Sweetheart, girls dancing on camera on their own will with tummy out but genitals still hidden is not considered a xsam even in the most cucked parts of the world.
Plenty of hosts and domains are run soyboy faggots that virtue signal nuage cancel culture of feminist marginal fascism degeneracy and cuckoldry that push age of consent to 25, but that doesn't make legal content as csam.
We only try to help to find the domain and host that is most tolerant to true libertypill, even if still (partly) restricted by USA law. To my knowledge the India doesn't care about even possession and sharing of legit CSAM, and what is posted on kohlchan would bring cutie garden and catchan to blush, yet they been on for several years and don't even ban for such things so their domain seem safe.
It doesn't help your case to assume that your active community want you to host legit DD or hurtcore/csam on clearnet, nor just being overall neglectful while listening to tourists who won't use this site anyway.
Ignoring and deleting your posts isn't helping either. But we don't just go and attack you or your site, we try to help you. We wanted to make this site to distance itself from soy cancer and use it merely ironically at best which would benefit it more and attract freedom lusting audience.
But If you want to keep the soy theme with extra niche of that failure of a splinter theme, and rebrand it in to a more blunt pale restricted no bmt/jailbait zone, then you should at least make this place feel more warm and calm to oldfags. So far website doesn't know what direction it's want to be going. But having jarty clone that isn't have that 4chan/qa/ warm welcome attitude, nor is a true liberty pill even if within the laws, then it won't have audience as most will (and already did) return where they came from, including myself. Even chud.win looking for a new host that allow bmt to stay for good.
I don't see reason to fight with you. I won't post le "jailbait" so you monitor website 24/7 just to delete it; it's unfair to you, it's would be disheartening to see you go against your principles and add new jannies so they go powertrip because you get tired of cleaning it, add cuckflare and rulecuck it, etc. I do it because I respect you unlike all other spergs on the rest of splinters.
But you won't expect me to stay here to post, or other people to post that would otherwise loved this place. Without us there is no reason to spergs to seethe at this place, so they won't come either. It will be just another dead nigger baby site, which is already better than any soycuck splinters, but no real community will have reason to form here.
The destiny of this site is in your hands, will you fight for you community or you let the site remain dnb in a hope some posters will actually post here despite the stigma and self-derogatory theme if site is up to you chap. I wish you all the best Skajyos, after all this site is your dream and I feel it's wrong for me to tell you what you should do with it, I can only try to guide it for prosperity. Have great day!