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Furfags and pedos just keep on fighting when they should realize that they are equally retarded
Replies: >>1356
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>>1354 (OP) 
How though
Replies: >>1360
Because usually their fights end up as nothing burgers
However, this website is a pedo shithole where the users are brainwashed into thinking that their ancestors married/ had sexual relations with underage girls and have literally zero shame for their obsessions. Furfags just came here to damage the site further, which is good, but I don't know how this fight will last
Replies: >>1363 >>1364 >>1437
>muh shame
Go back to whatever rulecucked moral shithole you came from
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Replies: >>1365
Well at least you furcucks don't obsess over the underage... right?
Well if you do I'll reiterate that both of you are retarded. So keep on dueling until this site collapses for sure.
>However, this website is a pedo shithole where the users are brainwashed into thinking that their ancestors married/ had sexual relations with underage girls and have literally zero shame for their obsessions
Ate you genuine retard? The Roman Empire has documented pregnancy of girls aged 9-11. You're either a kike or shartynigger, or both.
Replies: >>1447
Well, do you even KNOW your ancestors? You may not be of Roman descent! Your forefathers may have been obscure tribesmen in then-remote present-day Germany or Russia! You cannot assume like that!
Replies: >>1455
Not sure about Germany but Tsar Grozniy mafe pregnant a couple of 10 years olds. Same with Tsar Paul I impregnating 12 years old queen. I don't see why Germany would be any different, especially since they were the one who raped Roman Empire.
Replies: >>1456
I know there was pedophillia everywhere in human history but again you can't make assumptions about your bloodline like that. There are definitely some genuinely pure individuals from the past that historical records never documented. Only God knows if they are part of your expansive family tree.
Replies: >>1458
And your point being regarding the topic? I only mentioned RE because they are among well-documented civilizations preserved from ancient times.
Replies: >>1461
Well my point is that we only know what we have been taught in history class, and that you cannot blame your long-dead ancestors for pedophillia if you do not know them.
Replies: >>1463
>+1 pph babble
Okay? What we know about our ancestors isn't always taught in history class, but echoed through legends and sharing knowledge from generation to generation.
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