"No rules for now" yeah gee I wonder what the main intention of this splinter is for.
>>4 (OP) indeed, you have no idea why i made this dead nigger baby i have other plans for this site. just stay tuned and you will find out, it might take weeks or even months
>>6 what are the other plans can you keep it a 'jak website so theres at least 1 sharty splinter where you can post 'lita on
>>6 ohnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono
mister sakayosohsjdhuduru satoko give ne mod
>>6 skajyos why don't use sproketan instead zombie soytan?
>>7 of course i will be keeping this site up just for this purpose alone as for the "plan" it's not done yet >>22 i don't need any >>23 i think soytan's pose is more fitting for a welcome page zombie because it's halloween
>>24 kek i thought it was zombie 'tan because it's a resurrected jarty
>>24 skoot when did you start 'jakking and what do you think of the current state of soy culture
kys bu5t
lys goot
>oo rules for now
>>34 why would a cia agent have a broccoli haircut? zoomzooms can't into jobs let alone a post for the 3 letter agencies
/ksi/ won