Denuvo dev expoooooosed for wanting a 13 year old to strip tease on webcam
So? 13 year olds can consent.
>>32 So you support efforts to sexually groom children in secret without their parents' consent. Where's your empathy at, Jassycuck?
>>33 >she must suck off her parents off and be treated like mindless good goycattle slave before making her own decision Where is your empathy at, normgroidcuck?
>>34 I'm saying that she can consent at 13, but the parents have to be aware of and approve the relationship first or else she has zero empathy to her family herself.
>>35 All I see in the email is just to do some retarded shitty dance infront of camera and you get big cash. I lost interest after that tbh.
>>36 This guy is clearly a cumbrained pervert. If he had got along with her parents and ask her out, then things would be find and she could marry young
holy nothingburger
>This is old news btw, but seems nobody cared 5 years ago
>>38 Marge? Did this guy just got shot in the face and somehow didn’t die
>>40 not sure where he got shot but it was a troon cross dresser who got shot by his dad the tranny survived but the dad killed himself later
>>40 He was shot in the ear not the head and that guy was apart of 764 & com
>>38 was he trying to get it with a fucking game crack lol