It's time to fuck little girls and kill niggers, and I am all out of niggers to kill.
>>1238 (OP) gem even doe mpv is more aryan >>1239 Pedo Kickem
>>1234 (OP) Nigger
If you don't love cunny then you're s fucking faggot.
Rebrand this website to or something similar and make it a full-blown lolita themed porn site.
OP again. Maybe just make jartybooru the lolita porn site and make this imageboard its forums for discussing kinky or suggestive or however my clitty is starting to leak
"No rules for now" yeah gee I wonder what the main intention of this splinter is for.
lys goot
>oo rules for now
>>34 why would a cia agent have a broccoli haircut? zoomzooms can't into jobs let alone a post for the 3 letter agencies
/ksi/ won
post 'lita gems
>>654 evendoe i'm not
>>649 (OP) >>652 >>705 making generals is lame when theres a catty waiting to be filled with wholesome cute and gemmy 'lita
>>706 tsmt the >>>/lita/ log is looking coaly right now.
Long time no see, eh?
swinny leaked your ip, now you need to return the favor.
>>1080 >>1088 >>1089 >also im bored you're clearly in middle schools so go do your homework or something >>1112 evendoe they leaked a proxy ip
>>1117 proxy ips can still turn out to be useful if you're actually a really good doxxer
>>1120 >a really good doxxer so not a swedishfail
Guess you haven't changed your ways since the last time your shithole was abandoned.