>Slopjaks isn't fun for anyone, it's not fun to poster, it's not fun to post, it's not mocking anyone, it's not fun to look at them in place where it is posted nor is fun for the place it tries portrays, it's just legitimately cancer that drove the last oldGODS from jarty elsewhere and that only 11 years old brownoid children from shitholes may find fun to post. It's essentially low effort spam that just fill up space and makes people feel bored to look at catalog. People don't even care to make fun ai songs nor funny edits like with fnf pedonigger anymore, at best it portray that the user is seething when he's posting slopjak or spam. It's only perfect for trash board that is /lgbt/.
>I still believe we need an welcome place for oldfag jakking community that would feel comfy, slow and calm, like what sootism LARP jarty tried to be. I don't see anything bad with jarty banners, they show oldgod culture back when it wasn't all about drama and obsession.
>Pretty sure all the mature audience is long ago fed up with slopshit and why they completely left the "soysphere" and ((( "sharty culture" ))). You can ask the original lita posted who you defended when he comes online and I bet he would say the same.
>Shartoid soyniggers were and still are obsessed with jarty even after it's death, they still shit up sharty catty with unfunny sloptrash in blue-black t-shirt. It doesn't really need this site to exist for them to seethe, if anything you fuel their sense.of pride especially if you don't fight back - and that's how exactly the jarty got bullied to submission. First lute got bent toward sharty migrants who demanded lita ban, then lute overall closed the site since sharty raiders who spammed slopshit drove the last oldgods to shemmy or chudwin. If you don't fight back and make the place welcoming to the users who would actually like to use it, they will just go elsewhere including the last lita posters.
>But didn't you wanted to revive THE Jarty? Original idea behind jarty was to revive the sootist epoch, back when site was still obscure and slow. These banners aren't as much "le funny" as they are calm and feel welcoming
>Soot = symbol of free speech, not just le admin. Back in early 2021 you could post BMT on sharty, you could post photos of cute half-naked girls and nobody gave a fuck.
>Freedom of speech is part of the original Jarty spirit. These banners are nostalgic reminder of the OLD Jarty, as they been all made around 2022. I would like the place to feel authentic to original thing, rather than just being a parody of itself, let alone allowing shartoid troons feel jubilant by mocking this place, let it influence it with le report threats or turn in to a punching bag like during lute.
>Bro I explicitly highlighted OLD jarty, as in the original one back when:
>1) /b/ had general with nothing but BMT collection.
>2) open pedophiles came to jarty about how they want to rape and matty irl children and posted very suggestive webms of little girls kissing
>3) gore, troon mutilation and dnb posts were everywhere.
>Sure you can have your foodist utopia here, but another good thing was about OLD jarty is ability to create personal safe space boards with self regulation and you could become janny of that little board to keep it look polished and board theme/niche uncorrupted. Being able to create AnCap microstates with minor rules related to that tiny board where you become tiny monarch is part of freedom of speech libertypill, freedom of association is part of First Amendment.
>Let me try to explain it slowly so it doesn't get misunderstood. Having a full freedom of speech shitposting board is all good and dandy, but if it becomes the ONLY meta of the website, then nobody will use it, and because here will be nobody to bait then all the shitposter foodists will move elsewhere as well. And how can we attract userbase if all we ever see is spam and unfunny ugly slopjaks? Even if you make this unironic website pedo utopia with 'p allowed, most pedos won't post here since they will be driven off by spam.
>I strongly believe we need a space haven for oldDEITIES who just nostalgic about old times of jaking. Now that both afterparty.soy and jarty are dead, 4chan/qa/ is locked, yet both sh*rty, shoally and svinnyfail are literally unusable, it's perfect opportunity to create for them the old, original /qa/ board that would feel welcome. Maybe create the /jak/ board for them, or turn the current /soy/ in to that so it feels welcome, and the old jarty banners for that board would feel most warm. Maybe just create /jarty/ board for them. I just want high quality human capital userbase to return, not just be filled with shitskin spastic seething obsessed toddlers that can't create anything for shit or bots.