>tfw a shitskin says child porn isn’t white culture
>>29 (OP) INSHALLAH in the name of our lord and savior Yeshua bin Yahweh (pbuh), his will be done
>>30 Was this supposed to trigger me or something?
>>32 Hmmm kind of
>>29 (OP) >>30 >>31 >>32 >tfw soyboard's clown and pedoboard's clown meet up on soypedoboard website
>>33 so yeah, sort of, exactly what I was going for baited
>>35 You're pretty clever i'll give you that.
>>36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydChUtBuVBE
>>30 Is it the retard costume or circumcision ritual costume?
>>48 the retard one, he's too old to assume circumcision