add these >rule 1: Posting or linking to content that violates US law is forbidden >rule 2: You must be 18 or older to browse this website and then give a 3 year ban to the spammer because he is most likely 15
>>598 OP here please ignore this thread i don't actually want any rules added
>>83 why are we following mutt laws doe?
>>601 because they are the moral authority in the west, sadly
and also because they have the glowies at their service
>>602 >>603 this website is israeli THOUGH
>>599 oh well i just discovered that skajyos added the first rule >>604 keyed
>>605 > rip this is the website's circumcision.
>>606 to be fair you can't expect an imageboard to allow 'p and botspam is annoying
>>601 This. CSAM and BMT is legal in Ukraine.
>>607 Fuck rules. Keep the botspam rule on but dnb, bmt and 'p is equally the same shock content no different than gore. Just because you goon to either doesn't make it somehow worse than another.