oh yeah that's cool now can you fuck off back to the zoomergroid containment website you come from
and yes, I'm gay trans I'm boosted
gem go up
>>4077 their last post was "TRANS FUCKING RIGHTS" lol
>>4080 no it was "because the swinny is better" or something, we had a secret board (the admin locked it doe)
>>4081 now this is coping
>>4083 newcuck doesnt know about /bint/
jartycucks lost
>jartycucks lost did you make this thread?
>>4444 Kek! It's kino! Soikikes and pedokikes only have less than a month
>>4447 not your boogeyman
>>4447 Why is the entire fucking world obsessed over this website...
>>4452 The more non-soysphere people know the better right?
>>4453 Not at all. Rdrama trannies are even worse than nuteens in terms of being moralfag normies.
>>4452 >It's leaking
>>4455 Projecting tranny I don't even have maleoid genitalia
>>4456 It's all just going to bounce back and forth like a ball in a tennis match. Admit that soykikes, including you people, lost and will never dominate internet culture to embrace MAP pride worldwide
>>4456 >I don't even have maleoid genitalia jassytrannyfoidites...
imma bump