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Blame skajyos to not care for it's only userbase. He also deleted all his posts, which means he doesn't even care for community, so community as well stopped caring.
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>jailbait/bmt archive
We prefer the term gem archive. And 10 years ago the law wasn't that different, there just wasn't such an obsessed snitching cancel culture around yet
Sweetheart, girls dancing on camera on their own will with tummy out but genitals still hidden is not considered a xsam even in the most cucked parts of the world.

Plenty of hosts and domains are run soyboy faggots that virtue signal nuage cancel culture of feminist marginal fascism degeneracy and cuckoldry that push age of consent to 25, but that doesn't make legal content as csam.

We only try to help to find the domain and host that is most tolerant to true libertypill, even if still (partly) restricted by USA law. To my knowledge the India doesn't care about even possession and sharing of legit CSAM, and what is posted on kohlchan would bring cutie garden and catchan to blush, yet they been on for several years and don't even ban for such things so their domain seem safe.

It doesn't help your case to assume that your active community want you to host legit DD or hurtcore/csam on clearnet, nor just being overall neglectful while listening to tourists who won't use this site anyway.

Ignoring and deleting your posts isn't helping either. But we don't just go and attack you or your site, we try to help you. We wanted to make this site to distance itself from soy cancer and use it merely ironically at best which would benefit it more and attract freedom lusting audience.

But If you want to keep the soy theme with extra niche of that failure of a splinter theme, and rebrand it in to a more blunt pale restricted no bmt/jailbait zone, then you should at least make this place feel more warm and calm to oldfags. So far website doesn't know what direction it's want to be going. But having jarty clone that isn't have that 4chan/qa/ warm welcome attitude, nor is a true liberty pill even if within the laws, then it won't have audience as most will (and already did) return where they came from, including myself. Even looking for a new host that allow bmt to stay for good.

I don't see reason to fight with you. I won't post le "jailbait" so you monitor website 24/7 just to delete it; it's unfair to you, it's would be disheartening to see you go against your principles and add new jannies so they go powertrip because you get tired of cleaning it, add cuckflare and rulecuck it, etc. I do it because I respect you unlike all other spergs on the rest of splinters.

But you won't expect me to stay here to post, or other people to post that would otherwise loved this place. Without us there is no reason to spergs to seethe at this place, so they won't come either. It will be just another dead nigger baby site, which is already better than any soycuck splinters, but no real community will have reason to form here.

The destiny of this site is in your hands, will you fight for you community or you let the site remain dnb in a hope some posters will actually post here despite the stigma and self-derogatory theme if site is up to you chap. I wish you all the best Skajyos, after all this site is your dream and I feel it's wrong for me to tell you what you should do with it, I can only try to guide it for prosperity. Have great day!
Focus on key words I left there. Kohlchan post extremely grey zone stuff, and it stay for whole duration of threads doesn't get deleted, and yet they existed for years, so their domain doesn't really care for this stuff. Then I mentioned India who don't really see sharing of CSAM is a crime, no court ever arrested for sharing it, so that means they won't care for jailbait at very least, and they mostly hate monkeys.

Then you can use multiple proxies, so even if one gets take down, the hidden site will still continue to operate and becomes the main and you get new proxy, that's what catchan did until the admin just retired, proxies doesn't cost much but it takes time to adjust them. This is a bit more complex but you can still experiment with better domain registrar and hosts.

At worst case, at least try to revive genuine jarty for soycuck oldfags with maximum security of the site. This is the end result but at least soycuck refugees and oldfags with old jartycacas get their old home back where they can post autistic soylita and lolicon shit. I certainly wouldn't want that to happen since I had more hope this site would revive the 8chan true libertpill nostalgia but at least there will be SOME usage for this site.
I am not the only poster here who had similar visions, faggot. Don't make me lose respect to you.
he just wanted a simple soyjak imageboard without having to spend money hopping hosts and domains. i can't blame him at the end of the day lol.
As I said, he has full power to do whatever he wants with it, all I did is provide advices and trying to help. Going as far as to willing to donate, but I have no desires to that at all anymore.

Antagonising me just for trying to help him won't help our both cases. At worst it will result in dead wensite or overly rulecucked like sharty is. I am not threatening.
Experimenting allowing you to to be more experienced. Did we push you? No. If it takes time to switch domain and hosts, so be it. As I said, even is aiming to switch domain so you can post bmt to your heart content. Jailbait is in excessive on kohl and, and kohl really pushing extremely grey areas that you won't see even on onion of catchan, and it stays for hours.

Proxy is a more complex thing, but iirc the Silvia (catchan admin) used proxies to take mosts reports so host shit them down instead of site, but he never experiment with better hosts like same India that multiple people suggested to him. Silvia is very active and friendly and may help you explain how they work on technical level if you ask him.
I was among the first people who discovered this forum. Before I wrote anything it was just like 3 genuine threads and rests were botspam. If you want the site be empty of community so be it. Again, don't YOU blame ME that nobody uses it.
That's wasn't even me making these posts, retard. I genuinely just left for 2-3 days after you done it. I only lurk for genuine posts from time to time. Enjoy dnb website, bye.
Did I ever insult or attack you before for that? Did I ddos your site or post 'p for that? No. I am only stopped posting. I told you week or so ago, even if the site fails to keep libertypill you can at least try to make this place look friendly toward oldfags, but even then my suggestions were met with snarky attitude so I left. Only recently I started to occasionally lurk and see if someone else posted just to reply to them, and only because someone else told me you plan to switch domain registrar. And now you blame me because other people had same opinion as me. I only being hostile toward you in my speech because of your faggy and ungrateful attitude toward me.
I was the one who would provide donations to keep the site running, ungrateful dipshit, including for anti-ddos attacks. I didn't took it for granted, I didn't fucking post a single jailbait or girl, I simply left since you banned it. You just being pretentious scum and assume that anybody who you don't like, who just so happen to same similar view as me, is me. And now you blaming me, on top of everything, that other people refuse to use the site after you banned bmt/jailbait. God you can't even see that you're not better than lute at this point.
Nice strawman faggot, but despite they are moralfags at least their admins CARE for their moralfag community to experiment with new hosts so they can post and archive bmt.
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skajyos why do you hate pedoCHADS? seriously man we're your best buds
>skajyos just went full lute mode
Holy shit I didn't knew I'd see this day, or that it would come in just two weeks
kek i knew from the start this faggot couldnt run a site. claims to be better than lute inmediately turns into lute within a week
Why are you typing all this to me and not the person who's you been needlessly mean entire day who been only friendly to you this whole time?
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You were first to call him pedofaggot, blame him for shit he didn't do, called him unlikable for doing his best to help you and act extremely rude and arrogant before he used a single word toward you. Don't play fool, I have all the screenshots saved of your deleted posts. I only saw him calling you a retard for assuming that someone else is him.
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You do realise that not how the conflict sparked, right? It's because of your rude attitude toward him for no reason and disregarding his attempt to help you. You banned jailbait, he stopped posting, suddenly the place became empty as nobody was having fun with only 2 ppd on a lucky day. Some anon came and said this place is a dnb, he explained why it's dnb, you lost your shit and accused him for wanting you to allow to host "csam" and that it's impossible, even though he never said that, and then continued to accuse of more shit despite still respecting you regardless of jailbait ban. That is how it was. Plus you tend to ignore messages like >>1213 on /soy/ and for some reason assume they all are the same person.
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All I am saying is that you were unnecessarily mean to him while he was miraculously kind to you and wanting to help you various ways despite the jailbait ban, which he never violated. How many other people been this loyal to you and not just botspam this place or post skajyos-megamymy edits that genuinely think are your photos? In his original message he said to blame you for not caring about community, which I agree with him because it often feels like you don't and this has nothing with jailbait ban. You barely talk with us even when we call upon you just to know how are you doing, and ignore most of our suggestions while listening to splinterniggers. Last time we tried to help you (myself including) to change the domain registrar to the correct one of kohlchan and to know the whole situation with porkbun, you just said
>i'm sick of typing out pages of text
Which clearly shows you don't really care about us. I bet he could easily spam this place it with 'p and cooperate with swedishfail to mass report it if you truly offend, yet he didn't do it, nor did I saw him post jailbait so that is a sign of respect. I hope I cleared things for you. Btw here are multiple 'lita posters.
Way to out yourself, you despicable dishonest skikejewos faggot
what did i lie about?
You literally just said you "pulled off the best troll", messing with your own community like a faggot instead of dealing with raiders. Why should we abide any of your rules when you show no respect to us?
when i said "troll" i meant this site as a whole
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>tl;dr isn't getting unbanned soon
Well fine then, I still don't like how you treat your community when some of us been doing nothing but being supportive to you
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Where is it
Apologize to users who have been only trying to help you and remain kind to you despite bmt/jb ban, show reciprocal respect and understanding instead of calling them unlikeble and pedofaggots who can only think about hosting "csam" here
I am not xim but let's hope xe reads it, you should quote the person you said all this tbh.
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you are useless
No idea who are you nigger but let's not escalate things
>but if there's one thing he triggered me is how he constantly used the word "liberty" and "/qa/" to justify his opinion like lute did
How the fuck do am I suppose to know which fucking words trigger you!? Do I have to be your psychologist to know which words make you sperg out!!? I spoke with you early this summer and you said you want "old" unrulecucked jarty, and old unrulecucked jarty was commonly referred as "libertypilled", it's why lute even allowed full free speech. And according to him, his old jarty intentionally meant to attract 4chan's old /qa/ userbase. You wanted to revive old jarty, I suggested how to make this place look like old jarty to bring it's old charm, but then you rejected it and now triggered at me for mere using words to describe things that you initially wanted to achieve. So what the fuck you want from me???

Also I can still see your messages despite you deleting them. No, I didn't called you a retard for banning jailbait, retard. The first time ever I called you a retard is because you assumed the posts that wasn't made by me to be me. Don't you feel irony in all this? You've been accused of being the only survived 'lita poster even though it's wrong, and now you accuse me to be the only poster wanting to allow jailbait on this site. I am the new skajyos archetype while you're acting exactly like lute.
Okay then nigger. I appreciate that you at least admit the mistakes you made, though it would saved us this drama if you actually read my post before hastily and impudently writing hostile offensive reply.
holy fuck you niggers are crybabies
kill yourself useless crybaby retard
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>holy fuck you niggers are crybabies
>kill yourself useless crybaby retard
Is skajyos going to fulfill the wishes of his most devoted supporters or what
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>Is skajyos going to fulfill the wishes of his most devoted supporters or what
Look I'm neither a jartycuck nor a swedish fail. I'm just want to know the fate of this site
Doesn't look good, especially if skajyos keep intentionally banish the only few active people of community. Let's see what December may look like
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>also bmt isn't banned
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