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Replies: >>864
When I took my first BBC. It was just to try it and I didn't really enjoy it. My second one was to see if maybe it could be better. Thid one I just took because why not, I had already done it twice. Soon BBC became common procedure and before I knew it, I needed BBC. I didn't really enjoy it but it had become such a normal thing to me that going without it would be like going without water or air or food. I was now addicted to BBC. Pretty soon I realized BBC was just a gateway drug to other types of cocks. Chink cock, Aboriginal cock, hell even horse cock. Every type of cock, you name it. and I have had it inside of me. It's not that having the cock in me feels good, it's just a desire I have and after the cock has filled me, I get a sense of relief that lasts me for a timespan. That timespan has however decreased with the years and I'm now unable to go even 30 minutes with atleast a BBC. I have spent a fortune on dildos just to get me through the nights because there isn't enough BBC in Africa to keep me full.
Replies: >>864
>>855 (OP) 
Big Balkan cock is the best for little whores like you
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