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i think that's enough for the bmt joke, bmt soyjak oc is no longer getting made and it could potentially get this site in trouble 
though i have yet to receive any warning from this registrar, i want to make sure they have absolutely nothing to report against this site in the following months
Replies: >>3636
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I used to like BMT a lot however the only people that post it now are unfunny safe edgy nusois like >>>/b/3833 >>>/b/3836 >>>/b/3840 >>>/b/3842 >>>/b/3864
I wholeheartedly support your decision,Skaj
Replies: >>3624
rulecucking and samefagging like lute isn't gonna make this place less of a dnb lol.
Replies: >>3618
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like i said i don't post here without a capcode and i couldn't care less about the activity

if i want to samefag, you'd see me necrobumping loli threads and posting loli porn all day like lute posting furry porn 

next year is very important for this site therefore i don't want it to be ruined by some shitty bmt videos
Replies: >>3622 >>3686
🥱 it's the same story every single time with these "unrulecucked" websites.
Replies: >>3623
You can just go back shartynegroid
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Funny,  I just found my other external hard drive that has all my other BMT on it.

Too bad you won't get to see it, you obsessed nigger.
Replies: >>3625
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Replies: >>3626
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Replies: >>3628
that's not how the filename is named
This was always a tranny website and skikejos is the biggest faggot in the world that will kill himself soon enough


Replies: >>3630
you still here? jailbait isn't banned but you lose your board for posting cp on my site

what's so tranny about it?
Replies: >>3631
You will never change the world, nor anybody's opinion. You have no charisma, you have no compelling arguments, you have no concept of nuances. You are an easily impressionable autist twisted by debate club redditry into a crude mockery of a messianic figure.

Your hobby is imageboards, the lowest form of approval seeking for loud niggers with <90 IQ who want to seem intelligent. You lack the brainpower to take on actually complex fields of knowledge, because you are a female-brained cuck obsessed with muh people and muh social issues, just like the women and troons you hate so much. 

You will never be a moral authority on anything. You have a savior complex, but you will never save anyone. "Doing your part" won't ever have a significant effect on anyone else's life.

Your pattern detection skills are not a display of intelligence. Literally all humans, even troons, are born with this skill. Pointing out things only makes your fellow echo chamber redditards seethe loudly in their hugbox, but the world will not change because of your keyboard activism.

You will never kill a single nigger or kike in your life. You don't have the balls to pull the trigger.
You claim that niggers deserve to be dominated by whites because they are dumber, but when kikes dominate you, you cope and seethe.
You're not even white.
Replies: >>3632
lol wut?
at least you didn't post cp this time
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you probably would delete the whole site if i made you a janny
Replies: >>3644
>>3613 (OP) 
It's finally over...
So ar0e you going to also remove all BMT posts that were put on this site up until now? I just want a little clarification
Replies: >>3637
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banning bmt is like losing a toy as a child to me 
but trust me i have my reasons
Replies: >>3638
My theory is you got scared after the domain got lost, even though you went through like 3 different domains without caring. You probably always hated watching bmt, but this way the swedishfails don't get to take credit for getting it banned.
Replies: >>3639 >>3640
yes you're correct sharty's domain is one of the reasons
I know the actual reason why skakyos banned it and it’s not that
But I won’t unveil anything
Replies: >>3641 >>3643
Spill the sauce.
I don't see any reason to keep it concealed since obsessed swinnycucks are no longer interfering with this place as far as I know
You can just give "moving" procuration you know. And admin can see the whole log of all posts that has been deleted or moved by janny and can restore them in instant if he wants to. How incompetent are you? Not that I want to be a janny of this dnb website whose admin is a shitskin faggot anyway.


Replies: >>3646
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yes i never ran an imageboard before and i know nothing about coding, i admitted it in the very beginning

you on the other hand probably know nothing about webhosting, which is why you couldn't stop talking about hosting cp
Replies: >>3647
You're still obsessed with "hosting cp" boogeyman narrative?


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thread is locked because it's gonna end up like one of those slapfights between me and cp spammer(s) 
i still have no idea what you want but just you know that i don't like you because you post cp on my site
2025 is important (or something) because sk*yjos wants to compete with reddit
what joke
we hate tree rats seriously
Replies: >>3692
the joke is sharty blaming their own problems on jarty, such as discord, zoosadism and pedophilia

early days of was exactly what sharty tried to make jarty to be, but i think i had enough with bmt or animal abuse in general
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