndian woman cheated on her indian husband with a white guy. The indian guy is NOT happy, LOL
[Hide] (4.1MB, 720x1280, 00:14)
Replies: >>4977
jartycucks after successful transition.mp4

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (352.5KB, 2138x1400) Reverse
>Oh my diverse Donkey Kong redesign I can't wait to play the same port for the 100th time
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
fuck you, i remade the thread because i wanted to change what the soyjak was saying
Replies: >>4970 >>4971
[Hide] (45.3KB, 1059x929) Reverse
>fuck you, i remade the thread because i wanted to change what the soyjak was saying
that was like a day ago nigger, took you the whole day to rewrite the threads content and its still just as unfunny as the previous one
Replies: >>4972
[Hide] (140KB, 782x758) Reverse
>that was like a day ago nigger, took you the whole day to rewrite the threads content and its still just as unfunny as the previous one
[Hide] (94.1KB, 770x988) Reverse
it is funny though

Thread from /a/

[Thonk] Ookami to Koushinryou (Spice and Wolf) S2SP1 [BD 1080p][HEVC 10Bit x265][Opus].mkv
[Hide] (13.3MB, 1920x1080, 02:06)
agarthan culture btw
Replies: >>383
>>382 (OP) 
WTF is this video file format
new ben garison just dropped
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>still no season 3
it's over
[Hide] (13.3KB, 888x849) Reverse
>agarthan culture btw
Replies: >>401
saged a page one thread award

Thread from /a/

[Hide] (198.3KB, 849x950) Reverse
Jartycucks, if you received a deathnote whose names would you write on its pages?
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
May I ask why
Replies: >>394
pajeet tranny from singapore
Replies: >>395
snopes debunked this though
Replies: >>396
he's shitshit faggot rulecuck nonetheless
datamining thread

Thread from /lita/

[Hide] (169.5KB, 1080x1080) Reverse
Posting my first ;lita
Replies: >>2225
so cute!
>>2223 (OP) 
kind of a gemmie

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (923.8KB, 1200x834) Reverse
>I'd go for a cute boy if he was young enough to wear a dress and actually look like a girl.
kys gay aryans won
Replies: >>4957
failed to sage award
Replies: >>4960
[Hide] (1.4MB, 1280x715) Reverse

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (23.3KB, 188x250) Reverse
I had sex with my daughter
your mother would be proud

Thread from /int/

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why do people hate on 4cuck it's not even rulecucked nowadays
Replies: >>851
>>849 (OP) 
>it's not even rulecucked nowadays
That's exactly why the nusharty hates it, because it allows lolicon and shotacon
its rulecucked meds

Thread from /ent/

download (1).jpeg
[Hide] (2.6KB, 180x168) Reverse
BBC site
2 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
i made this gem btw
Replies: >>127
stop lying
Replies: >>129
[Hide] (48.9KB, 2000x1600) Reverse
fuck you mean stop lying heres it with the original filename
Replies: >>131 >>133
^lied again award

Thread from /qa/

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Last edited by Hidden User
7 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
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does it count if you've done it with a hag and regret it? real blackpill tbh
Replies: >>4455
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Replies: >>4459
It’s so over . TFW I will never save my virginity for my lgf
Replies: >>4462
save your virginity for Jamal
Replies: >>4469
I'd go for a cute boy if he was young enough to wear a dress and actually look like a girl.

Thread from /lita/

[Hide] (488.1KB, 1242x1175) Reverse
1°. accessibility
While you can find loli hentai anywhere. Finding ‘p takes a long time, and if you find it, it is usually cropped and/or behind a paywall.

2°. quality/content
Not only is ‘p usually filmed using an old phone or camera, which makes the sounds and visuals look bad, most girls aren’t that hot to begin with, and the guy can barely insert his penis most of the time. While with loli hentai, the audio and visuals are superb, the girl has a perfect face and body and the guy can go in balls deep and she will be fine.

3. Legality
You can have sell and transport loli hentai pretty much anywhere. But with ‘p you can’t.
The Children Pornography won.
da best p is private shit from iclouds snapchat access etc
the p youre describing is equivalent of blacked normie goyslop porn
fictional characters don't grow up, while jerking off to 'p you're potentially jerking off to a teenager/adult/oldtimer/deceased

Thread from /soy/

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does anyone have that image traced from cp where it's babyjak half shoved into cobson's asshole
Replies: >>2954 >>3056 >>4951
babyjak is forced safe edgy coal
Replies: >>3056
[Hide] (136.8KB, 656x630) Reverse
Have this instead.
Edgy? Babyjak is the purest form of unfunny forced cancer, only on par with slop and boykisser.
Spoiler File
(194.5KB, 1069x1372) Reverse
i saved it lol

Thread from /ent/

[Hide] (9.4MB, 2838x2567) Reverse
duel links if it was good

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (570.6KB, 320x180, 00:15)
This shithole is such a failure of an attempt to revive the jarty, it's somehow even more dead
Replies: >>4946
frog laugh.mp4
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>>4945 (OP) 
skoot add /mlp/ and deport his ass there thanks

Thread from /qa/

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Is having sex wih 10 HIV/AIDS positive black men with 12 inch cocks at the same time Aryan?

Thread from /b/

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post your pajeet memes in this thread
3 replies and 7 files omitted. View the full thread
built for BWC
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indian woman cheated on her indian husband with a white guy. The indian guy is NOT happy, LOL
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Thread from /b/

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Incest is ok if both members are of the same race and are actually faimly members related by blood

Thread from /soy/

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i cringed at your post

Thread from /soy/

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Thread from /soy/

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23 replies and 6 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4858 >>4884
oppositeGOD i kneel
alikefag i stand
there's a speech bubble retard
Replies: >>4926
still no arrow therefore im still right or something

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (207.6KB, 735x735) Reverse
What happened on da shardee and da goysphere in the last 6 months? Haven't been here for a while. 
Update me on nametroon drama.
Replies: >>4915
>>4908 (OP) 
>last 6 months?
nothing new or interesting happened, you won't ever miss much when you stop lurking on ((( froot's sharty )))

Thread from /soy/

[Hide] (412.5KB, 991x782) Reverse
>cunny... LE BAD! o algo
what the fuck is this niggas problem
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>tfw little girls watch loli porn on their tablets

Thread from /b/

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i love tranimals :3
3 replies omitted. View the full thread
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Replies: >>4414 >>4417
nice editing
Replies: >>4415
i dont care enough to do that
Replies: >>4417
if you want the real answer to your question just click on the thread's thumbnail
Replies: >>4420
nothing happened?

Thread from /soy/

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New ch*nny mascot just dropped
4 replies omitted. View the full thread
your mascot is baby monkeys getting tortured
your mascot is foodist booru bait turk
Replies: >>4910
Literally who?

Thread from /soy/

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>new 'toss
4 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
you’re the one acting selfish
fuck this. i am never coming back to a soy cuck website again. qa and its essence is dead
Replies: >>4767 >>4780
Chud got 0 (You)s and left
please don't leave you were one of the few quality posters on this site

Thread from /soy/

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>Skajyos, I demand you to give up your admin rights to this anon.
>Do whatever you can to kill off most of the Sharty aspects of this site.
>- Ban Soyjaks and users who post them, except for Shoyta, Soylita, and Sproketan
>- Rename "Chud" to "Anonymous"
>- Delete /soy/
>- Start putting bans on users who spam or raid
Replies: >>4907
20078c97c3513d46caf48399a0eb93b0443747fa49047c63f0fd54823d370747 gigaaryan.png
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Skajyos, I demand you to give up your admin rights to this anon.
Do whatever you can to kill off most of the Sharty aspects of this site.
- Ban Soyjaks and users who post them, except for Shoyta, Soylita, and Sproketan
- Rename "Chud" to "Anonymous"
- Delete /soy/
- Start putting bans on users who spam or raid
>>3031 (OP) 
Trvth nuke

Thread from /b/

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lennon website
Replies: >>4410
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Replies: >>958 >>4410
Replies: >>4410
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>>19 (OP) 

Thread from /b/

Fubuki zoo pride.png
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Sex with animals

Thread from /b/

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nazrin is so cute uwu

Thread from /b/

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Anyone here got “nigger rapes tranny”? I saw someone describe it on kiwi a while ago and it sounds so fucking good especially how the tranny reportedly is only complaining about the circumstance rather than make a fuss. i need to see it but cant find it anywhere
2 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
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theres also part 2
Replies: >>4401
if thats a prostitute then she sucks at her job
Replies: >>4402
Perhaps it's her first time taking BBC
Replies: >>4403
getting double BLACKEDRAW is hard even for the experienced you know
Replies: >>4404

Thread from /soy/

nusquirreljak fact2.png
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soigloompas lost
Replies: >>4891
>>4889 (OP) 
trips are not a get sweatie

Thread from /lita/

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SFW, NSFW and general “cunny culture” discussion
29 replies and 44 files omitted. View the full thread
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Thread from /lita/

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Dead board
Why did you delete it?
Replies: >>2193
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i just realized that's not rika from higurashi

Thread from /qa/

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is being a 40 year old cord pedo who sends pictures of his tiny black dick to everyone he meets aryan?
Replies: >>4411 >>4413 >>4414
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>>4410 (OP) 
Being a pedophile is aryan, since the average girl fell pregnant at 12 years old in Nazi Germany
Being black is aryan, since dey kangz built dem pyramids or some shieet
Having a tiny dick is aryan, you just have to take a look at the average Roman statue
>>4410 (OP) 
Easy humiliation fetish scraps though
>>4410 (OP) 
Is that not how you get into hyperborea?

Thread from /qa/

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Thread from /int/

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new whiteness map just dropped
Replies: >>864
When I took my first BBC. It was just to try it and I didn't really enjoy it. My second one was to see if maybe it could be better. Thid one I just took because why not, I had already done it twice. Soon BBC became common procedure and before I knew it, I needed BBC. I didn't really enjoy it but it had become such a normal thing to me that going without it would be like going without water or air or food. I was now addicted to BBC. Pretty soon I realized BBC was just a gateway drug to other types of cocks. Chink cock, Aboriginal cock, hell even horse cock. Every type of cock, you name it. and I have had it inside of me. It's not that having the cock in me feels good, it's just a desire I have and after the cock has filled me, I get a sense of relief that lasts me for a timespan. That timespan has however decreased with the years and I'm now unable to go even 30 minutes with atleast a BBC. I have spent a fortune on dildos just to get me through the nights because there isn't enough BBC in Africa to keep me full.
Replies: >>864
>>855 (OP) 
Big Balkan cock is the best for little whores like you

Thread from /b/

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Thread from /qa/

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Thread from /soy/

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>>not even half a week old
>>already full of child erotica
>Kek. Is that even legal? Not like jartypedos care. Theyre probably on tor or some shit well guess what, tor can still snitch on you faggots.

Thread from /soy/

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The nod, Ah the nod. It was a simple gesture, but it held so much meaning. It was a sign of acknowledgment, of understanding, of connection. With just a nod, two people could communicate volumes without saying a word. It was a silent form of communication that spoke volumes. The nod was a universal language, understood by all. It was a gesture that transcended boundaries of language, culture, and background. It was a small but powerful way of saying, "I see you, I hear you, I am with you." And in that moment, as they exchanged nods, they knew they were not alone. They were connected in a way that words could never fully capture.
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>these nwords be wholesome 100 fr bruh

Thread from /soy/

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shitsphere culture is spiritually dead and there has been literally no new variant that's even a little bit funny since slopjaks & mutts came out 2 years ago
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>there has been literally no new variant that's even a little bit funny 
that's because pic related makes all the new variants and memes
i beg to differ 
meximutt is the funniest variant ever created
Replies: >>4822
meximutt IS a slopjak AND a mutt THOUGH
and it's nothing new

Thread from /soy/

94788 - SoyBooru.mp4
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dead nigger kill ruby and hire gigo instead

Thread from /soy/

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>you have just been been reported. enjoy your vacation.

Thread from /soy/

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>this entire dead nigger baby pedo website:
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>>this entire dead nigger baby pedo website:
fnf aryan.png
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>oh im a jartycuck yes im a jartycuck oh im obsessed esl fnf
Replies: >>4814
you have just been been reported. enjoy your vacation.
Replies: >>4815
we jartycucks are white lol
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Thread from /soy/

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>I've been stalked irl, for 7 years now, they involve more people too 
>nothing I can do as it's not like they're showing at our complex, or sending death threats but the extent and the amnt of people involved is sickening, clearly still malicious intentions
>it's just insane to me the extent and depth
>like I don't even know what to say or think.
>it's very much too late, I can't do things differently and my presence is already implanted
>it just sucks the way life has led
>what I don't get is why, why these people have such a warped perspective on someone they knew at 11 and how it has led into adulthood and why people care so much when someone has numbers attached to them. stop trying to prove something you're not special cuz of me, infact you're horrible. the fact these people disappear from my memory and yet I haven't from there's after all this time.. 
>all my life I wanted to stay secluded and be that forgettable background character. just grant me that one thing, and forget my existence, you don't know or even "knew" *me* no matter how much you want to say or believe it
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Thread from /soy/

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Replies: >>4806
>>4805 (OP) 
What is xhe laughing at?

Thread from /lita/

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Applechad is the only company that doesn’t give your info to the feds

Windowmutts, linuxtroons, Huaweichinks and androidfags lost btw
let's see how long it stays up
Replies: >>2185
cope applecuck
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>>>103719581 (OP) #
>Retarded iNiggers stop shitting up my board. My Huawei MateBook E Go outperforms your $2000 toys because it has a serious OS on it and a whopping (for iNiggers) 16Gb RAM as well. It also may act as a tablet, so the thing mogs both Macs and iPads. A girl I know bought a shitty used M2 Mac the other day and guess what? At $800 I have a touch screen, tablet mode, official Windows 11 24h2, WSL access, more RAM, the same core count and performance, Qualcomm NPU, better x86 emulator and more. The only benefit to her having a Mac is iphone compatibility, yet iPhones are the sloppiest most niggerlicious phones out there. I guess it's like buying a kilogram of shit and getting a scoop. You could do that, sure. But most people get a proper meal and cutlery.
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>Apple is the only company that doesn’t give your info to the feds
Lmao, what?
The thread survived for a while cec

Thread from /soy/

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>Daily reminder that

Thread from /soy/

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Replies: >>4787
>>4781 (OP) 
No one says this
Replies: >>4800

i said it
Replies: >>4801
ggem GET
Replies: >>4802
dubs are not a get sweatie…

Thread from /soy/

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>That's a lawful order, BY THE WAY
Replies: >>4798
>>4762 (OP) 
i look like this

Thread from /soy/

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new rapemeat just dropped

Thread from /int/

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Thread from /soy/

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my new cobson oc :3

Thread from /qa/

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post suggestions and feedback related to this site or jartybooru in this thread
Last edited by admin
662 replies and 160 files omitted. View the full thread

i added some new emotes, or the emotes that i forgot to add 
not interested
Replies: >>4592 >>4605
you should add in the chadlitas saying yes and no aswell
Replies: >>4594

copium and leakium and seethium and bbcium
ok nigga
Shemmy is shutting down in a few days. We should spam ads there. Because they will seethe and it will still be funny even if no users come.

Thread from /soy/

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>buy this book
>read first page
>'see if it's on jaksoy.party'
>if it is; It's a gem
>if it isn't; it's coal

Thread from /soy/

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now that the dust has settled, was the affy truly the splinter of all time?
Replies: >>4779 >>4782
>>4778 (OP) 
the deadest nigger baby of all time you mean
Replies: >>4782 >>4783
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>>4778 (OP) 
>now that the dust has settled, was the affy truly the splinter of all time?
>Replies: >>4779
they deleted my lita thread when there was literally nothing nsfw or pedo about it at all.

Thread from /b/

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Thread from /soy/

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>slapping my knees and laughing out loud at this image
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>>slapping my knees and laughing out loud at this image

Thread from /soy/

137 - SoyBooru.gif
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>new yukkoex gemerald coming next weekend
refill yuor HRT for this one xixters
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>teehee im postponing my girlsuicide for one one more week then

jschan 1.6.2