I'm getting tired of pom addicted weabs complaining about anti-lolicons and denying its inherent pedophilic links, using fallacies of all sorts of kinds, blatantly ignoring any argument given to them, and at some times just using personal attacks, so I'm going to address everything they say (regardless of fallaciousness, because they truly cannot fathom the prospect of their 'community being filled with pedophiles) in a simple text post that you can screenshot and share easily. Let's start with some common arguments: THE FICTION VERSUS REALITY ARGUMENT Immediately, anybody can notice that this is a fallacious generalization and a red herring. How does it generalize? It's very simple: it boils down pieces of art to the equivalent of mere scribbles, insisting that any intended meaning behind said art should be disregarded because it's just a drawing. Yet this leaves some questions: if the art is truly just a drawing, why does it sexually represent a young person, often a little girl, in eastern "maniga" style? Not only that, why is the art in question intended to be arousing to the viewer, and how exactly is it just a drawing at that? A counter argument to this response is often along the lines of "s/he is 1000 years old, it's okay', or it's just a petite (wolman'. This is willfully ignorant, as almost all lolicon' art is obviously intended to represent little girls, boys, sexually. Even if the or even babies artist in question intends for the c character to o be older and and petite, this completely ignores the fact that using a histoncally minor-like design model sexually, even with a "confirmed age, does not matter. The art is a representation of what appears to be a minor, and thus is a result of the artist's perverseness. Canonizing' ages does not matter when the character looks like a child. Let me be clear: fiction MEANS something. Even if you say it's just a drawing, said drawings still have meaning. Denying so is ignorant. THE AD HOMINEM ARGUMENT When I refer to the ad hominem argument, I refer to a personal attack targeting the individual making the argument, usually stating things like 'you're the real pedophile, see this list' or 'you are supportive of [insert political/social ideology or movement), you can't be talking', or 'nice try hypocrite, but [insert media piece] that you like was created by a lolicon) First off, these arguments are entirely fallacious, more specifically, they are genetically fallacious. You are not addressing the person's argument but rather their character, avoiding the subject of the argument all together, also making it a red herring Attack the argument, not US THE LEGALITY ARGUMENT Many lolicons will use the excuse it's legal so it's fine' in argument when being called out. This is deflection. For the sake of argument, we'll be using the United States in this argument, as most lolicons (and weeaboos in general) are based in the States. Even if we disregard the fallacy in the lolicon's argument, lolicon is NOT legal in the US The PROTECT act, a decades-old bill calling for the criminalization of fictional child porn, was indeed repealed. HOWEVER, under 18 U.S. Code 1466A, fictional CP is categorized under "obscene content, and is thus considered ILLEGAL to produce, distribute, receive, or possess WITH THE CONDITION that it lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value in all 50 states. Historically, this is mostly unenforced, but isolated incidents where people have been prosecuted for possession, usually tacked onto other charges related to real CP, have occurred. [https www.law.comell.edu/uscode/text/18/14664] Thus, every part of this fallacious argument is debunked, including the apparent "factual" parts. THE DO-NO-HARM/OUTLET AND MISDIRECTION ARGUMENTS These three arguments are perhaps the strongest-looking arguments on this list, and any uneducated person may fall due to them. Their one caveat, however, is yet again the fact that THEY ARE ENTIRELY FALLACIOUS and rely on moral stances in order to trick their opponents into believing that they are 'virtuous' or 'moral. The Do-No-Harm and outlet arguments are very similar in that they do not deny the pedophilia of lolicon content specifically They can be distinguished by their obvious usage, however. The do-no-harm argument alleges that lolicon content is harmless, and can be consumed freely without real-life consequence, reinforcement or effects. This is false, as lolicon, an arousing form of media, reinforces the viewers pedophilic desires, which will amplify their desire for it. Pomography is different for the fact that it unhealthily activates chemical receptors, a system called tolerance. The more you tolerate the content, the more 'spicy' you want the content to be Lolicon, which is already on a higher level than regular pornography, is no exception to this, and actively reinforces and encourages pedophilic fantasies, with themes of rape, incest, blatant pedophilia, and abuse. To say that it is harmless is ignorant The outlet argument alleges that lolicon can be used as an outlet to prevent real CSA or CSAM possession, which is also ignorant. Reinforcing pedophilic desires does NOT prevent them from turning into more; it encourages it. This phenomenon is called the res reinforcement effect, as described prior One other argument I'd like to address is a red herring argument that compares lolicon to video games. As stated before, pomography is unique, video games and violence have been discussed at length and have proven no link to real violence other than non-violent aggression regarding the game itself. The two subjects are different, and comparing the two using the same logical standpoint is fallacious. CONCLUSION Lolicon is a pedophilic genre of eastern media that must be treated like what it is drawn child pornography meant to arouse the viewer and encourage pedophilia. Lolicon defenders use fallacies, contradictions, and personal attacks to create the image to see of a convincing argument, all while blatantly endorsing pedophilia in their own spaces. Certain arguments from this essay have been left out; all of them ridicious, irrelevant, or false If you are a legal adult and have a a fantasy desire children sexually sexually and/or have have intercourse with them, then you should immediately get help from a trusted therapist. If you chose to to ignore my arguments, my warmings and my predictions, then I recommend you to kill ourself by any means possible using the guide at titles/sanctioned suiciske.net/threads/suicide:resource-compilation.. This is not because I am sadistic, it is because I would like you to face Christ at the pearly gates while he lists every sin, every heresy that you have committed and for you to slowly watch as heaven fades away, only to be greeted by Hell, where you will burn for your sins for the rest of your etermal existence.