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'p is a very convenient way to blackmail any politician and relevant figure in to submission to your command, same way a bag of cocaine can be thrown on the seatbelt or locker of anyone you dislike and there is nothing you can do to prove yourself innocent. Considering the modern hardware almost all has backdoor that government can easily hack in to, 'p has became a very useful tool to defeat your political opponents, potential threats or any activist who rock the boat a bit too much; for this reason you may more likely to read news articles about random "nazi" has been boosted with 'p on his HDD than the person who been filming it.
Restriction of possession and purchase of drugs and 'p are both anti-constitutional, but that's not a secret considering true USA died in 1865.
And considering that we live in the last stage of ((( democracy ))) which created the refined rule of marginal fascism where low iq shitskin rootless mutts of subhumans and women, i.e. plebian class are the final ambassador, they approve of any and all virtue signaling policy that only look plausible on surface to their low testosterone/high estrogen mkultra'd brains but in fact only empower the totalitarian control the ((( state ))) aims to achieve, up until it return back to complete serfdom. For this reason, and not any other, state must catch random low iq boomer who have most tame 'p he saved over old facebook so the tax funded alphabet glowing organisation do look virtuous to the eyes of average normie NPC retards and not total pure evil incarnate, who has the biggest 'p collection in the world and probably the one funds it's production in backstage.
However, the 'p itself is such a non-crime that barely any non-westernised nations care about it. For example, Ukraine had no laws about it at all up until 2014 when west has intervened in their sovereignty, and even now it's still legal to possess and download 'p, probably even distribute if it's not for commercial gain; and even then the cops there don't care about this shit which they consider a waste of resource "for a crime with no victims".
The politicians and elites themselves, however, don't give a single shit about 'p. For them it's a childish toy that has no real appeal. Who needs 'p when you have access to whole shadow government human trafficking of the most prime cunny ever? The tunnels are all there as well as there are many worthless irresponsible mothers who just breed and don't want to abort their children so they end up in orphanage and from there all the hidden tunnels and cunny-trainings start; which is probably why governments larp as moralfags to ban abortions.
Hunter Biden's laptop, NYC Synagogue's canalisation and Epstein's island is just the tip of the iceberg. There is whole network of tunnels all around NYC and other parts of East USA, almost all interconnected so the cunny may never see the light of the sun. The present footage is something I download from 4chan/pol/ long ago, it's supposedly leak of one of pedobath underground that some hollywood actor/musician kike leaked before getting assassinated for that; skajyos plz don't delete.
And of course they need some scapegoat, this is why you have nonsense conspiracy theories about muh pizza gate and muh adrenochrome with some ooga-booga "judeo-mssonic-satanic" rituals to become mainstream so the idea of human trafficking through normal realistic tunnels sounded bizarre to average NPC normie; accuse Michael Aquino of Presidio Beach's day-care incident allegations during the satanic panic to turn all attention to Lt. Col. who was a very convenient target due to his philosophical and religious views despite being across whole usa during the whole incident (as result he was memoryholed for many years till recently), all just to remove all suspicions and accusations from the Army itself; convince the public that Epstein did killed himself so average normiecuck would think the big bad guy is finally gone and there is totally no secret shadow government organisations all across the whole world that keep maintaining the human trafficking, never even questioning (or know the existence of) his insanely huge leaked list of passenger clients that all flied to his private island; plus all the many cuckservative christkike lies about pedophile child sacrifice despite both catholic priests and rabbis been exposed many times as child molesting and raping pedos in huge numbers.
And in reality, you don't need mumbo-jumbo hyperborean secret noctulian adrenochrome rejuvenating ritual to understand that sex with children is really this good and feels great that they want to keep it all to themselves and none for the plebs, all while to demoralise average goyim in to slave morality stolkholm syndrome virtue signaling permacuck to unironically believe ((( their ))) lies. After all, the best slave is the one who believes he's free.
So a TL;DR: despite possession and downloading a 'p is not a real crime in the constitutional and moral sense, it won't likely be legal anywhere in the feasible future unless majority of White people finally stop being NPC, become vigilant and redpilled, and start to shoot their local politician.