what's wrong with tranny.fail zoomies? they come to this website and all their posts are about nigger penises and when you check on their website it's all troon or homo porn along with soyjak self inserts aka newfaggotry
>>4038 catchan underage thirdie autist LOL just how dark is your skin
buckbroken by chillyGODS
>>3786 what's the chilly? is that how tranny.fail is called now or a new dead shitskin splinter?
>>3787 lurk moar
>>3785 there's more than 1 cp poster here nigger
>>3789 meds, its all the 30 year old russoid samefagging
>>3790 tsmt kek
>>3788 no im not giong to lurk on spaces for little nigglets
>>3792 newfag cope