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It has come to my attention that Mud/ Quote, the shitty's developer, has revealed himself as an ally of pedophilia and the MAP movement as a whole. Swedishfails and frogniggers are currently orchestrating an illegal hate dox against him, so it is up to us to defend our Aryan culture. WHO'S WITH ME?!
He’s not an ally. He’s just saying that he wants all splinters to get purged so the shirty can stay on top o algo
Can't you just get him to purge every single splinter except for this one? We REALLY need Total Swinecuck Death
I don't think he even know about existence of this website, and he's a foodist faggot who just want to ruin other websites.
You could find a way to email him if possible and promote this site to him
They do 'cause jannies sweep up all mentions of this site
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>It has come to my attention that Mud/ Quote, the shitty's developer, has revealed himself as an ally of pedophilia and the MAP movement as a whole. Swedishfails and frogniggers are currently orchestrating an illegal hate dox against him, so it is up to us to defend our Aryan culture. WHO'S WITH ME?!
Unfortunately, the screenshot is edited. It's a falseflag from TRR.
Literally who
old frogtroon website domain
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