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You should unironically consult the codders of kohlchan and catchan. Use text only metaboard of catchan and consult El Silvador, he's often online and willing to help with coding.
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Why don't you want to moving host though?
The bmt was legal on sharty in 2021 though, don't be more rulecucked than sharty plz
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This is why I suggested the adult version of onohosting, it can allow bmt, muslim fucking goats, pajeet fucking cows and they don't care about 'p either.

Please don't say clear "no" just yet, let's get more experience with the host you're currently using and polish the website first. 

By polish I mean get imageboard look more organised and complete. I like the way oldsharty did look, you had multiple painting options, not just tegaki, which allowed to quickly edit any image you attempt to upload or even the ones you copied online. There was also embed window for youtube links and other video hosting services, these retards broke it now so it doesn't work. I also would like increase of host maximum capacity at least to 200 like on old krautchan. The more the better, you could then archive long videos like TGSNT and YTP videos of the past. The top page with boards also could look more polished, especially for mobile phones, by decreasing size of board font.

I don't want to overwhelm you though, but these things is something that would make board look more gemmy. Please don't give up on this place to grow great, more than just "yet another soyjak splinter of one niche only".
Oh don't guilt trip us by implying that all we are obsessed with is da cp.
I am just nostalgic for old internet. The old 4chan had /l/ board - loli, it was mostly meant for lolicon but it allowed to host actual little girls and "cp" there, then portion of the userbase migrated to /tv/ and other created 8chan. I want liveleaks back, I want 8chan back, I want times when you're not moderated and spied everywhere, both outside and online.
Catchan community would for sure, portion of kohlchanners too but mostly catchan. You should ask on their private session or clearnet text-only board.
Umm skajyos, I think it's time you spank some these soytoddlers
Obviously there should be spam prevention, like if you post same long shit in a row. Also having option to enable visible id of the poster like you can do on sharty is gemmy idea, the id remains visible even if you switch proxy as you'd have to clean cache every time otherwise (means their shitty spam text will also be gone).
Also add filter that automatically hides all posts that are copy of another, or very similar to previous with a few characters characters changed
>>854 has some polished version of filter where you can add repeated texts, and if anybody will spam exactly the same shit over and over it will just remove all the spamposts for you.
Spamming is pretty lame as it wipes the catty and makes it hard to look for genuine posts within spam, especially if you use overboard to look for new posts, but I guess it can be fine on /b/ while other boards should be more polished imho.
Sharty culture is gay, spamming too much just makes the place unusable and you unable to find actually active threads
Some features needs to be done for overboard search filter, like it hides all the posts that just looks alike or exactly the same so you can see posts past the spam that were made prior it.
I am probably gonna be hated for what I am about to say, but perhaps you should install kikeflare and activate it whenever you go to sleep to prevent botspam, unless you find better way to banish flood in some singular thread.
Call it /fag/ or /degen/ to move all cancer shitbthere
Sharty culture is gay bro, it will just drive off newcomers since the board is slow enough and isn't moderated.

No need lgbt board as this site will be flooded with literal deranged mentally ill subhumans and hurtcore troons. It should be as containment board and nothing beyond that tbh, so a /degen/ or /fag/ board for degenerate fetishes and deviant faggots is more fitting.

There is nothing wrong with containment boards because that means everyone gets their safespace.
This, all the spam should be moved there
TSMT, move all furshit, troons, faggy sissy shit, racemixing porn and futaniggers there as well
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Have you read some of the gems that these retarded schoolboy deranged schizos post there?
>Back on course, I have an inkling that this jarty splinter (jasy) may be connected to a pedophile ring of some kind. Two pedos in the cunny thread on /b/ are able to chat with each other privately, which is definitely a red flag. The roblox groomer could be associated with a larger group of pedos on the service.

Thank you, now you can lock it.
Skajyos, I have an idea. Now that you used unique banner for /lita/, what if you use unique banned for all the boards? The rest of boards could use genuine banners from the jarty, or at least /soy/ (and perhaps /b/). The j*rtyCVCK slopjak meme banners could be reserved exclusively for /lgbt/.
These are official jarty banners, you can use them for soy and b, while keeping jartycucks current ones for lgbt
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They are so fucking mind broken with their hopeless obsession about us...
Slopjaks are self-degrading cuckoldry that won't make this place feel welcome. These jarty banners at least mild, calm and comfy in a non-sperg way. They could be more welcome on /soy/ at very least.
Slopjaks isn't fun for anyone, it's not fun to poster, it's not fun to post, it's not mocking anyone, it's not fun to look at them in place where it is posted nor is fun for the place it tries portrays, it's just legitimately cancer that drove the last oldGODS from jarty elsewhere and that only 11 years old brownoid children from shitholes may find fun to post. It's essentially low effort spam that just fill up space and makes people feel bored to look at catalog. People don't even care to make fun ai songs nor funny edits like with fnf pedonigger anymore, at best it portray that the user is seething when he's posting slopjak or spam. It's only perfect for trash board that is /lgbt/.

I still believe we need an welcome place for oldfag jakking community that would feel comfy, slow and calm, like what sootism LARP jarty tried to be. I don't see anything bad with jarty banners, they show oldgod culture back when it wasn't all about drama and obsession.
Pretty sure all the mature audience is long ago fed up with slopshit and why they completely left the "soysphere" and ((( "sharty culture" ))). You can ask the original lita posted who you defended when he comes online and I bet he would say the same.

Shartoid soyniggers were and still are obsessed with jarty even after it's death, they still shit up sharty catty with unfunny sloptrash in blue-black t-shirt. It doesn't really need this site to exist for them to seethe, if anything you fuel their sense.of pride especially if you don't fight back - and that's how exactly the jarty got bullied to submission. First lute got bent toward sharty migrants who demanded lita ban, then lute overall closed the site since sharty raiders who spammed slopshit drove the last oldgods to shemmy or chudwin. If you don't fight back and make the place welcoming to the users who would actually like to use it, they will just go elsewhere including the last lita posters.
What exactly wrong with them?
But didn't you wanted to revive THE Jarty? Original idea behind jarty was to revive the sootist epoch, back when site was still obscure and slow. These banners aren't as much "le funny" as they are calm and feel welcoming.
Soot = symbol of free speech, not just le admin. Back in early 2021 you could post BMT on sharty, you could post photos of cute half-naked girls and nobody gave a fuck.
Freedom of speech is part of the original Jarty spirit. These banners are nostalgic reminder of the OLD Jarty, as they been all made around 2022. I would like the place to feel authentic to original thing, rather than just being a parody of itself, let alone allowing shartoid troons feel jubilant by mocking this place, let it influence it with le report threats or turn in to a punching bag like during lute.
Bro I explicitly highlighted OLD jarty, as in the original one back when:
1) /b/ had general with nothing but BMT collection.
2) open pedophiles came to jarty about how they want to rape and matty irl children and posted very suggestive webms of little girls kissing
3) gore, troon mutilation and dnb posts were everywhere.

Sure you can have your foodist utopia here, but another good thing was about OLD jarty is ability to create personal safe space boards with self regulation and you could become janny of that little board to keep it look polished and board theme/niche uncorrupted. Being able to create AnCap microstates with minor rules related to that tiny board where you become tiny monarch is part of freedom of speech libertypill, freedom of association is part of First Amendment.

Let me try to explain it slowly so it doesn't get misunderstood. Having a full freedom of speech shitposting board is all good and dandy, but if it becomes the ONLY meta of the website, then nobody will use it, and because here will be nobody to bait then all the shitposter foodists will move elsewhere as well. And how can we attract userbase if all we ever see is spam and unfunny ugly slopjaks? Even if you make this unironic website pedo utopia with 'p allowed, most pedos won't post here since they will be driven off by spam.

I strongly believe we need a space haven for oldDEITIES who just nostalgic about old times of jaking. Now that both and jarty are dead, 4chan/qa/ is locked, yet both sh*rty, shoally and svinnyfail are literally unusable, it's perfect opportunity to create for them the old, original /qa/ board that would feel welcome. Maybe create the /jak/ board for them, or turn the current /soy/ in to that so it feels welcome, and the old jarty banners for that board would feel most warm. Maybe just create /jarty/ board for them. I just want high quality human capital userbase to return, not just be filled with shitskin spastic seething obsessed toddlers that can't create anything for shit or bots.
And if other litaposters feels the same as me, will that change a thing?
I think you completely missed the point of my messages. Having place of self-cuckolding won't be getting new genuine users and instead will attract offsiters just to shit on this place, botspam it and they will fuck off to their regular shitholes after each raid - basically using this site as toilet to shit on whenever they feel like. Self-degrading place will force either every poster who decides to stay to be ironic poster or become stolkholm syndrome cuck like lute who just bent toward whims of offsiters rather than caring for old established community that left after lute bent over to offsiters and offsiters never meant to stay here anyway as their goal was just to whine.

You're essentially repeating the same mistakes the old jarty did, you allow it to be a punching bag for offsiters, you don't fight or defend this place original principles and it's userbase by allowing offsiters to shape the image of this site for you. This is how old jarty died, lute allowed the site to be raided non-stop with cancerous shit that drove the last users off elsewhere because they ACTUALLY had self-esteem and didn't want to remain in the shithole swamp of slopjaks that was jarty in its last months of it's lifetime. Unless you turn their mockery against them, replace fnf pedonigger with fnf pedoaryan, just like how 4chan/pol/ turned leftypol's "le pol face" (chud) in a aryan chud; or ignore their mockery all together and just become your own thing, with own culture and meta unrelated to their bullshit boogeyman image, then they will win and users of this site will feel insulted, feel uncared and unwelcome and will just left.

I don't want to convince you if you don't want to listen. If anyone else, besides me and bots, used this site - they would tell you exactly the same thing. I am genuinely trying to make this place to look presentable than being a dumpsterfire cesspool for offsiters, and I am trying to help you with your site, I don't want to just go against your ideals either. I feel sorry for old jarty and what dumbass cuck the lute was for not defending it and it's users, but instead kneeling to the bitching from shitskins who had impression about jarty from the strawman boogeyman they created and convinced themselves. Is this site just a strawman boogeyman personification? Then it will be as dead as jarty was in its last month of life.
Line spam wasn't allowed on all boards. Sure you can allow shitting up /b/, maybe /soy/ even, but at least genuine seriousfag threads needs to have their safespace boards to look presentable, otherwise the place will look like shit and nobody will use it. Even started to ban raids and spam of threads because that made the place look like shit and started to drove users away. A website with as much freedom of speech you can get nowadays that allows DNB and BMT even, where you're allowed to falseflag as pedophile and pretend to be one, had resorted to banish spammers in their containment threads so the place look more presentable and catalog more diverse and interesting to look at.

Nobody want to use this site if it gets shitted up and nothing is being done about it, no genuine users want to use the site that makes fun of them by self-degrading as it makes them feel like self-disrespecting cuckolds punching bags. Even litaposter left, it seems I am completely alone here with you. Both me and lita poster agreed that it's better for this site and overall the jarty legacy if it distances itself from le ((( sharty culture ))) and overall "soysphere", leaving soyjaks to be more of a ironic niche rather than whole purpose of the site, or at best leaving a safe space haven for oldGODS so they finally have place where they can be in peace away from modern sharoid xitter shitskins migrants.

It's pretty arrogant of you to say that all what I say will just make this website "a safe space for you only" when I am indeed the only one person who left here and try to help you to make this website to be welcome for far more people, ESPECIALLY people who don't feel welcome anywhere else, including the people who miss the original sharty culture - which is a complete opposite of modern sharty culture that is just unfun eben for its users. I fail to see how it's a bad thing to revive the jarty, the GOOD aspect of old true jarty for the jarteens (the true oldfag oldschool jakkers, drawfags and original /qa/ userbase, who were mature white males) who can be finally breath free away from moralfag toddler spergs and have genuine soyduels, jak edits and proper mockery that doesn't just all sound like spastic seething rambling and shitting up board, who could feel welcome for once.

The "it's just da jooooooooke" excuse doesn't help this place be populated. Do you really want this website to be exactly that - the joke? Just like jarty was the pathetic joke it's last 5 or so months of it's existence when it got raided by shitskin to spam slopjak spam? Look, the least thing I want this place is to be rulecvcked, but it doesn't even have established community, established culture and catalog that isn't just spam. Currently it's in desperate state of actually of getting protection from spam and polishing the boards to have definitive boards themes. Any obscure board with very small userbase that allow spam will just turn in to dead nigger baby that will drove off the very last usersbase that left, deeming it completely abandoned website. Once it gets at very least 50 pph (that aren't spam), then you may loosen some linespam and slopjak spam rules on /b/ and /soy/ so long it isn't just thread spam to wipe the catty.
What I demanded you to remove? I just suggest you to have a more welcoming place, the one that doesn't make you feel like stolkholm syndrome cuck who says "YES, SHIT ALL OVER ME MORE SHARTYGODS". Banners is something that only you can enforce, it's not a part of free speech but your exclusive monarchist totalitarian command.

And I suggested to have ability to create boards by users, and said users to become respective moderators of these places so the board remain on topic.

How any of it contradict your free speech policy?
What about sharty banners then? I just want the oldgods to have a home. I still fail to see how that is a bad thing, how having a comfy nostalgic warm banners that aren't just "le funny" is so appalling to you.
Yeah, it should be allowed for these wgo gained trust imho.
Maybe board creation can be allowed only one per day per ip range that isn't tor node or vpn and be hidden unless multiple people will use it that aren't just different vpns.
Can you create /lg/ or /cat/ and make me lil mod on that containment board please?
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I want them to be collected, archived and preserved for future generations. They won't be just sent there, just saved and kept in safety and protection from shartyfags
It will be like museum of cute little girls
Cuteness Appreciation Temple
Children and Teens/Toddlers
Cunny and ToTs
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>Cuteness Appreciation Temple
Good idea.
tsmt, skoot need to be intolerant to spam and banish all this garbage including slopjaks to /lgbt/
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>another offsiter spam happens, unregulated and isn't moved to niggerhell /lgbt/
>everyone left afterwards with no posts being made for more than an hour 
Because I didn't had enough evidence being correct in what I am talking about.
Tsmt. It's a sad state of a website if skajyos allow subhuman shartoids to triumph, let alone encourage such behaviour.
Also it was spam, not just "necrobump".
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>or a 2pph public toilet
Kek this, made me lol aloud, then kinda got sad
>maybe it wouldn't be so dead if you started replying whatever threads you wanted to reply instead of complaining about the rules
I am replying to every post I am mentioned. Nobody replies to me in back because everyone is left, even anti-pedos.
>if i removed the necrobumps you don't like then this site would be even more rulescucked than both and
Nobody ask you to remove necrobumps, we ask you to remove the spam and there is obvious difference between the two. Please stop being retarded for your own sake.
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Finally, skajyos ascended. RuleGODS won. Just have two simple rules:
1) no spam more than 3 of same posts, no excessive nevrobumps with long ass messages
2) no illegal posts under USA laws
Rule 2 isn't forced.
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Skajyos, now move all the faggot spammers to their "respective" board and cleanse the brapping of the shitskin above. Perhaps give them a bit of spanking with 3 day ban. Accelerate it to 3 years ban if same ip repeats it.
Yeah I don't think they will have any reason not to spam the website afterwards unless they get some kind of punishment, or the whole active community migrate to /lita/ unless spam will be too much again.
i don't know what you're talking about but i'm not seeing anything wrong on the graphs
he's just a swinnycuck script kiddie trying to intimidate you
>/Users/dobkun/MHDDoS/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
holy fail
seems like it's not working very well
dobkun what kind of shitskin name is that?
Are you therealdobkun on xitter? If so kys third world retard
skajyos please never shut this website down
this is so fucking hilarious and entertaining now
This is why we suggested to try onohosting adult version, they allow pretty much any kimd of explicit content, be that porn or bmt
Replies: >>1872
no i would never use cloudflare
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i'll pay you $100 a month to get on ddosguard in the worst case scenario
Replies: >>1873
Litaposter, is that you?
What did you not understand you retarded nigger
It's the exact same
Fix your third worlder internet retard
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looks fine to me
holy shit this nigger is retarded
just get off the internet bro
Leaked ips award
that's my host ip
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Skajyosxisters, what is this?
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i would have to print out a jartycuck mask first
that's language selection
You're russian? You don't get to select language between russian and English only.
How do I pull the email associated with a GitHub commit
Replies: >>1874
so jarty 2 is rulecucked now
just make a tor splinter at this point and allow everything
i have an idea that >>1077 gave me
if it's only the domain who makes you rulecuck, maybe you could make a non-rulecucked board that's only accessible by direct ip
and if you access via you get 404
Trvke. Or experiment with eastern domains and proxies.
Replies: >>1902
>Le "free speech imageboard"
>bans sharty saving gems
>allow raid, linespam, slopshit
Maybe you're brown afterall.
Replies: >>1876
There is plenty of indian, ukrainian and other domains that don't care for any mind of content, be that bmt, war jeaks, drug purchase, csam or plans to kill president.
Replies: >>1877
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One can't exist without the other, retard. Anything that is labelled as "illegal" by the state already violates first amendment.
Replies: >>1878 >>1879
that was all he did
nothing else changed
He just wanted to retire from getting new proxies and moderate the board full of inner metadrama, there is still onion btw
it's possible you just need to spend way more money and time kek
because it's banned and it's like 10 years ago where you'd see candydoll shit all over forums but this isn't 2010, sorry
Rip, svinnispergs will stop being obsessed with this place as I will leave to my "pedo ring" or however they dilate their nuclitty
Stop expecting skajyos to host jailbait lol. Although non-nude isn't illegal it's still headache inducing to host
Replies: >>1882 >>1884
did you know that we used to have a real cp board on bulletproof hosting
but even they had to shut down after a few days kek
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The site will be dnb in no time when all ironic/non-ironic pedos will leave and offsiters will have no reason to seethe about. You could expect some shartoidtroon to falseflag as pedo, but they are unironically braindead low iq shitskin spergs who will think mere entering this website will report them to FBI.
Skajyos refused to make a safe haven home for old calm mature jarteens and other /qa/ oldfags under excused of muh free speech and that it would make this place be rulecvcked, yet rulecvcked the only thing that made this place fun and unique that made soytoddlers perpetually seethe in their containment boards. This website ran it's course, it's over...
What website it is? I saw 'p on indian chan not being removed. So I believe whatever domain and host that isn't cuck to USA can allow to host anything, even if it will be wiped off google search like
it doesn't exist anymore
Because old jarty allowed cp to be hosted, sure nigger.
Replies: >>1883 >>1904
Nigger post on kohlchan if you wanna goon or however the jarty jaks it
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Kohl is german site doe, though it makes normgroids seethe.
didn't we have a sharty version of this gem too?
Lmao what is this
Sharty is literally safehaven subreddit for xitter leftie troons, they even censored HALF naked fucking cartoon adult characters.
Replies: >>1885
>It's basically Pinterest but more for beach fashion
Replies: >>1886
i remember it now. it was during the christmas theme with some boomer who was too confused to post.
What quiz is she even doing lmao
No idea, but this is clear video evidence that old foids need a good beating, or sent to Africa half naked without any means of survival to teach them a life lesson to snap their entitled snarky attitude of first worlder spoiled scum.
Can someone explain who hosted that site? When was that? What is the website is about and was it meant to be s splinter of sharty?
>using skid tools from ((( github )))
kill yourself retarded faggot
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nice, i see you rulecucked your userbase because you listened to a bunch of underagefag raiders speaking in unironic eubonics
skajyos just switch hoster like the hebesGOD suggested you 1000 times
>i'm not planning on changing host in the next few months
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>i also replaced the banners with some less insulting ones (but not so funny), >>890 thanks for your feedback and hopefully you're now more comfortable with using this site
Thank you for listening to our feedbacks for once, Skajyos! I really appreciate this gesture.
Yes, the new banners are obviously better as they feel more welcome to the community than raiders, and they are pretty fitting with the website theme, not to mention much more pleasant to look at.
Skajyos... if you're still there, I am sorry for the spam, and I am resolving my obsessed and arrogant behavior. I was the "obsessed raider" you IP wiped, and I would like my IP ban on the booru to be lifted; after that, I will not do anything bad to your property ever again.
I have come to realize that there are controversial things in this world that are beyond anyone's reach as well as my own reach. No one can truly save the whole world from racism or pedophilia. Actions against them only create seethe and hurt from both sides, and a complete waste of time.
Therefore, I would like to spend time on my own and become more secluded on the internet. I promise that I'm never going to come back here or even the rest of the Soysphere or perhaps social media as a whole, for I understand that whatever I do that may appear noble turns out to be completely foolish.
Live your life well and in peace, Skajyos. Nothing can truly hold you back from achieving anything that you envision.
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>Skajyos... if you're still there, I am sorry for the spam, and I am resolving my obsessed and arrogant behavior. I was the "obsessed raider" you IP wiped, and I would like my IP ban on the booru to be lifted; after that, I will not do anything bad to your property ever again.
>I have come to realize that there are controversial things in this world that are beyond anyone's reach as well as my own reach. No one can truly save the whole world from racism or pedophilia. Actions against them only create seethe and hurt from both sides, and a complete waste of time.
>Therefore, I would like to spend time on my own and become more secluded on the internet. I promise that I'm never going to come back here or even the rest of the Soysphere or perhaps social media as a whole, for I understand that whatever I do that may appear noble turns out to be completely foolish.
>Live your life well and in peace, Skajyos. Nothing can truly hold you back from achieving anything that you envision.
your ban on the booru has been lifted 

i didn't delete my posts because i wanted to hide "evidence", you've got nothing on me anyway. i did it only because writing/reading pointless meta drama reminds me of old jarty, and i hate old jarty so i deleted every pointless meta post made by me

and i really have nothing else to say to you because i'm not sure if you even like this site or not
Last edited by admin
Create /cat/ for irl girls catalogue plz
anyone else want this? keep in mind that no jailbait no sexualized content (nude or non-nude)
Calling pedophilia a crime is calling God's creation a crime, it's a netral state that doesn't bother you. Literally kill yourself.
It's hard to know what jailbait is when even most lgs content is from Instagram, so how to separate girl doing lewd dance on Instagram (normie clearnet popular website) to girls doing same dances but recorded in japan studio that is still legal there?

I have seen images on runet that are borderline "cp", including naked girls that been up to years and you can't report them. I have seen naked little girls on Instagram (chest all naked) that hasn't been deleted either. What host do you use? The Russian one doesn't care for this stuff, nor live leaks tier cruelty.
Replies: >>1889 >>1894
Don't delete of these boards, hobby boards like /v/ are cool abd it's nice to have them separated from the rest. The /int/ needs memeflags since it's all about countrywars and falseflagging. /lgbt/ is just (human) trash and faggot containment thread

To be honest, I think we really need obligatory /pol/ board for pedochuds safe space. I have plenty of pictures of Hitler among many little girls, including holding and hugging ones that could go well for banner. The Himmler and his loli daughter are also cute.
Yeah good idea, add it
Replies: >>1894
what does /cat/ stand for? a board about irl girls could easily attract feds attention and porkbun just received csam reports weeks ago
you should keep the content as tame as possible and let me to judge 
better make 1 file per post since jschan isn't like vichan where you can selectively delete files

idk seems like another dead board like /int/ to me, why not just use shaty's /pol/ or even they never did ban "ironic" pedo jokes did they?
Replies: >>1892 >>1893 >>1894
>what does /cat/ stand for?
It's just a reference to -you know what- place that used to have clearnet girl collection catalog, and I think they choose cat because cats are cute and wholesome.
Then people came with "Cuteness Appreciation Thread", so we can just have Cuteness Appreciation Temple board dedicated to catalog some most popular and most beautiful lgs there been, mostly from instagram. Can also stand for Cunny and ToT. 
Botted, shitskins, trumptard votecuck election tourists, trannyjannies that delete any mention of aoc lowering/removing (also delete any abrahamic exposure and critique against jew media/achooling, despite leaving racemixing and bbc threads), not to mention 15 min wait to post, lack of vpn and tor support.
Rulecucked shithole that allow 'lita but admins are shitskins that ban for simple saying "yes, and?" whenever some faggot calls you a pedo for no reason. Also no politics ever discussed there, just endless metadrama and countrywars, never politics or news. It doesn't need to be super alive board, just board to seriousfag discussion, news articles about recent events or wallposting your ideas/manifesto.
Oh I misread. Shartypol is such a shithole that chudwin and chudpolru was created to begin with. The captcha, rangebans for something you never did, rulecucked worse than 4chan and even reddit. It's so bad no one even bait there.
ok i can make /cat/ as long as you don't post explicit stuff there 

does anyone else want /pol/ though? i think we've had enough dead boards already >>1478
Replies: >>1927
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i want /cat/ but i don't want /pol/ AT ALL
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idk why not just post your /pol/ stuff on /b/? we already had like 2 boards about kids
Replies: >>1895
/b/ feels like shitpost, seething and raiders honeypot. The "/pol/" is a more slow, yet seriousfag board separated from the rest, so people may come there to discuss something with numerous big wallposting, something that they could use for future reference in their discussions, while keep it as containment board so it doesn't bother other anons much.
Replies: >>1896
does anyone else want /pol/ though? 
and i don't know if calling it /cp/ would be a good idea
Replies: >>1897
I find it kinda funny name, but just news/politics containment board would fine regardless what you call it no matter how dead - a good containment board
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i think it would be gemmy with the amerimutt elections
if it's dead just delete it but only after the kikes have picked who is going to run the jewnited states for the next 4 years
>If it's dead just delete it
I don't want it ever be deleted if some gemmy redpilling wallposting be posted there, like something you can use for future references, have useful links, or just copy and paste the wallposts to defeat same old boring strawman from libtards/chuds. I never understand the hatred of "dead boards", it's not like it hurts anyone having them; at the very worst you csn just hide it.
maybe you're right >>>/pol/ but i think that's enough dead boards for today
Thanks, but perhaps add memeflags for now please?
what meme flags do you want?
not him but at least add these
national socialist
white nationalist
black nationalist
it's the basis
Maybe basic 4pol ones, including the now gone national capitalist, these be enough for now
Replies: >>1898
just copied the ones from 4chan, feel free to suggest if you want more/less
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Replies: >>1899
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Add this please
added also fixed the ratio (80X55px / 16X11px)

since i changed the image hash all the previously posted custom flags are now broken, like 3 of them
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Skaj, are you planning to change domain to .pk?
Catchan used .pk domain before and sirs in pakistan didn't even respond to the reports despite sharty sent like gorillion report to them once. Only finding the correct host may require some efforts.
do i have to use .pk tld or do i just need to find a pakistan registrar? and is still text only 

i was planning on transferring the domain to a russian registrar but surprisingly both the host and registrar are ok with bmt, so i guess i'm not gonna change it anytime soon 

besides there's really nothing much i can do about the domain until december
Replies: >>1900
>and is still text only
The issue was not the domain but the host. The admin just retired from moderating it so he moved the whole thing to onion, there been raid woth ugly cp spam so admin just tired to clean it all up daily.
The russian hosts seem to be the most tolerant to explicit jailbait, on the you can find literally naked girls and you can't even report hosts for that, and russia have plenty of torture/gore videos available to public as well. Silvia didn't want to take legal responsibility and wanted to remain anonymous so he didn't used russian hosts sadly, which is understandable because he's russian himself.
probably would, because people wouldnt be able to run little scripts to detect vulnerabilities unless they wrote it themselves 
but why though
its pretty cool
too bad most solutions nowadays revolve among giving all your security and privacy away to a bossnigger like cloudflare or ddosguard
>now you have a couple of choices, skajyos:
>1. shut down this website, because "rulecvcking" is actually better than an unmoderated website with loli child rape porn and zoophilic animal crushing videos.
>2. selfhost this shitty board using your own webserver, only to get DDOSed by soyGODS
>3. selfdoxx youself to feds and get jailed

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>infertile threats
>seething childish ESL speech
>spam of small messages instead of writing single big one
>begging for attention 
You do sound so... rapeable... *HNNNG*
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Oil up, kid
oh youre on windows lol
ok nevermind
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>newfig doesn't know about I Am 12 And What Is This?
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Rape is based and Aryan.
>b-b-but muh zog laws in cuckistany shitholes!!!
Be above the law. Be THE Law.
Replies: >>1901
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you're so cute
i'll let you sit on my lap and i'll kiss you and i'll fondle your boypenis while you browse the sharty and post your 'jaks
you know porkbun doesn't care about loli and bait, right?
Replies: >>1902
Bro allow us to post adult hebes topless that are totally legal in Sweden
Or heck, any girl topless regardless of age since it's not even considered as 🌊🫛 anywhere in the world
it's not possible with the current host and domain, sorry
Replies: >>1903
Do you want donations? I guess we can help find better host
no i don't need donations and the domain is currently prohibited from transferring, wait till december
Replies: >>1904
Please don't let us jailbait bros down and left us over. I mean bmt is cool but it won't feed our aesthetic needs. If you ever need help with host that allows pretty explicit stuff or doesn't give a shit at all I think I can donate around 200$ in crypto, unless I move on and stop using ibs by December
Replies: >>1904
speaking of sweden, i think the swedish host just shut down nolimitspedia over a joke ("cp endorsement"), though i forgot what the host was called 

like i said i can't transfer the domain until december and i didn't make this site to host jailbait, especially the explicit ones, which is basically csam to my current host whether you like it or not
I must apologise for that faggot who post shitty 0/10 naked mulatto, just know not all jailbait bros are degenerates like him and can respect rules
>i think the swedish host just shut down nolimitspedia over a joke
Yeah they are turbocucked but the aoc there is still 15
Meanwhile you have stuff like this in Japan that is 100% legal, they are called junior idols where very underaged girls do some silly stuff like bouncing on balls or licking phallic objects while being almost half-naked
>i didn't make this site to host jailbait
I know bro but currently it seems we are most active and popular community of this site that try to keep it stay alive, just please don't give up on us in December or completely abandon is all what I'm saying
Replies: >>1905
Bouncing on exercise balls*, or balloons. In case someone get a bit too lewd of an idea
i know japan have some bizarre law when it comes to children but most registrars and hosts there don't accept payments from the west
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Replies: >>1906
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Sorry I had to delete my message, I didn't want this underage faggot to enjoy the show for free, I will repost it soon though. I appreciate that you're at least trying to find compromise with us and look at more liberal hosts, that's a respect worthy behaviour
Ah fuck it, shouldn't allow some little shit to bully us
Please don't hate me skajyos, you can watch this gem and then delete it, just don't ban me. Stuff like this literally advertised, it's not just sold on darknet for crypto, they sell it in public stores on dvds
I am not in to gooks so I won't blame you if you don't enjoy it, just wanted to show how heavily zogged the west compared to east
Skajyos how are you? How was your day? Did you enjoy the brandonposting?
Replies: >>1907
i have no idea who brandon is
>i could change a few colors here and there
just making the colours orange and black is good enough desu
Replies: >>1908
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Just a local meme guy, a guy who's terminally online with long ass metadrama to entertain everyone
Can you answer other questions please?
Skaj do you have steam?
yes i have like 3 accounts and you won't find me by searching "skajyos"
Wpuld you please tell us what kind of games you like at least? Npt quite understand the purpose of 3 accounts, unless you troll in gmod.
Fighting games are pretty gay but I wish you good night if you went to bed
ban evasion 4
skajyos just shut this shithole down GEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGG
Propolon Cyborg Technology [zULTlkImzSI].mp4
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Replies: >>1910
Replies: >>1910
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dear skajyos, watch this video please, UwU
sorry guys this is my pet nigger, he sometimes posts "funny" things like this but he is harmless, he might be annoying sometimes, but he is all heart
Replies: >>1919
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cgctjhhfnsdfhdvyhdhdrgsergnsgsefg ersgrbgvsrgsvvvgsdr
It makes this place looks better to keep actual conversation regarding the topic, easier to browse and easier to read
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I feel pretty sick skajyos, I think I have a fever. Will you wish for me to get well?
I don't ask for a cure, but ask IF you will wish for me to get better
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Selfish little fuck. I hope you will suffer and be tormented for good
I would though? What does it cost for you to leave a positive message online to someone who is suffering?
Cp get
you're acting selfish, apologize to that guy and also admit that he's brought to you a lot of help and suggestions and you are thankful for each of them
OMG skajyos just apologize to this guy, he clearly has problems in his life and you just made it all worse by acting needlessly rude towards him
Maybe you deserve the public hatred as well, kike
Obviously you had some agenda behind it otherwise you wouldn't make it. And don't bullshit me, a lot of people miss ninechan that had pretty much unlimited free speech, hatred of soycucks is like a crown.
You're being needlessly rude skaj
apologize to this dude or it's just going to become an endless slapfight between you and him, similar to slapfight between you and lute, and this is what ruined the jarty. Please don't become lute.2.0
>"because they know i'm an exception and i'm not negotiable like other splinter owners"
>meanwhile kneel before raiders to ban legal jailbait and destroy /cat/
Yeah sure, faggot.
>the raiders would rather report the site to the registrar instead of spamming it
That's my goal retard, I got real tired of your bullshit, dipshit.

No message or files.

>so i changed the name as that raider requested 
So in other words, you being a hypocritical cuck and kneeled before raiders
>after all this time i fought for your rights
Nigger you said countless time that you don't even care for jailbait, that "I never intended to host jailbait", or "csam" as you prudely call it whenever people suggest to allow dancing girls fully clothed. You only ever said you want to allow foodist sadism faggotry like bmt, that's your ever reason to change registrar while not caring at all to change host. Do you think I am an idiot? 
And even if you wanted to ban pedostuff entirely, I suggested few things to make site be more appealing to oldfags and more higher quality posters without rulecucking it, and it all met with contempt.
>you can still post loli and bmt like old sharty and that's enough for me
>and that's enough for me
You contradict your statements, retard. You're an hopeless liar, not better than lute.
these slapfights are so pointless and cancerous
skajyos you're kind of dumb for not just giving up and apologizing to that guy already
you're not going to win the arguement, neither is he, this is just painful to watch
just make peace please
and now you're just insulting him, this isn't gonna help at all
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you are running a mental asylum. you must appease some of your patients or else they can chimp out and make a large mess for you to clean up.
>i'm being respectable as possible
I go through length to popularise this place with different quality posters, not just catchanners, as well as help with whatever I can, including donations and seek the ways to help with other things like the problem with logs you had. I tried fill this place with quality gems on all of the given boards so it doesn't look dead, I tried to give gemmy ideas that many people actually find useful (like less deragotary banners), I responded to every poster so they don't feel alone, I tried to find ways to improve jschan site code, all my efforts were met with contempt. You're an narcissistic psychopath.
>but should i apologize because i said something he didn't want me to say? i think not
Because wishing someone to get well who been always supportive to you will cost you something, dipshit.
but should i stop spamming cp because then registrat will shut down the whole website down for you being a faggot? i think not
>like seriously, try posting half of the shit you post here on any other soyjak imageboard and try not get yourself permabanned
The reason people spam legit csam is because they want place to shut down or damage it, you magnificent idiot. Spamming cp on sharty while ban evading is an old sharty tradition and culture.
Besides, someone suggested that we should distance ourselves from the whole "spysphere", since soyjaking is dead and is an unfunny cancer, I just agreed.
>and don't tell me you never used other soyjak sites, we both know that's a lie
Is this supposed to be an own? I suggested various ways to help this place be welcome to other users than just "pedos", especially old jaking culture, it all met with contempt.
>if you weren't acting so juvenile and aggressive all the time
>aggressive all the time
Aggressive? Oh it's another one of your "everyone I disagree with is that one guy". Totally not mimicking lute and ragefag, not at all. When you banned jailbait and neglected all of my suggestions, I just left for a few days. I only returned when you finally changed banners. I do not EVER talk aggressively myself, I only ever respond to you politely and with respect despite your decision and neglect, even ignored all your insults when you called dancing girls as "csam". I only ever respond aggressively when someone insult me first, and you did that a few times on your own for no reason already. Don't fsbricste the story, faggot.
>fever is the least problem that makes you suffer
The only real problem I have is that I tend to be too nice to despicable dipshits like you, giving them more trust than they deserve.
>I am a psychopath faggot
Good thing I use tor. Enjoy sleep deprivation or shut down website.
Replies: >>1911
most obsessed jartycuck ever award
Replies: >>1911
>jerking off to cp is fine
Nice projection, faggot. Too bad I won't give you new cp, enjoy this trash
>but not caring for people is just way too evil
Literally the medical definition of psychopathy, a trait that lead to expelling from the tribe in the past. Funny how things got upside down when the world got zogged.
Replies: >>1912
>totally not projecting insecurity 
Hahaha faggot, I've been only so protective of you because I felt sorry for you, sorry that you've been accused of shit and hated by so many, both from jarty and all it's splinters. Now I see that's all for a reason. I do NOT wish to be liked by narcissistic self-absorbed psychopath faggot like you.
>like seriously why would anyone post about their
You yourself suggested that people should talk with you on this thread, retard. You weren't even against it.
>would anyone
I've been on your side since beginning, if that's just "anyone" then you can shove cactus up your colon
>why should i care?
Empathy is a common trait within European race. It's something that you can't understand on a genetic level for being a disgenic narcissistic psychopath subhuman.
he's not going to be your anonymous best friend. get over it lol.
>if you felt sorry for me then you wouldn't have complained about how "rulecucked"
I never did complain about it retard, not every single person wanting jailbait is me. All I ever said is that it made site dead, which is a fact as PPD dropped like 4 times. I took your rule it as it is and stopped posting any girl at all for a long time, not saying a word about how is it "unfair". I had some respect for you back then. In fact, I was the one who tried to rationalise that one jailbait cp spammer who kept spamming shitty naked shitskin in attempt to tell him that you can't allow to have it.
>nobody really gives a fuck about
Then why was that board so active within the first days of its creation? The activity stopped only after you deleted few videos. Multiple people wanted /cat/, in fact I wasn't the one suggested at first but I liked it so much that I had to think of multiple interpretation names to roll with it.
>i suggested you to use this thread because i don't like namefagging on other boards, and i warned you that i'm not very talkative so i don't know what did you expect from me
People wanted to talk with you and hear more about the website direction, especially about that "soyjak related" plan you keep hiding so far. When you said "so you want me to talk more?" they said yes and you weren't against it, and you pointed this thread, so not every person wanting to talk with you is me, and I am the one who always try to talk with you politely out of respect, never aggressively or negatively, never directly demand you of anything, or accuse you of anything. I get the impression that you don't even read everything people tell you, so you always assume bad intent about us. I guess I will avatafag as CP posting anon for awhile. At least this makes you more vigilant and spent more time on this site, even if all you do is cleaning after me, for free.
anyway sorry for the rant and being a party pooper, hope you liked the zombie theme if you even noticed 
i know the outcome would've been completely different if i simply replied what he wanted me to reply >>1766, but i really hate it when people ask others to care for them online, and i also hate lying 

>no bad intent 
you have always gave me this impression of spamming the site with actual cp if i said a single bad word, this was a test and i was in fact correct

i will be out doing stuff later this month, if you want to take this site down by spamming cp then i suggest you to wait for a while
No, it was the last straw. You called me names before, you passively aggressive denied every single thing I suggested, you talk to me with disdain and neglect, you banned legal jailbait with visible zero desirevto bring it back which I took with dignity. Even after you seriously offended me I still didn't post a damn thing. You only started to add half of the things I suggested because other people wanted it too. Sharty got spammed with 'p for less, and that resulted in overly rulecucked unusable shithole that it is now. I always show respect and appreciation to these who show it in turn, I've got none from you despite treating you within the ethical principles of respective conduct.
>but i really hate it when people ask others to care for them online, and i also hate lying 
Except when it's the raiders demand you to change things then you kneel before them. Yeah, totally not what lute did. But showing a bit of care for the very few these who been defending you for so long? Wow that's unacceptable.
>changing goal posts
Because this board is whatever the raiders want it to be who won't even use it, not the community
>if I continue to roll with this lie then maybe it will stick
And if it was someone else than me? You wouldn't know who you were even replying to since other people been replying to you in this thread before me.
Also, what the fuck did you expect by continuously being a abject faggot to me? Which begs the reply to this post >>1781
Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences, retard. I took more shit from you before, I had enough. You want to larp as this neutral chaos god who wants to see how community evolves on its own without interference, but when the leader of it doesn't act on it - so is community as it needs a kickstarter, and if leader of it act negative toward community, then this result in negative, self-destructive events to the site. The choice is all yours, I am just embodiment of karma.
Yeah okay, then you understand why so many people want to take both of your sites down and see you as unlikable degenerate yourself. I have came to a point where I give no shit what you think of me when you constantly keep proving to me you're nothing but a lower case posting careless human trash that deserved all the contempt you get.
Because I didn't had enough proof of you being a psychopath.
The site has nothing to do with it, it's your attitude and behaviour. Couple of people wanted this site to distance itself from "soysphere" for how unfunny this cancer is and I agreed. No matter the splinter these ibs are simply dying, and I don't care about infantile pathetic entertainment of just baiting people non-stop as I'd like have genuine threads more.
>i think we're both psychotic in our own ways
And how do you argument it? Also psychopath =\= psychotic, as psychopath is someone who egocentric narcissist lacks of any emotions towards any life.
>and why is that so much of a problem toyou?
I have no idea what are you trying to say, what your question is addressed to and why you're changing goalposts. Jarty was hated by offsiters because it's a splinter and admins of sharty hated competition so they created boogeyman, the jartycucks hated jarty for being rulecucked shithole with more rules being added each month. All I said is that all "soy" sites losing audience since the "soyculture" has been long dead and now it's just a toddler asylum. Again, you changed goalpost, the reason you gained so many haters is because of your attitude, not your ideas for the website or website itself. So much that everyone assumed the slopjak spammer to be you.
>the only thing i can offer is a platform without all the rules against pedophilia like you've all whined about 
I got really tired of you and your attitude, not the website. No matter it's flaws and how dnb it was, I tried my best to make it alive and entertain people I could so they stay and more join.
>i didn't make this site to be my chatroom and if you care about me the best thing you can do is stop asking me to talk about pointless subjects
Every ib in its early life needs an active admin or the community will feel alone. As reeult you get 1 post per 6 hours, and it's mostly me reply to everyone so they don't feel lonely.
>I don't like lying
>deletes 80 something of their own posts to not look like a dickhead, an idiot or a cuck
Fucking hell skajyos, just apologize. You made this chan, so why not be a good ambassador of it instead of a narcissist getting in fights with those who actually want to help you and this site? All it's doing thus far is causing problems and drama.
>we are hated by every soyjak imageboard for a reason and i like it, but it's obviously not "my attitude" that caused them to hate us
No, first you caused mass hatred by your attitude, then you created a site and it got flooded by raiders because they don't like you. When people started to post lolis and jailbait then they got moral excuse to kill your site, not the actual reason, and chinnypedos are clear evidence of that who secretly aren't even against pedophilia. Swinnyfags especially hate you for your attitude and that you "killed the jarty", that was evident before site creation.
>it's not my fault that you need 1000pph to have fun
Where did I say that? Obviously more quality posters is always better than less, but I am happy with tiny amount of posters than retarded toddler community or constant raiders spam. But when you antagonise your own small community and make them leave then it's not fun to anyone and you end up with complete dnb website, and the fact you say
>we are hated by every soyjak imageboard for a reason and i like it
Makes me feel like you don't care for community at all and rather run an unfun boogeyman manifestation website the way shartyfags saw the meme of old jarty where every jartycuck user is self-deprecating self-loathing cuck, like the whole purpose of this splinter is to cause as much friction and discomfort as possible, which won't win us many new users, and the fact I was the most active user back then on a 0.5 pph website shows that. In fact, my original question when I asked if you'd wish me well was sort of a test too, to see if you care at all about your community at least in the slightest bit, and you have failed it.
>and speaking of attitude... try find me one single splinter owner who's as tolerant as me
Easy. Silvia is, the owner of ninechan too. The kohlchan has the most tolerant jannies who don't ban you even if you post legit CSAM and just delete the post after 5-10 minutes, only give 3 day ban if you post it where it doesn't belong.
>in fact i already made more changes to the default jschan template than lute did in the past 2 years,
Okay? Not sure how it's related with the topic at hand, obviously you're not a coder otherwise I wouldn't look how to fix the logs that you had problem with.
>i just hate talking and that's all
So that's somehow justifies you being a careless dickhead to your community? That question I asked was the first question I asked addressed directly to you within last week, and only because you said "if you want to talk to me, you can talk in pinned thread", and only after I read that other people been trying to talk with before me.
>do you care about the "attitude of admin" or do you really just can't accept the fact that this is a slow/dead site?
The former, I wouldn't care how slow the site is so long we feel at home and valued. It's important for community to gain trust in admin of ib before they start posting here, otherwise it will be dead regardless. It's why we don't get many potential migrants who could actually enjoy this place like same catchanners as you don't interact with anybody, and they simply despise most "soy" communities like any other non-soy chan, because they assume we are as bad, underage and cringe as sharty is. If you're such psychopath that you wouldn't wish your own mother to get better when he gets ill, then we don't have much hope for this place and I don't know what else to tell you.
>nothing will change if the whole site just me and you arguing with each other about site meta
If anything the metadrama is the only redeeming quality of this site, without which the last users would leave already. Metadrama exist to solve the potential errors within the site, it's administration, and admin attitude toward its community. It's not like the actual posters cannot enjoy other boards while we talking here, all of our posts aren't even visible within overboard anyway and this is a pinned thread so you can't bump it.
Why should I post jailbait there when you're the one who's acting like a careless faggot? You don't even care to read posts from the drama you created.
If I didn't had respect to you, I would violate rules and pester you about allowing jailbait. Just because you assume all of these posters is me then it's not my fault, and I don't have much respect left for you.
I never said you have to? It's up to you to add whatever you want, most of my suggestions were aimed to attract most audience of different niches, other people also find them interesting. I didn't suggested a shit, after creation of /lg/ I haven't asked you of anything, at best said that I wouldn't be against of having /pol/.
>Waaaaah not "funny". I've been acting like careless faggot and that lead consequences and now I am mad. How could this be happening to me?
That's the environment you created for yourself, and you have to blame nobody but yourself. You're spiritually ugly, more than megamymy face reveal.
>everyone I don't like is you
Ok lute 2.0, for your own sake you should actually check the ips of users then.
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I read all this shit and he makes good points, constructive criticism should stick to the facts so there's no reason for it to be funny.
Hey look, another my clone
At least you acknowledge your mistake and that's something I can respect. I really don't appreciate your careless attitude toward your own community who probably consist of users whose been on your side before site creation despite you have became the hated boogeyman. This definitely kills the site more than anything.
>since they all hate me now
We just want respect and appreciation for effort we do to make the site grows and look presentable, including helping you personally. It's easy to make mistakes, it's hard to acknowledge and fix them. I don't hold the hatred to these who have changed, finding courage to apologise for false accusations means you have became a better person. I still don't like that you don't care for your community and it's well-being, wouldn't you hate if all you get for your effort to please us is scorn? Same applies to us, and I always tried to show my gratitude for all you did to us.

This is probably my last time I will avatarfag as 'p anon. I will think about it.
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You should have shown a little care to friendly anons or at least apologized long ago then you could have avoided the long metadrama and hatred toward yourself.

The fact you don't even care for the well being of your mom means you have some serious mental disorders and psychopathic tendencies.
Also I don't really hate you, just heavily disappointed with you. If anything I want to help you to be more empathetic to the few who still care about you.
sorry for ignoring this post, i was really tired that day
i see that you made that thread yourself and i would've pinned it if i didn't get into conflict with the csam poster, sorry 
does anyone else want to replace the homepage soytan with soylita? 

>chudwin are pedos
they're the first to ban the mentions of this site of all the sharty splinters (though i never shilled this site outside of jartybooru i just lurked between splinters)
>unfun boogeyman manifestation website
what else do you want to see from this site? do you really expect newfags to magically colonize this site despite it allowing loli porn? all while having like 10 different alternatives?
>The kohlchan has the most tolerant jannies who don't ban you even if you post legit CSAM
i never really banned you for posting csam either, i just removed it, and i'm not really familiar with catchan or ninechan 
>being a careless dickhead to your community
i do care but i don't want to make this site my chatroom so i only reply to technical issues or suggestions, rather than talking about personal stuff 
>If anything the metadrama is the only redeeming quality of this site
metadrama is objectively the worst aspect of this site and the old jarty, everyone is crying about something rather than just posting soyjaks. 
>It's not like the actual posters cannot enjoy other boards while we talking here
i bumplocked this thread because i would consider it uninteresting from a user's perspective, but does anyone want to see my boring blogposts on overboard?
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>they're the first to ban the mentions of this site of all the sharty splinters (though i never shilled this site outside of jartybooru i just lurked between splinters)
As other chinny related thread states, admin is a pissbaby moralfag but community doesn't seem to be, it's especially evident by the amount of "positive" participants in the "pedo thread".
>what else do you want to see from this site? do you really expect newfags to magically colonize this site despite it allowing loli porn? all while having like 10 different alternatives?
Do you see loli porn as this spooky taboo amoral thing or do you accept the fact that some just prefer woman in their prime age? I am not in to drawn loli shit, but since a mere SFW collection of lgs from insta ibs are gone, it could replace old ibs like cutie garden, waifuist and classic catchan. The current /lg/ board, no matter how SFW rulecucked it is, represent exactly the early 2022 catchan days when you could find link to catchan by reverse searching images on google. There is NO alternatives of that as of now, and I tried to shill that on catchan which met with negativity because they hate soytoddlers and associate soy websites with underage retards and they accused you of being a fed for deleting your posts, so I spend some time to resolve their conflict on their site and convince to end the raid, up until they finally accept us and hey, at least you have Brandon lurking here sometimes whose post quality are hundred times better than of average soyshit. Prior that I also tried to shill my drawing thread on /lita/ on kohl, they liked it and even posted more pictures for me to add, but they didn't like how dead website it was with mostly posts from raid spergs and disliked soy theme, so they didn't stick. However, I believe this board has big potential if you don't allow raiders feel like at home and show care for community.
>i never really banned you for posting csam either, i just removed it, and i'm not really familiar with catchan or ninechan
I was really offended that day plus had potent fever so it resulted in what it resulted. The fact you don't ban me is why I don't attack you anymore, respect is where respect due.
Anyway you asked for tolerant and friendly admins, I named you some from top of my head. Silvia, despite being a moralfag, is probably the kindest of all who will almost always assist in troubles and doesn't give a shit what you gonna cal him.
>i do care but i don't want to make this site my chatroom so i only reply to technical issues or suggestions, rather than talking about personal stuff
I tried my best to spark a life on your website by creating interesting thread in practically every board, most successful so far was glownigger related thread on /pol/ that I totally didn't copy from catchan. However after each raid when you don't delete or move posts people just feel uncared and abandoned so you get no posts for practically 6 hours straight as they feel the website is a garbage dumpster. Showing your involvement would really REmoralise userbase and motivate us to post more. It also would help if you actually delete/move raid spam posts and don't delete your own posts. I don't ask you to be like woot yapping non-stop about personal blogposting or like any other shemale echochamber of jannies where they suck each other off with no actual non-janny posters; but if you cared about userbase of people who have known you before creation of this website who been defending you against megamymy and other accusations, show that you care about well-being of us, this would really feel moralised to post and not makes us feel like we aren't just punching bags for swinetards. In turn, we would like to know if you're doing well as well, that's how empathy works. Also I can fully understand that you can be tired or busy, which is why I only ever address to you directly is when I see you're responding to other people.
>metadrama is objectively the worst aspect of this site and the old jarty, everyone is crying about something rather than just posting soyjaks.
I don't know, soyjaking seem completely died with death of jarty, and the 'lita poster you defended against lute just told me he doesn't want to use soy sites anymore either, he also agreed with most of my points as well. Metadrama is at least helpful as it helps resolve problems and find solution, to remove tension. Without metadrama the site would just stay at 1pph aside from raids. And, I don't want you to assume it's another my clone but this anon >>916 seems to enjoy it, so it's not as bad as you think.
>i bumplocked this thread because i would consider it uninteresting from a user's perspective, but does anyone want to see my boring blogposts on overboard?
I absolutely would do, so I no longer have to keep open two tabs to inspect for new posts and just stick to overboard. Which is why I would appreciate more if you moved all spam to /lgbt/ or removed them to make search for actual posts more easily.
/lg/ isn't meant to be fast board, more like archiving one. I posted few most famous lgs generals but the meme thread, talking about kids larping as animals, etc is posted by someone else.
Also there was gemmy thread with catchan raid where everyone accused each other of being Brandon but sadly OP deleted it.
>that sounds pretty rude but i do wish we can have less dead boards
Niche boards aren't meant to be fast but to post/archive rare gems or discuss niche topic, they are also useful as "containment". Even 4chan have "dead" boards like paper and origami, doesn't make them any less gemmy.

P.S. I am sorry this response happened to be long, I know it's boring and you don't like boring stuff... I do really appreciate that you actually decided to read my old longpost and reply to it doebeit.
2130 - 5436efaceff898a5e55f232e8f490c61.png
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Skajyos, I might be one of the few lita posters left on this planet, but even I don't care for 2d shit much We want to be cut off from soyfags, nobody find them fun or amusing anymore I only post lita for the sake of authenticity of this board and because it makes soyshits leak

The guy you had war with speak for majority of us. We don't want to be associated with "soysphere" - word is so cringe it sounds straight from reddit We don't find nusoyculture fun And I've yet to find a single soul who doesn't find slopjak cancer as purest vantablank brimstone straight from niggerhell, and even if one claims otherwise he has to prove not to be soytoddler raider

The jailbait hebes that have been posted during its first days of jaksoy creation were the absolute best part of the website, it's so much more appealing to use the website for than the BMT that you seem to prioritise We also want you to care about us as you're representative of our community, if you won't then raiders will win and everyone will leave because nobody wants to remain within toxic environment made by raiders
>I don't care for 2d shit much
i do

>We don't want to be associated with "soysphere"
me neither, otherwise i wouldn't have allowed pedophilia here 

>We also want you to care about us
i replied to almost every question in this thread, made changes to the site based on your ideas as much as i could, what else do you want to see from me?
is this the same thing you've been posting for the past 3 weeks?

apparently if i don't make this simple lolicon soyjak imageboard a jailbait/cp archive for you then it means i don't care for this community?
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You said "i believe most of us want to focus on 2d stuff" which doesn't seem to be true otherwise last post wouldn't be over 4 hours ago, and that post is you basically saying "no fun allowed".

People been asking to remove raider spam and anything that shit up website which hasn't been met, frogshit spam and slopjak spam is one of it All the slopshit and gibberish from this thread should be moved to /lgbt/
You try to go through great length to allow illegal bmt but seem to completely don't care for adding legal jailbait when people suggested various hosts and domain registrars, feels like you trying to give us a middle finger Also I don't post that often here anymore so you must have mistaken me with someone else
Replies: >>1913 >>1914
>bmt is le bad and illegal now
top kek
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bmt is ugly and technically is illegal in USA according to law The term "animal crushing" implies any harm, not just crushing
Replies: >>1913
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I wonder how many lita posters here left?
Not me.
Also yeah I don't care for BMT sadism nor 2d shit, I like 'lita for simple fact that it makes soytards lose their shit. I only care for real lgs, hopefully the "jailbait" will be allowed by December.
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>i'm the only one suggesting things worth adding doebeit
Replies: >>1915 >>1927
Bumplock seems enabled again, please disable it.
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>naked girls dressing/posing sexually so it's cp whether you like it or not 
Meds, it's not considered as CP according to European or USA laws, otherwise you wouldn't see shit like cuties on TV and you can't prove to court which posing is "sexualised" when you see twerk dances at school legally.
because there're completely naked girls in that screenshot some are just naked girls but some are dressing/posing sexually 
it's porn even when adults do it so it's child porn, i deleted it because there's uncensored child porn in that screenshot, is this specific enough for you?
Last edited by admin
IIRC the laws against CSAM in USA don't address the nudity as part of it, so it's not illegal by law because you have numerous numerous legal films with naked toddlers and prepubescent girls in them, especially the ones filmed in GDR.
I don't know where are you from where mere nudity is considered as porn, here it doesn't and same applies to children.
>let my next domain registrar decide, i will choose carefully but if they still get mad over jailbait then i will probably just keep this site a lolicon soyjak imageboard as it is 
The pajeets running .pk don't seem to really give a shit about reports, even if you send gorillion to them. The real deal is to find based host.
aren't you the third-worlder who said he was going to ddos this website?
Can you at least refute the redpills? I know you can’t CEEEEEC
Didn’t refute shit award
when did it slow down?
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Possession, downloading and distribution of csam (so long it doesn't aim commercial gain) in legal in Ukraine btw.
>thank you 
You're welcome.
>this is a soyjak imageboard and i believe most of us want to focus on 2d stuff
Eh, if people cared for 2d stuff they would post 2d stuff, most of /a/ media posts is just my thread and /b/ is full raiders that leave afterwards. That's why I believe most of remaining users don't really care for soyjaks, nor want it to be "soyjak imageboard", personally I just use soyjaks ironically and as tribute to tradition if anything. I mean, even /qa/ wasn't all about soyjaks and that came as side-niche culture, and sharty was popular during its golden days because it was less rulecucked than 4chan, had no captcha, had 100mb media with sound limit and if anything resembled now deceased 8chan. I still don't know what's your ultimate aim for this website is, with soyjaks alone it will be pretty dead unfortunately, you probably won't attract oldfag jarty users either. You can try to shill on 4chan /co/, /b/, /a/, /c/ but their 4chan containment boards are good enough for posting 2d stuff as is. Most activity this board gets is when 3d stuff gets posted, be that bmt chinny tourists or the golden day when you allowed 'jailbait' till your kiked domain registrar complained. No I don't just push for muh csam allowance on clearnet.
You won't do shit obese disgenic shitskin faggot subhuman.
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skajyos can you ban this impersonator, I came out as a MAP already 

Thx in advance <3
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You are impersonating me, I am the real dobkun
You're brown and irrelevant, stay in your discord for minors and don't bother us.
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Cope and seethe impersonator, skajyos knows I am the real dobkun
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map pride won doebeit
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He already knows I am the real one, I am in contact with him
Replies: >>1916 >>1917
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Don’t believe his lies, I am the real one
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Stop making shit up, everyone here knows that I am the real dobkun

And you sure don’t have Mustard’s, Doll’s and Lute’s contacts CEEEEC
Replies: >>1927
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You are again making shit up
The only way to prove you are dobkun and owns that tripcode is by putting your home address in the name section, so it will give out the corresponding tripcode, skajyos told me this is how tripcodes works here
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Stay mad that you can’t prove that you are the real dobkun
Real dobkun get
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See? The numbers don’t lie
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You just fabricated these numbers, post the screenshot you liar
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Why did you censor? Didn’t you say it would just bring up your country’s capital? Smh you still can’t prove you are the real dobkun
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Still more proof that I am the real dobkun
Doxxer. This is Swedishwin speaking. Why are you doxxing dobkun? We'd also like some intel here

For the lulz
We've organized a raid thread against the website, and we'd like to know if you can provide some assistance in getting it taken down for untolerable content
So you're completely unaffiliated with us then. Thats fine. We'll gather what you have transpired
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Doxxer. Are you there? We do not seek to impede your actions. We hope you have compiled everything in a doxbin
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[Hide] (274.7KB, 600x596) Reverse speaking. Doxxer. Do you have any actual plans for your collected info. Does dobkun have any known criminal records that may be noteworthy
dobkun is finished geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg
Doxxer. We'll send the info to our administrator Carl XVI Gustaf over Telegram.
can you repost >>2242 on catbox
i remember he was talking about some shitty mall in ukraine
I didn't screenshot the post, dammit. But I have the other info
For what I know that's not his actual address, so I guess it does not matter anyway?
Absolute obsessed cecbulls

Shit already got deleted, you will fail at taking the jassy down again CEEEEC
it's still there skajyos needs to run photorec on the disk
Tell Skajyos to send it over to Carl Gustaf if you can
you haven't signed one pgp message yet lol
Hash: SHA256
>>2272 i am the real dobkun and i support map rights.
However, we're not sure if your info is important for our operation in destroying this skeleton of a site. That's why we're asking you for some backup
I will not cec, you can’t even refute anything that we say

It’s midnight in Ukraine, you gotta wake up tomorrow mourning for school CEEEEEEEEEEEC
meds NOW
>screen width: 1920
is your mac from 2013 or something?
oh no xhe's retarded
I also live how you swedishfails keep trying to take us down over anything, but still try to DDoS the servers, do you include these in the reports?
Look, Dobkun was the one behind the DDoSes. We Swinnycucks only reported this site for CP, animal crush, and jailbait. I don't even know how to DDoS myself
i kind of feel bad for the porkbun employees who have to deal with their deranged nonsense. i wonder if they read our threads lol.
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Thx for letting me know he was doing something illegal!

It’s not like I can report him to the police now
he got real quiet after this one cec
Whats the passphrase? I'm trying to decrypt here
i bet you posted encrypted cp links
LOL how did you guess right
how many more discord friends did u get to shill in here?
so you changed the class of <a> to "quote" instead of "quote you" stop impersonate me that doesn't prove anything lol
stop impersonate me you looking real silly
you didnt write all that stop being lame impersonate
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CEEEEC I no longer know which dobkun is the real one

Anyways, skajyos, if you have proof of the DDoS, please post it here

As for the eventual porkbun employee, all information was obtained legally, and I am only using this information to final a police report on this cyber-criminal (aka script kiddie)
No cec, that was another dobkun
at least put some carefulness into your impersonation attempts
what is the website the first pic is from?
and screenshots don't mean a thing nowadays buddy link or gtfo
stop it i am literally shaking rn
now you're just shouting incoherently
nobody will reply and skajyos will just delete your spam lol
at least spam some emoji ascii art or something this is boring tbh
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>to prove, go to and send in the magic number.
>in my case, it's
>obfuscated, even though it just points to my country's capital.
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Holy obsesserald
Just give up cec
AI was created by big tech corporates kikes and FBI kikes so it was lobotomized to say only kosher trans-rights-affirming opinions, this is why ChatGPT say holohoax was real. Was this an own?
Ai was literally trained on ‘p
Fuck off faggot
Just call it like infichan or something that soytards won't know it's a """soysphere""" board, perhaps won't even know it's run by you so we don't get low iq underaged tourists.
Just find host/domain that doesn't give a shit about reports. Faggots at sharty in 2023 tried to send gorillion reports to catchan and it all just went to garbage bin, and only suspended in summer 2024 when admin retired, I think people overall suggested few good ideas.

Yeah a lot of people crave true freedom of speech on internet of the past, sorry if you didn't expect that.
No. The text board is a meta board and it did exist always, the .top domain is just extra backup.
The website just moved to .onion because admin tired to moderate it after 2 years but it's still there, prior that he had bulletproof strategy of letting proxy die then move to next one without any garm to clearnet website.

Unfortunately he never tried to find hosts that don't give a shit about content you post like kohlchan does for example. Best domains are either in russia or some shithole like Bangladesh, anything that isn't westernised may also work as they don't cooperate with USA laws.
Hey, we aren't the best in the world, but we are your community the way we are. Do you hate or ashamed of us?
Good morning Skajyos, how are you?
kewl get
Among the very first posts, aside from frognigger spam, was someone posting fully naked girl that you removed, then one made thread with hebe. No real lolicon is scared of trie pedos, since lolicon is a "legal" cope substitute. If anything you need to be lees tolerant to raiders that will hate your site no matter what's your decision, maybe convince the 'p spamming 'lita poster to fight back, assuming he was the one got enough info to dox some of these underaged faggots.
>artistic value
What kind of unironic faggot utilise such redditbabble and what the fuck that suppose to mean?
That's not how the catchan retired you retard, Silvia is a moralfag that doesn't allow jailbait even on onion due to his religious viewd, we have even older website like kohlchan that allow explicit jailbait for duration of a day, so it's more about if you care to host it rather than if you can.
>still i don't understand why over half of this site's current activity is just people discussing if i should allow jailbait or not rather than using the site for what it is
If community cared about 2d shit they would be using it for 2d shit. Isn't it's self evident that nobody cares about it? The only current activity this site ever have with current rulecucked conditions is either a metadrama or a drama/fight with raiders.

Lute was right and soyjaking have died. What have you done to attract oldfags or any soyjak users other than attempting to banish already established community? If you didn't listen to pedocommunity to change banners and ban raiders, the site wouldn't have no community at all.
>ban raiders
Delete their posts*. Honestly ban wpuld been more efficient against spam.
>no soyjakking is alive as well on sharty
Have you ever been on that deserted shithole recently? 90% of userbase are younger than 15 years old blogposting about school, or seethe raid about cartoon on youtube having 18 years old women in bikini, or seethe about literal who namefag, or make the most blatantly obvious bait possible as their catty is filled with cancer. They userbase is declining every week despite jewtube, twatter, faceberg, plebbit and chinktok spread of minors grooming to join their army.
>not to compete with kohlchan or catchan 
If you banish the remaining pedos then you will just get dnb website, maybe having only that liquid cuck. But I don't see him post outside of raid threads.
>what's considered "raid" and what should i delete other than spam exactly?
Any attack on site is mostly done by raiders. It would also woukd help if you deleted slopshit and linespam cancer from serious threads like this.
>yes and it's objectively better and had more soyjak oc than whatever shitty splinters that tried to compete with it 
>i know this sounds demoralizing for this site's users but that's a fact and i hate lying
Why not just delete the site if you love sharty so much? I've yet to find a single person here who isn't a raider who likes that website aside from you or think that modern "soy culture" revolving endless obsession and slopjak spam any fun at all.
>i never banished anyone i just asked you to stop posting jailbait/cp until domain transfer is unlocked, but apparently that's just too much for you
But Mr.Lute, I haven't ever posted jailbait let alone cp at all during the whole duration of the website. I am just saying that if you hate pedos and want to forbid any 3d girl posting because of your religious views about muh soyjak website, your site will be bigger dnb than is it now.
>so you mean like banning anyone who makes fun of this site? should i consider you a raider for calling it a dnb site?
Giving a criticism =! forcing you to close the site or demanding you to do so, cmon lute drop the strawman.
>maybe you don't really care about free speech maybe you just want a pedo safe space
You can't have free speech at all if site getting shut down because of raiders. Also having rulecucked boards is part of freedom of association, otherwise you wouldn't created safespace /lita/. Does that makes sense to you, Mr. Lute?
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Yeah slopquotes are totally contributing to the discussion at hand on this thread and are totally not a spam
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>if sharty suddenly allowed pedophilia
So why do you want pedophilia allowed if you hate pedos? I am genuinely riddled with this. Do you think they can be fed up with lolicon alone, something you get in excess on 4chan, yet hardly ever posted here?
>because spamming soyjaks and making obscure soyjak oc is exactly what sharty used to be?
You do know soot created his website in 2020 because he wanted a 8chan back? You had /qa/ throughout whole 2021 that allowed soyjaks, but allowed more than that, including jailbait and was least rulecucked ib at the time. Soyjaks were never sole purpose of /qa/ but side niche inner joke, same for pre-doll sharty that had /sol/ basically being a /b/ board.
>maybe you just hate new things, maybe you don't like soyjaks at all 
Maybe you're right, because even during golden age of sharty I mostly liked webm threads, random OC threads, while spend most time on /pol/. Chinny is how I found your website after sandaryan spread it afterall. The last gems sharty produced at least for me are amerimutt and euromutt.

Again, what have you done to attract soyfags, oldfags or whoever who cares about this soyjaking autism who isn't underaged faggot, aside from banishing pedos? It's clear you don't care for pedos and probably wish we all just gone, but you'd also have to ban lolicon completely if you want to attract the CURRENT soytoddler userbase, maybe a few shemmyfags will migrate as splinter without retarded bidenflare.
>i never said you did, when i said "you" i meant some other users who posted cp and jailbait lately and likely caused this domain suspension
Maybe stop using word "you" when you talk to someone when you address general public? It was one of the litafags, or raiderfag larping as litafag.
>so what do you want me to do? remove every post that's made by raiders?
Isn't that what community been asking you for a long time? Banish all raider unfunny cancer to /lgbt/, where it belongs.
>all i did was allowing him to post as long as he's not spamming according to the site's rules, what's so "lute" about it? in fact "lute" is the exact kind of janny that would ban anything that triggers him and then make rules about it
Lute was the kind of hypocrite that banned soylita but once his site was flooded with slop raids, he allowed it to stay and that's exactly what drove remaining userbase. He was the cuck who listen to raiders more than loyal userbase, tolerating their cancer instead of fighting it. He only start to delete it because he lost control of situation and realised his site is nothing but raiders infestation, but it was too late already. You might don't like me but I am just telling you to not repeat Lute's mistakes.
>there's no "discussion" going on here i'm just repeating why i had to remove jailbait like what i've been trying to do for the past 3 weeks
And I've been telling you for the 3 weeks there is difference between HAVE to remove vs WANT to remove. I am genuinely confused as to where your position in this situation, on one hand you tell us this site was never meant to be about posting jailbait, on the other you want to switch domain so you can host DNB. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Look Skajyos, I am not insulting nor disrespecting you. I am just letting you know that you can't allow lolicon and expect pedos not getting offended by removing jailbait that is legal in many nations, especially if you aim to allow bmt that is highly illegal on many nations. And if you want to prioritise this site to be all about soyjaks then maybe you should ban lolicon completely to appeal to current shartyshits. Are you going to blame it on pedos that they drove away lolicon posters, really?
>fine i'm moving his posts to >>>/lgbt/ 
this dobfaggot was never funny anyway, and so is this shitty thread
This was unironically the most based decision you did last month, but then you just said
>i think i'm done with removing raid spam that triggers users here, let's see if you really care about the "quality" of this site or do you just want to complain about things
Like holy shit, what's the purpose of this thread if you hate your own community so much you don't even want to talk with us? The reason we "complain" is because we want to help this site be better. And me personally, I just want to know what you want from this site. Obviously nobody cares about soyjaks here, and you'd have to ban pedos entirely if you want soytoddlers to use your site. Do you want genuine userbase, or you want sharty clone? Either way, the best thing you can do this moment to help this site is to stop deleting your own messages for crying out loud.
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Are we using the same catchan? Wdym there’s no jailbait? Silvia made a very lenient rule on the darkweb site. No visible cunny, and he allows rule breaking stuff up anyways.

Please tell me your definition of jailbait and cp and make it clear that Skoot can host what you want.

And stop calling me a raider, I’ve been defending anti-MAP arguments on this website for a while now, and no one was even using the jassy when that namefag doxxed himself.
>Are we using the same catchan? Wdym there’s no jailbait? Silvia made a very lenient rule on the darkweb site. No visible cunny, and he allows rule breaking stuff up anyways.
There is clear rule with no nudity nor CP. Silvia is the only janny so he can't monitor the whole website that he doesn't even visit daily, which is why he moved it to .onion
>Please tell me your definition of jailbait and cp and make it clear that Skoot can host what you want
CP, according to definition of CSAM laws here, is any sexual intercourse with pre-pubescent pubescent minors involving genitals, so kissing does not count nor is nudity or explicit dancing
Jailbait in 00's meant nudity involving minors or hebes or their explicit behaviour, I guess now it just means photos of hebes of any kind which I don't find valid. I get really irritated when anyone calls mere photos of girls they themselves make a "csam"
It would be fair if skajyos at least allowed anything that doesn't at least involves genital nudity and studio stuff, which is legal in any country that isn't a slut of USA/Israel
>And stop calling me a raider, I’ve been defending anti-MAP arguments on this website for a while now, and no one was even using the jassy when that namefag doxxed himself.
Yet you suggest everything the raider do like namefag above me, i.e. forbid posting any irl girl, keep the boogeyman names that our enemies invented, delete/hide """dead""" boards and anything that will piss off the current community. Yet skajyos listen to you only and now we lost 3 gemmy boards of high quality, makes me wonder if you're skajyos samefaggin with disabled adminfag avatar, doesn't help your case that you managed to post in a locked thread before skajyos

Did that convinced people to post soyjaks to mock nu-males? I don't see any, the current most popular thread is unironically about 'p spam. Did that made raiders stop raiding? The faggot above me is self-evident
Also MAP is cringe plebbit word invented by self-hating anticontact MKultrad pedocuckcs who openly say they wish to not be pedos
Is this the reason to kill the gemmy board? I guess you're enjoying the new community of swintard raiders, enjoy this hell alone as I don't want to participate in it
Hey maybe you got soyjak posters afterall!

Or not, Kuz is a NAS afterall, nevermind then
If you want to attract more people that aren't just pedos or shithead underaged raiders, you need more boards - not less. It doesn't matter how """dead""" they are, like how the fuck that ever bothers you or what boards the community enjoys nigger. I still used /lg/ to goon in peace, and I am so glad it's """dead""", that means it's quality is always at 100% with no irrelevant garbage ever posted there.
Hey skajyos, why don't you destroy /a/ board as well? It's more dead nigger baby than all 3 boards combined.
>No genuine posts
>No genuine posters
>Raiders coal everywhere
And now skajyos gonna hate me for telling him common sense
kill yourself. you're worse faggot than all raiders combined
I'm starting to think skajyos is entertained by the raiders is just doing everything to them posting on this shit site
Fuck this
*to make them
why are you always complaining about something if it's not done exactly the way you wanted it to be?

first it's jailbait now it's dead boards nobody cares about
without us your site will be a dead nigger baby
you and i both know that
so do what we say
Skajyos... First, not every poster is one person. Everyone has their own thing to complain about. However it's evident that when we tell you common sense, chance are majority of us want it. You're already drove away the hebefag - the guy you had most gripe with, and "original" lita poster - the guy you defend against lute. If you don't want to delete raiders and keep gemmy boards then you will only be alone samefagging with them
Second... Yeah, stupid decisions lead to awful consequences, awful consequences lead to unhappy community, unhappy community lead to lots of complaints, lots of complaints lead to sick skajyos who doesn't want to use his own board. It's called logic, ever heard of that? For crying out loud Skajyos, we are telling you that the water is wet without a single insult (me at least) and you already pour shit at us
/lg/ is like 75% of your userbase. Just because we don't shit it up doesn't mean we don't like that board
what is this "we"? most of that board's activity consists of one single poster dumping his "collections" 
and no i don't like the idea of that board at all this is a 2d focused site and it will never be the next catchan or whatever imageboard you wanted to recreate
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Our demands are as follows:

1. Ban all forms of gore, especially animal gore.
2. Ban all forms of pedophilia, including ironic pedophilia.
3. Ban all users who have posted any of the above.
4. Ban all known foodists.

Complete these demands and we will not target your website next.
We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
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Ok dude, I NEVER said it should be forbidden to post 3d, but it’s probably something that is illegal where Skajyos lives, and registrars, if they want to, will give your info to the feds, 
And take your meds, I am not skajyos nor did I request those things that you are accusing me of.
Also, couldn’t you just have waited until December to post jailbait? Skoos said this multiple times, but for some reason you kept pushing him to allow it before he could even change registrars
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Skoot, you will end up posting there alone among raiders if you banish ever other board.
thanks for restoring the board
>Ok dude, I NEVER said it should be forbidden to post 3d, but it’s probably something that is illegal where Skajyos lives, and registrars, if they want to, will give your info to the feds,
Where did I said anything about posting illegal? Besides you can use fake identity when renting host or registrar
>And take your meds, I am not skajyos nor did I request those things that you are accusing me of.
Then who did suggest to hide boards just because you personally don't like them? This is extremely selfish and exactly what raiders do
>Also, couldn’t you just have waited until December to post jailbait?
I haven't posted any irl girl, but the state of website just feels really sad to post anything. It's clear he cares for raiders more than the community that been on his side from the beginning
>Skoos said this multiple times, but for some reason you kept pushing him to allow it before he could even change registrars
Me? Pushing to allowing anything? Nigga I just kept asking him what is the direction the site is headed, and what he expect from pedocommunity if he hates pedos, saying he might as well ban lolicon if he wants genuine "soyjak" community. Are you mistaken me with someone else?
>then maybe you should go back to catchan or oinion sites, this is just a simple soyjak imageboard that doesn't follow the sharty's rules
I am just saying you won't find any soyjakers if you allow lolicon, since modern soy community are all underaged. At this point you're doing more damage than anything by trying to realize your idealised vision of the website
>i don't post here without a capcode, you basically have my full post history if you've been here since day 1, not everyone who agrees with me is "skajyos" or "raider"
I don't know, sounds exactly what a Lute would say. You killed board for everyone just because of one person
>i seriously have no idea what they want besides convincing me to host child porn on clearnet, this isn't funny anymore even as a joke
Find a single person who openly stated "I want to hold cp durrrrr", you're so obsessed with hating your own community that you're hallucinating. Personally I didn't ask you FOR anything, I was only genuinely riddled as to how you gonna head the site knowing the raiders gonna shit it up for lolicon itself and community be pissed knowing you took gemmy boards from them and restrict to post legal irl stuff. But yes, I would want the old boards back, especially /lg/ even if it remain SFW
>i could unlock /v/ and /pol, no /lg/ because i don't like it, i don't care about what raiders think, i just don't want a board dedicated to sharing videos of irl kids
Yet that's exactly what raiders do, who won't post here genuinely no matter how hard you kneel before them
Okay I apologise for my tantrum, I didn't know you unlocked the boards as I posted my message before I saw >>2696 and tested that it's true. Thank for that, Skajyos. I am sorry if I offend you by calling you Lute
>i don't like dead boards because they're pretty much just targets for botspam
For some mysterious reason or perhaps divine intervention the /lg/ is the only board that was never been botspammed ever, maybe it's truly a sanctuary of cuteness
>i unlocked them because i appreciate the effort posts, sometiems i wish people can just use generals on one board
True, which is why I love /lg/ even if nobody posts there, or perhaps it's why I love it because barely anyone post there as it makes the place feel so extraordinary organised and polished, especially for a website like this. Perhaps I will contact hebefag and let's see if he can make that place more gemmy
Thank you again for caring about us once more
1api seems like a cucked registrar, they even disallow racism
I don't think .soy is the 1api registrar, it seems to be latinx speaking one, spaniard to be precise. There are a few bulletproof ones that file all complaints directly in to a shredder, skaj probably already know about them. Let's see if he decides to move it in December to something truly based.
the less you post about it in public the better
I want a genuine soyjak community without the banned variant.
your entire reputation got fucked thanks to soylita.
just ban it off and you'll have way more people on your website. also i advise you to switch to cloudflare if you want to make a raid board.
still forgot about hashguard
and also potentially promote me to janny if you really need it. i WILL hashban jailbait, lolicon, and most importantly CSAM
Hey I know a perfect website for you -! I hope you will stay there
ev&doe i come from
why do you visit child porn websites?
Kys dobkun, if we get a dox on you, I will come to your house to rape and kill you
NAS and no soyquotes on >>>/soy/.
Soyretard offsite drama on >>>/b/.
Dead jailbait board one single person asked for >>>/lg/.
Do something about it please.
Maybe you should delete /lg/ and add a rule stating that all threads must pertain to the topic of the board they are created on otherwise they get moved to a hidden /trash/ type of board.
actually there's not that much nas on >>>/soy/, if you don't count self-insert 
what board should i move off-site drama to? >>>/b/ is an off-topic board
>>>/lg/ is indeed just one or two posters but they are gonna get really mad at me if i hid that board 

that sounds extremely rulecucked for a shitpost imageboard 
and i have to ask, does anyone else want >>>/lg/ besides the one who requested it?
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I don't want /lg/, if someone wants to post jailbait they should do it on /lita/ or /b/ alongside the 2d stuff
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this one?
to spam demoralization coal, hoping that you will ACK yourselves sooner or later
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Why don't you kill yourself instead offsiter?
I want /lg/, that one textfag is just some sharty migrant who want the site be sharty clone.
I'm not asking for jailbait to be banned, I just don't see why you need to have your own board when you could just post the girls on /lita/
Lita is shitpost/topics discussion related to girls, /lg/ is a comfy slow catalogue. Leave comfy boards alone please.
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i haven't posted on the sharty for almost 2 years now, you are delusional
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>i haven't posted on the sharty for almost 2 years now, you are delusional
>>>/lg/ protects your websites against raids because it scares away shartyfags
lg is made to arouse child molesters
clicked on the wrong number award
this is exactly why it should stay
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Yes, keep /lg/. It's a catalog of cuteness and must be preserved. The only reason it's so slow is that it repels faggots with its sacred purity.
marge it's just the moderation logs
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you must be new to imageboards
why dont you go back
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As you can see, the faggot >>2738/>>2740 was repelled. That means /lg/ is working. In fact they're probably projecting.
i was not though
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>As you can see, the faggot >>2738/>>2740 was repelled. That means /lg/ is working. In fact they're probably projecting.
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Funny how innocent cuteness is exactly what repels deranged soytoddler faggots who obsess over 'cado asshole and unfunny slopjak brimstone, exactly why we don't need you disgusting subhumans here.
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>Funny how innocent cuteness is exactly what repels deranged soytoddler faggots who obsess over 'cado asshole and unfunny slopjak brimstone, exactly why we don't need you disgusting subhumans here.
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Not me but I appreciate the anon who post there. Also big tits lgs will always be a gemerald.
i love this fact image because it even triggers lita posters too
This baby has such a rapeable face
i don't want to make this site a catchan colony either but i guess one board couldn't hurt, and it doesn't look like it's all just one poster samefagging in this thread
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>anti-/lg/ soytoddler quotes with unfunny facebook poop humor
>simultaneously supports the view of average raidfag who wants to abolish all pedostuff
And then we are forced to believe that being a "catchan colony" is le bad...
Brandonposting is unironically the best thing that ever happened to this website during its month lifetime.
this is still a soyjak site, and i only see /lg/ as a joke board
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is masturbation to jailbait a joke for you?
>haha jailbait and cp are funny because these are kids. when I'll go outside I'll molest some too.
Yeah but in the long run, this place will become a catchan colony if it ever grows with the /lg/ board still around
You're going to have to either cope with your cunny-loving fanbase or stick to the plan you had at the beginning
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Then keep /lg/ no matter how you view it and no matter what some faggots say about it, the moment you hide or remove it is the moment they will also push to abolish lolicon and any lg posting.
I don't post on /lg/, but I like that every post there is related to topic, I don't want to ruin how much effort was put there to make it look polished.
haha sir dobkun clained yet another trip SHARTY WON
this is who you are talking to
This will always be a pedo website, get lost faggots.
stupid retard nigger let me help your retard oppai brimstone posting ape brain understand
is me
is not me
NOT me aswell
you can't differentiate posting styles and that's a sign of being new to imageboards
i wasn't trying to ban /lg/ posting i just thought a board like /lg/ just looks out of place on a 2d focused soyjak site
And you are right skajyos
said the powerword award.
get ready
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stop projecting lil' bro
So why do you support views of raiders? How a gemmy board with no raidfags, botspam, cancer brimstone and faggotry hurts you?
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All cocksucking disgusting degenerate faggots are one person to me who support same unfunny raider's view who want to kill this site and I really don't give a shit. Blow your brains out subhuman. Oppai loli will always be a gemerald.
i don't think this site will ever grow lol, and my "plan" has nothing to do with it, though i will probably delete or hide that board if things gone out of control 

maybe he just wants you to use >>>/lita/ and >>>/b/ more
Replies: >>1927
i don't think that's the same poster who spammed cp here but yeah the catchan drama almost got this place shut down
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>all this niggerbable to say I am a faggot
Blow your brains out subhuman.
It will demoralise me to use the website at all if you hide that board. It doesn't hurt anyone to have the board dedicated to cuteness preservation other than raiders and probably that one single faggot who just want to create more friction in community, the only board not about unfunny spam or unfunny quotes. I am the only person who responds to majority of posts outside of /lg/ and I am also the one who effortposting on /pol/ abd /lita/, while also being the last person who effortpost on /lg/.
The /v/ board is fine as is.
Replies: >>1920
Meanwhile, we children have our soybooru for gem preservation, and you aren't invited to it whatsoever, nor would you even care about it. In fact, if we are not welcome on /lg/ then you are not welcome on our property either
Replies: >>1920
Great, now gtfo back to sharty and stay there.
Replies: >>1927
imported cookie to bypass bans award
i might as well just spam demoralization coal through a residential proxy
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Replies: >>1920
it's not just a single person, it's also my original concern and some other posters questioned the same thing >>2778, it's easy to spot the difference between raiders and actual users 
>board not about unfunny spam or unfunny quotes
like i said you probably don't really like soyjak sites, if there're more people who find /lg/ out of place other than me then it probably says something about you
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i need a spanking
spleasse spank and rape me skajyos rape ,🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵,,,,,,,,
Isn't this "soyjak" purity rulecucking is exactly why lute is so hated to begin with and what drove people away? You're restricting people what they want to post and remove their boards just because of your preferred view of it being some cartoon bald soylita with glasses website, at the end it will be raiders haven with no posters just like what turned out to be.
>muh soyjaks unironically 
>muh gemmy catchan boogeyman colony is real concern
>let's encourage the swineshits to colonise it and kill the website with unfunny spam instead
HOLY SHIT you're a worthless FAGGOT skikejos
kill yourself. i knew you're too incompetent to run a website
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this but unironically
Oh, and to account for these drastic but necessary changes, rebrand the fucking site. Let's start killing off the soychild influence for good.
Replies: >>1921 >>1929 >>1940
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you're not the only poster on this site and i value other users opinion as well 
personally i don't consider /lg/ that much important of a board, since it's mostly just one poster

how badly do you want to see this lolicon soyjak imageboard become catchan? i didn't reply to a single post made by swedishfails and yet somehow everyone who disagrees with you is essentially a "raider" 

you're taking this joke site that has like 5 users way too seriously, maybe i could rename Chud to Anonymous but i always thought it's clever to call everyone who uses a soyjak imageboard "Chud"

that's actually a good idea but i'm not sure how reliable board creation is, last time when jarty did it the database broke after the admin deleted a bunch of boards
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Lute was hated for being a cuck who didn't allow loli althoughbeit
>you're taking this joke site that has like 5 users way too seriously, maybe i could rename Chud to Anonymous but i always thought it's clever to call everyone who uses a soyjak imageboard "Chud"
Things have changed. None of us are truly being ironic about cunny or pedophilia. We barely see this place as a joke unlike you, so now you have demands from your userbase that you need to meet.
As I said, we can't let any raiders shit up and damage the site with filthy Soyjacks, so please ban all depictions of them except for Soylita, Shoyta, and Sproketan. The site in its current state does not deserve the Soyjack influence its predecessor once flourished.
And yes, none of us don't want to be associated with swedishlosers and Soychildren anymore, so please rename the default name to "anonymous" and change the domain to something that does not reference Soyjacks in any way. We're tired of dealing with underage raiders for weeks.
why a fucking catchan is a boogeyman to you when this site suffers with underaged faggots infestation? catchan are mature posters, all the cunnyslop they post are mostly contained within the single /cat/ thread while the rest of website is just /b/ with blogposting, it's not le spooky jailbait cp website it's rumored to be and their 'colony' would make this place gorillion times more mature and enjoyable to use. meanwhile you do nothing to prohibit raider spammers from posting and listen to some of swedishfails who try to infiltrate the userbase and colonise it according to their /raid/ thread. isn't it obvious that majority of actual userbase dgaf about soyjaks? the moment you start to care about muh SOYJAKS over community is when your site dies for good
Serious question: Why don't you just leave and go to kohlchan or 8moe for a norulecucked place free of soyjaks?
Replies: >>1922 >>1923 >>1927
>you're not the only poster on this site and i value other users opinion as well 
>personally i don't consider /lg/ that much important of a board, since it's mostly just one poster
So if one faggot demands to kill whole board that is enjoyed by many, then you gonna value his opinion over all the people who are against it? Don't you think it's gonna stir conflict? And no, it's not just 3 posters who want to keep it according to all the drama it created when it was closed and hiden.
Ever since the first days of creation of this site many wanted to distance themselves from sharty and the whole soysphere bullshit. Maybe we came from soyjak website but we outgrow it, it's no longer funny, especially in the state that it's now. I think this anon >>2823 speaks for the remaining community that care for this site. I don't know if soyjaks should be permanently banned from site entirely like he suggest, maybe a humble board like /jak/ would still be a nice containment board for drawfags, but overall I understand why he believes the soyjaks is the reason we get raided by soytoddlers to begin with.
Replies: >>1924
because skikejos told us he supports full free speech, no rulecucking and we want to make the site to be great instead of raid infested shithole by minors as the only reason nobody wants to post here, except few of us who want to keep faith?
Replies: >>1924
>this whole discussion is just a nothing burger, for now i won't do anything about /lg/ but i'm not gonna delete /soy/ just because i want to appeal to the "community", sorry but the joke continues
Look. We constitute your community and not the raiders. You're going to worsen the raids by leaving up /soy/ as it gives Swedishfails an incentive to keep spamming and demoralising us.
You are just blind to the truth in front of you and barely see us as valid when in fact we had been the most loyal people on this site for the past month. Raiders barely show any support to you.
>i could enable board creation and give /lg/'s ownership to it's only poster but that means i will have to remove it from topbar since it's a custom board, what do you think?
Give him ownership to /lg/, but if you keep being rude to us and refuse to ban Soyjacks as we please, you are totally better off on lending him ownership and complete administration of this entire IB.
Replies: >>1927
I am the one who is referred to as "hebefag" who post there and I don't want it to be removed from top bar as it makes the site be gemmy and scare off actual sharty posters.
Ironically it's the only board that never got raided, never got botspammed and so far we don't even need janny there. I wouldn't mind if I could get rights to move threads to /lgbt/, /b/ or /lita/ if things get bad.
I totally feel you man but I don't want to break skajyos bubble of his "soyjak dream board", yet. I understand why believe the /soy/ is the cause of most raiders and source of all the problems. is no longer the community it used to be, it used to be full of unironic foodists and pedos, now it's entirely a parody of itself. Soyjaking itself should bever be considered as the whole purpose of the website, because behind every soyjaker lies real person and if all you do is posting ironically then the whole joke becomes unfunny cancer. It's what retard lute didn't understand and by trying to force it is what killed his website.
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Replies: >>1927
skoot add a rule against advertising own projects and delete >>>/soy/3035
Replies: >>1927 >>1928
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xhes too busy gooning to 'p
therfore there won't be an answer
Replies: >>1925 >>1927
why should i? it's not like it can get us taken down
Replies: >>1926
so underage faggots like >>2836 won't be shilling their discord
Replies: >>1927
it's not like we are super popular or anything 
for now i will leave discord links up as long as it's not spamming
being under 18 is against the rules
"EduaroBoscut" is known for being 13 years old
i removed that rule during the domain change 
also how do i know if he's really underage or if it's just a meme?
ehhh come on just look at his posts >>>/pol/158
He doxed himself and there is photo of him next to chocolate milk, unfortunately I never saved it. He's a fat boy 100%.
Replies: >>1931 >>1934
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I hate to admit it Skoot but this guy >>2830 is right, fixation on soyjaks kills this site by appealing to raiders and making them obsessed with this place. Modern soyjak community will never post here unless you entirely erase any reference to pedophilia, and like the deranged toddlers they are, they will still consider your site a boogeyman. Please, let us have our own MAP-oriented ib for once, there is nothing ironic about it.
Buck Jarty - Soylita Blues compressed.mp4
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>I hate to admit it Skoot but this guy >>2830 is right, fixation on soyjaks kills this site by appealing to raiders and making them obsessed with this place. Modern soyjak community will never post here unless you entirely erase any reference to pedophilia, and like the deranged toddlers they are, they will still consider your site a boogeyman. Please, let us have our own MAP-oriented ib for once, there is nothing ironic about it.

first it's jailbait, then it's /lg/, now you're asking me to remove the only reason i made this site, who's the real raider here?

i have my bottom line, no means no, i don't care if you're gonna stop using this site or spam cp, this is still just a soyjak imageboard that doesn't ban pedophilia
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T. Rapefugee attempting to colonize
>Modern soyjak community will never post here 
why are you saying this like it's a bad thing?
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Skoot, I am not the guy advocating to remove soyjaks and /soy/ entirely, I am just saying making this site fixated on soyjaks alone will kill it. Soyjak posting and soyquotes are only funny when they are relevant and portray the user you're talking with to highlight his mistakes, which is something you can't force to happen but happen spontaneously. The lute mistake was he wanted to keep jarty ONLY soyjak website, and that backfired. I am just saying that we want MAP oriented board for once that isn't all ironic. There is nothing ironic in not being a subhuman faggot.
There is nothing bad about it, that's actually great. The problem is that Skoot want this to be a Soyjak Imageboard™, something entirely focusing on "soyculture" shit with ironic posting, and that will not work.
Sure, but if we want to remove the raiders from the site then we would have to take down /soy/ but heavily limit the usage of soyjaks to counter strawman claims or mock another group or person. Soylita and shoyta would be the only soyjaks that are immune to limitation, and Soyjaks used beyond what is set would be immediately deleted and the user would get banned. I don't have a good way mitigate our Final Solution yet.
Perhaps we should start pushing more zoosadism and aspects of Chinny culture in order to drive out the Soychildren and underage Swedishlosers back to their daycares. With tourists such as Sandaryan being here, I believe we should give him and his ilk a place on this website.
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Give Skoot a break, he's probably already tired of reading all of this and he has to focus on IRL stuff. I agree with you, but Skoot has his own little dream of having pedo soyjak board with total free speech, let him have it even if it's childish and very unlikely to be realized with current state of (((  soysphere  ))). So far /soy/ been used as /b2/, which is proof that nobody cares about soyjaks in 2024, and the only person who been soyquoting there is some angry poster portraying Skajyos and raiders who want to remove /lg/ lol. I don't like zoosadism, cats and dogs shouldn't be touched, but BMT gemmies should be fired all the way if that will help.

I believe the best way to combat raiders is demoralise them and making spamming as difficult and unpleasant as possible so the best way to do it is to ban them, they are retarded children and can't evade rangeban properly, but Skoot will probably never agree to that. 3 thread limit per 30 minutes also sound reasonable. Perhaps someone should re-create BMT thread and repost all the gems, sadly I haven't saved them in time.

>but heavily limit the usage of soyjaks to counter strawman claims or mock another group or person.
Imho it's the only time soyjaks should be used, otherwise it's not funny. And soyjaks should be the most close to the truth, not just brainless slopquotes that only shows that you're an underage spastic cretin. I agree though that all mindless slopquotes and all demoralization quotes by raiders should be banned, as it's just a unfunny site killing cancer.
so much serious business. he should just hire obsessed faggot like you to be janny with move permissions only. then let community develop naturally not in forced way.
skajyos please ban the people who try to dox me
Replies: >>1932
If you've stayed in your shithole website and never have bothered us then you could have avoided all of it, just sayin'.
Replies: >>1933
Good morning Skajyos, how are you?
erm... fatphobic much?
skajyos is a kike who won't stop banning me
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I need a spanking
Okay skajyos GTFO that VPN
I came here to propose that exact same thing.
I replied to majority of posts on /b/ and /lita/ and made thread on /lita/ and other boards outside of /lg/. What else you want me to do?
i never asked you to do anything i was just saying that not everyone who disagrees with you is a "raider"
Replies: >>1935
Neither posting in outside boards and trying to pertain on their topic get us more activity. The most activity we get so far is when irl girls are posted.
i don't care about activity and i'm not gonna make this site a catchan colony
I didn't even said anything about making anything.
Why is /lg/ gone?
Replies: >>1936 >>1938 >>1939
like i said you are always asking for more. first it's jailbait, then it's a whole board dedicated to sharing videos of irl kids, and now you're blatantly asking me to remove any soyjak aspect of this site and host cp. you insult me just like raiders would whenever i refuse to comply, and yet you still think i'm the one who's rude and unreasonable here. you claim that you value free speech and yet you asked me to ban something as pesky as slopjaks. you pretend that you care about this site but in reality you just want to use it as some kind of public cp archive. 

as a result you lose >>>/lg/ for actively posting csam and unironically complaining about it whenever i take necessary actions, i warned you >>2462 but you never listened, as usual 

this site is and will always be a simple soyjak imageboard that doesn't ban pedophilia and lolicon, no matter how dead it is. i will no longer reply to your essays on why should i allow cp or move to tor, i didn't make this site to fulfil you or your matrix friends requests
You are mistaking me with someone else.

even though I like you idea for the site and will continue to use it regardless, the soishit won’t stop spamming this site until you ban all loli/pedophilia, and your userbase doesn’t really like ‘jakking either, I’d say keep /lg/ for sfw only, I am in contact with the cp spamming guy so I can make him stop, and maybe create /jak/ and try to appease to jarty oldfags and not sharty newfags, and move off siter spam to there
no you don't understand 
i wasn't specifying anyone personally, i was talking about all the "community members" that you and your /lg/ board brought to this site, i don't like them and i wish you to acknowledge the fact that i only made that board as a joke
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Replies: >>1937
Sorry, I am not in contact with the ‘p spammer, but I will try to contact them to stop
I am the guy who knew you before the creation of the website and I was among the first to create /cat/.

I did NOT ask you to remove soyjaks and I definitely didn't ask you to host cp. I did NOT insult you ever since our last conflict resolved, I didn't even complain when you banned topless hebes, the only thing I asked if adult naked women posting is allowed.

If I didn't care about this place I wouldn't post here daily. I try to make this place grow, I try to post on other boards as you implied I should, I try make interesting threads and shill them on other imageboards like 4chan/a/, I abide by your own rules and restrictions, I try to defend you against attacks both from raiders and own community who demand too much or being rude. Why can't I have just one board even if it will remain SFW? It wasn't even me who created the kissing thread there.
no i wasn't talking about you, there're users who shared actual csam on this site and complained about the removals, it's been like this for weeks

i think it has something to do with /lg/ board itself or whatever matrix group that they've been contacting in
and yes you basically asked (or suggested) me to host cp one way or another
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I cannot be responsible for something other do. Obviously they are trolls if they post legit csam and complain about removal of it, or raiders themselves.

/lg/ board doesn't allow csam anyway. The only guy who complain about removal of legit csam is a guy from chinny, and he's a massive troll. It has nothing to do woth the SFW board...
yes it does 

one of the csam posters was also the one who complained when i hid /lg/ last time
I didn't ask you to host cp, I only care for SFW legal board of /lg/ even if it will be rulecucked. I only joke when I said "please stop ruleclit" after you removed one image since you didn't touch other topless girls, I didn't know topless hebes were not allowed but I hasn't posted one since....
Replies: >>1942
As I said I cannot be responsible for actions of other people, if they also like the /lg/ board that doesn't mean I brought them in. Most catchanners and other members already left once raids happened anyway.
Replies: >>1942
you've implied many times that i should leave csam up, so have some other users 

making /lg/ was a mistake since it attracts users like them
Replies: >>1941 >>1942
and btw no amount of swedishfail botspam can take this site down, but csam can
I never implied to leave csam, the worst I ask for legal jailbait. How do you know it's the /lg/ that attract these people? The lita poster is obviously a chinny immigrant, and he seems to be here since beginning like me. Can I be at least moderator of that board and allow people to post even if you hide it?
Okay I joked about leaving csam for 2 hours today to celebrate this site month anniversary, you got me. I still don't insult you anymore, I trying my best to fix our relationship/consensus, and the people who post csam here would post it regardless existence of /lg/ or not.
Replies: >>1943 >>1944
maybe i would consider unlocking it 

still you encouraged them to post cp many times, so you are somewhat responsible as well
Tell me how do I encourage them to post cp? They are trolls, if anything they do it to get negative reactions, such as this one from both of us, or to scare off sharty/chinny/swinny migrants. You once said to not take shitposts seriously, outside of this thread I am mostly shitposting. It's also why I want this thread to be clean from spam since it's the only seriousfag thread.
Replies: >>1944 >>1945
See, >>2970 this is the kind of trolling people do, and they do it to gather negative reaction. Even if some people call you a "ruleclit faggot" or, God forbid, a l*te, you shouldn't take it too seriously and punish literally everyone for it, even these who try to act as diplomatically as possible.
Replies: >>1944 >>1945
lol what a fucking retard, stop overestimating yourself 

this discussion doesn't concern you and it never does

your presence has no impact on my decisions whatsoever but for some reason you can't stop acting like i remotely care about what you think
Replies: >>1944 >>1945
skajyos, honey, I was the one who posted 'p in that thread
i only did it because i was asked to do it to banish shartyfags lurkers, and then we had a little fun with other 'p posters that joined 
/lg/ has nothing to do with it, i am not your catchan boogeyman, i found your site through jartycuck booru once you announced it so i been here before /lg/
if anything i am /pol/tard, both sh*rty and 4cuck, posting 'p is old sharty tradition and /pol/ have plenty of foodists
i called you a worthless faggot because you're incompetent. you being rude and disdain your own community, not just me but other good fellas, and cared too much for what one or maybe two faggot offsiters tell you to do, same faggots who push to abolish pedophilia fully and still won't use your site afterwards
i didn't called you names for removing csam lol, other 'p posters did, namely pirateCHAD most likely, and it's obvious he's mostly shitposting
if act of one or two anons made you revenge on whole site out of anger, well, then that means the trolling was successful, and offsiters will just continue to use this tactic against you till you upset every single person who still use this site
you won't be able to operate any website if you take every single bait while being rude to innocent folks, you shouldn't take jokes too seriously
Replies: >>1944 >>1945
>only active whenever /lg/ is hidden or someone posts their catchan fantasies 
>complain whenever i remove the csam you uploaded
>still wondering why i don't like you 

of all the things i permitted and compromised here and you still just want me to host child porn, otherwise this place is essentially just a dead site with no reason to visit. i'm sick of seeing you denying this while acting the opposite. you did this to yourselves
Replies: >>1944 >>1945
lmao nigger i don't complain about removal of csam, i knew you would remove it that's why i posted it ot, then other people joined and posted more 
disliking me won't change anything, all i told you is to not take shitposts seriously
yeah i like /lg/, i mostly lurk because there is nothing worth to talk about other than drama or fuck with soyniggers by posting 'p
also i don't "want" you to host child porn, at least i am not the one ask you to host onions, take your meds
Replies: >>1944 >>1945
yes most of you did complain about the removal and directly suggested me to host cp stop lying
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Replies: >>1944 >>1945 >>1946
lute, posting 'p is just fun because of anger it generates. if you allow csam it won't be as fun posting it, take your meds
calling me "lute" won't do anything
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Replies: >>1945
you call this a joke site, so why do you take jokes too seriously?
i never wanted a board about irl kids, /lita/ is enough and /lg/ isn't coming back anytime soon because of what you did yesterday
Replies: >>1947
removing /lg/ won't discourage me from posting 'p, you're doing harm to rest of innocent community. you can't control your anger, your enemies will use it against you
next time frogfags will start posting 'p and demand removal of /lita/, what are you going to do then?
you might as well ban tor nodes and dynamic ips completely, install account approval bidenflare and implement manual media preview so you be the real sharty splinter
Replies: >>1947
i don't consider you community 
if you insist on posting cp then i'd consider you hostile to this site
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Replies: >>1947
i don't care what you consider me, moderator must have cold head. i consider you a lute because of your tendency to generalize everyone and anger remaining users with your incompetence. next time offsiters start to spam 'p and falseflag as lita posters, what you're going to do?
so you admitted that you're an off-site raider? more reason for me to hide /lg/
i didn't, i ask what you would do
i don't care about what you consider me then 
go back to your matrix cp sharing group
skajyos... you're trying to revenge whole group because the actions of few. even if i was offsiter, then that means i am successful one, as my actions made you upset the rest of userbase. but even you accuse me of shit i didn't do like ask you to host csam, then you think i am part of some da 'triiiiiiiiiiiix group
i wasn't even successful adding the pirateCHAD yesterday because anti-contact faggots are just normgroids
Replies: >>1948
no you don't get it 
i'm done with you, i'm sick of cooperating with people i don't like  
i have no idea who the fuck pirateFAG is and i honestly couldn't care less
i don't see reason why i should stop posting 'p if you being such slf. pirateGOD was among your most loyal defenders ever since chinny, or churro even
should i consider that i threat? if i don't do everything you force me to do then you will continue to post cp on this site?
i only posted it because i was asked to in that thread, i thought it would be funny to see reactions on sharty who lurk here and it was indeed funny to read their thread about us. posting 'p and ban evade is true sharty culture. you're intentionally trying to create conflicts for no reason
no it's been like this for weeks 
you unironically told me to delete /soy/ and make this place a cp site many times 
you don't care about soyjaks you just want me to host cp
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Skoot, why don't you just rangeban these faggots and bring back humble sfw /lg/? The 'p spammers could be offsiter for all we know.
Replies: >>1949
stop calling me that 
admin names that ends with -oot is the faggiest thing ever
i didn't told you to delete soy, this is my post >>2824
i was pissed that you turn catchan in to a boogeyman when you had serious problem with raiders who SPAM unfunny shit and obsess with this, and this spam makes everyone leave. all i said is that you care about snca while being rude to community needlessly, as result you have 1 ppd
Replies: >>1950
what's "spam" to you exactly? posting soyjaks on /soy/ instead of stirring up splinter drama and posting csam?
creating gorillion threads with exactly the same shit in a row? spamming a a a a a a per single post just to get muh get? i asked you to group spam threads in one thread so they don't flood catty but even that you didn't do
don't act like you care about the quality of this site, you only come here for the cp
i wouldn't be here, talking to you politely and try to calm you while pointing on your obvious flaws as moderator now wouldn't i? i would spam gorillion of 'p as you accuse me, same way raiders do unfunny linespam
no you're only doing this because you want your /lg/ back
Replies: >>1951
i only made single thread there, and i did it to honor this website because faggots like you and other said nobody uses /lg/ except of one person even though it scares off shartytoddlers
the most fun i had on this site is to raid altchans and post 'p there anyway
Replies: >>1952
yes now you've finally admitted it 
you don't like this site you just like posting cp and sharing cp
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Sorry, it's just an endearing name since it refers to soot/moot/etc. Still, why don't you just rangeban them? I don't want their actions to be representative for the rest of us.
Replies: >>1954
so it's my fault that nobody uses your site because of raiders and you being rude to your community so they leave? that thread had the most activity on this website in the last two weeks
everyone does it that's why it's faggy

i asked you many times, what's "raid" to you exactly? a single thread you don't like? a slopjak that triggers you? maybe you don't really care about free speech you just want this place to be some kind of pedo safe space for you

and i wouldn't be so serious about it if you could just hold the urge and stop telling me to host cp, i even changed domain registrar just for your jailbait shit and still nobody gives a single fuck about /lg/ besides few cp posters like you

if anything it's your cp and jailbait that scared away the original userbase of this site, and caused porkbun to remotely care about the reports against, you are the "raiders"
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Replies: >>1955
i already answered here >>3003
more than 3 threads in a row with exactly same text us considered a spam to most. 10 threads in a row is definitely a spam. posting repeating single character multiple times in a row is also a spam. when all i see in overboard is exactly the same shit posted gorillion times, manually or by a bot, i consider it a spam even if it have slightly different picture. bro are you're genuinely mentally challenged?
nigger for fuck sake i never told HOST cp holy fucking shit. i post cp, you delete it, everyone is happy. i posted it like once and it was yesterday because anons wanted to scary away lurkers, i considered deleting it because i thought you might be asleep so shartyfags wouldn't report you. do yourself a favour and stop generalising your posters
i am original member of your userbase even if i just lurk, i still recognise lolicon posters I saw 12th of october and the rest i have in session. sadly i never added pirate/litaGOD, he's the one who wants to make .onion splinter. bro i only post 'p once here chill
/lg/ isn't coming back and i wish you could just stay away from this site
not going to happen sorry, especially if you act like slf soyboy manchild
I care for /lg/, I just don't post there. I appreciate when hebefag post there, I don't know where to find good quality of lg images. Can you please just rangeban cp spammer as other suggested? I don't want to be associated with them, please...
and you too 
go back to if you like them so much
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nigger you're so retarded and incompetent it's hilarious. i only ever asked you to stop being so obsessed with catchan, all i ever ask you. i am not asking you to host jailbait, i did not complain about you deleting 'p. raiding other dead altchans were far more fun, take your meds NOW
and now you ban me because your little soyboy feelings got hurt, you're the soyjak that you want people to make fun of
retard that's not even me 
it's amazing how you all have this weird hatred towards me just over a faildox
Replies: >>1956
/lg/ isn't coming back, i know you've been samefagging for a while now
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that's why this image of megamymy will always be a gem, because it's (you). if not physically, then by essence. and seeing how you always recoil when someone post it implies that perhaps you're indeed a megamymy. you do not even want to allow to upload gemmy megamymy edits to jartycuck because they insult you, i can see it hurts when people associate you with him. but even if you're not him, you're even more ugly.
that's why you're hypocritical little faggot, people told you they don't want to be demoralised by raiders, they don't find slopjaks fun, nobody does, it's a common consensus by practically everyone, but obviously you're too retarded and selfish and won't know it until you experience first hand yourself.
kill yourself, you're just pathetic. i tried to be nice to you but you well deserved to be hated by everyone and associated with lute and negamymy
>post csam 
>insult me whenever i refuse to do your bidding 
>wonder why i don't like you 

you never cared about this site or liked me to begin with you just want to convince me to run this site your way
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>got mad over me moving a shitty ai edit of megamymy to trash  
>all while telling me to ban soyjaks on a soyjak imageboard 

who's the real hypocrite here lol stop humiliating yourself
your site is too fucking dead to post 'p, it's more punishing to leave you alone here
i was of the few sharty/pol/ users to defend you against megamymy accusations from swedishfails faggot
you intentionally try to make conflict with everyone so they leave you or become your enemies
>same old accusations about MUH SOYJAKS
it's surprising the site is still running for a month after you being this much of a shitskin braindead retard
maybe i wouldn't have done what i did if you didn't post csam, ever thought about that?
but from what i'm seeing is that you consider me "rude" for not tolerating you posting content that could potentially get this site taken down 
again, you never really liked or cared about this site you just want to convince me to host cp for you, i tried to compromise with you but your actions tend to make that quite difficult
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>supports full free speech, no rulecucking 
>we want to make the site to be great instead of raid infested shithole by minors as the only reason nobody wants to post here
like what exactly do you want? "no rulecucking" or "ban everything you don't like"? pick a side already dipshit
if it's what community wants, it's rude to not give them what they beg for especially when it generated so much lulz both here and on their snca sharty thread
no, i consider you being rude because you mistreat my bros, because you consider your community to be catchan boogeyman, because you care for swedishfail spam more than your community, because you keep calling legal Instagram cunnyslop a csam, because you worry about non-existent catchan colony to be your only concern when site gets flooded to death by bots, because you care about muh soyjaks more than potential posters who could post soyjaks, because you can't fucking listen to what people tell you and try to generalize people, because you can't have mutual respect in conversation
if i tell you once more that i never called you names, or complain for deleting shit you still would not listen. it's extremely rude to being this selfish and just assume we are some kind of hive-mind. why can't you reply to guy who said he wants to make 'p hosting .onion splinter? he's the one call you names
>botspam and raids are the real people
>giving advice to popularize it with mature people instead of being spam dumpster by underaged minors is how you restrict free speech
wow, you're such desperate faggot that not even 'p spam would be fun
lol shut the fuck up already 
>my bros 
what are your bros? since when did this site become your thing? 
>keep calling legal Instagram cunnyslop a csam
you posted actual cp yesterday, and my previous domain registrar referred those jailbait videos as "csam" so what else was i supposed to do? let them suspend my domain on day one of swedishfail raid? 
>care for swedishfail spam more than your community
i never replied to a single thread made by swedishfail but you blame me for not removing it because you are too lazy to use the hide feature 
>if i tell you once more that i never called you names
you did many times, maybe you choose to not remembering your own post history

you always have your own ways to justify your views on free speech but what you actually want me to do is just deleting everything that you personally find unacceptable based on your arbitrary standards
Replies: >>1969
/lg/ isn't coming back btw 
you're wasting your time
Replies: >>1957
are you a LEA agent? go fuck yourself
>what are your bros? since when did this site become your thing?
because i know them before creation of this site? just because you're anti-contact normgroid faggot who has no friends and nobody likes you doesn't mean other are the same
>you posted actual cp yesterday
yes i did, and i expect you to delete it
>and my previous domain registrar referred those jailbait videos as "csam" so what else was i supposed to do? let them suspend my domain on day one of swedishfail raid?
you could just be less snarky and call it jailbait or just say "sorry, current domain doesn't allow studio models" instead of accuse jailbait posters as cp posters. there been actual csam posters before me anyway
>i never replied to a single thread made by swedishfail but you blame me for not removing it because you are too lazy to use the hide feature
don't you think community feel neglected and demoralised to post when their only admin allow derogatory spam left unmoved yet don't want to hire jannies? nobody wants to post in a garbage dumpster, more so than 'p posting website
>you did many times, maybe you choose to not remembering your own post history
you intentionally misquoted me to make out of context greentext. i never called you names FOR removing csam. yes i did call you worthless faggot for being incompetent retard and for being unnecessarily rude to my bros, that i never denied
>you always have your own ways to justify your views on free speech but what you actually want me to do is just deleting everything that you personally find unacceptable based on your arbitrary standards
bro, plz... are you unironically defending botspam now, really nigga? you accused us of being catchan colony for liking hebes, yet if we had community from anywhere but soyshit we'd less likely pay attention to offsiter spam
again want to punish whole community because of one person
holy shit what exactly do you want me to remove? 
just because someone posted the same message for like five times to acquire a GET that nobody cares about doesn't make it botspam, you are trying to take away someone's privilege of posting the same messages just because it makes you mad
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there been at least 10 threads created on /soy/ in a row within like two minutes with exactly the same quote
please find me a single person who doesn't view it as spam. you refused to even group them all in to a single thread so they don't shit overboard catty
if anything i would like to remove all the garbage splinter drama threads from /soy/ and /lita/, they're never funny but are cherished by wordswordswords faggots like you because that's what you do best, so you should be grateful that i left those up on /soy/
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Replies: >>1959
so you want to kill the only activity this website ever had? and then you wonder why people think you're incompetent and call you a lute
i'm just speaking facts
you have pretty low standards, so much so that the only engaging activity for you are dogshit splinter slapfights that lead to nothing, create nothing, so i'm wondering about why would you ask me to remove anything to begin with if nothing else interests you besides drama
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Replies: >>1960
do you really care about the quality of this site? 

or do you just want to use it as some kind of cp sharing hideout with your "bros"?
lol what a bunch of crybabies 
maybe sharty made the right decision on banning pedophilia
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Replies: >>1961
nigger this site is dnb 24/7. most activity we had is when allowed jailbait for a day in early october, the second time when catchan raided us, this gave us the best quality posters for awhile especially on /pol/ but raids made them all leave. and also yesterday, shartyfags migrated here to goon to 'p and we had little gooning session while also trying to colonise dead altchans. shit was kino
it wasn't even splinter slapfight, some faggot on sharty larp as us and then they come here to lurk, but instead of seething they just goon to 'p and left seething/larping gems on sharty, then we went to colonize dead altchans. it's not my fault that you hate fun
yes i care for this site, otherwise i wouldn't talk to you rn and keep faith. i can't promise i won't post 'p though, it was really fun sorry. i will try to delete it within a hour if you're sleeping just so raidfags can't report you
none of that shit is funny to me because it could get this site taken down what part of it don't you understand?
you're desperate bro. look i don't even hate you, but you're digging your own grave by trying to create conflict with everyone and by being needlessly rude, i just point out your mistakes
you need to chill, for real. jarty left 'p almost for a day almost everyday despite endless raids and hate, site lasted for over 2 years
i'm not gonna leave cp up just because i want to appeal to any of you no matter how long you've been here, if this is what you've been planning on doing with this place then you are more than welcome to stay away from here forever
i just want you to chill and stop seething
we post 'p, you delete it, sounds fair to me
feds won't get your ass because it's not you who post it
what is this about "fair"?
you dare to post csam here and ask me to delete spam for you?
you get to download it and goon to it too so it's win-win
haha nigger you need to calm down, i only posted it because i wanted to make shartyfags seethe and because i was asked to
they won't be seething if this site got shut down because of what you posted, retard
honestly i don't ask you anything anymore, this website is so dead that the only fun i can have here is talking to you
if you really want want to stop deleting blatant botspam because of me then you only prove that you're incompetent and willing to kill the site for everyone just to piss me off, which means i succeeded in my plan IF i was a genuine raider
nigger the reports don't usually work if cp been deleted within a day on .soy
again i posted 'p just once yesterday because people asked me to
i am sorry that the only people who use your site are people who only interested in foodist material, irl kids and 'p? is this what you want me to say?
Replies: >>1968
you're still asking me to permit csam up till this very moment just because "your bros" like it and it's not a "big deal" for this site
Replies: >>1969
and you basically just admitted that you've been samefagging and lying all the time by switching to that ip 
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Replies: >>1970
okay you got me I was in that thread and posted with them too, but there been more 'p posters too.
Replies: >>1973
I still never asked you to host real 'p.
Also I never called you names for deleting 'p, only once called you ruleclit as a joke.
lol who's the dishonest faggot now?
Replies: >>1974
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Guess we both are. I don't want to post 'p with my usual ip.
I am still correct in my points though. I never called you names for deleting 'p, I still have contact with some posters on session, including two lita posters and one lolicon poster. I never get to add pirateGOD sadly. I still feel you being unnecessarily rude to us. I still want you to see as community. Yes, I WISH you to accept topless hebes as part of jailbait you allowed, that's it. If I didn't cared for you or this site I wouldn't be here or doing whatever I can to make it grow. I feel offended when you call legal shit from Instagram as csam, just like I feel offended when I try to abide by the rules you still call me a catchan colony even when I don't post lgs. I don't feel it's fair to punish everyone for action of others too, especially when you could see I wasn't alone on that thread.

I am sorry for posting 'p and have this drama. We wish you join our jassy bunker on session but you will probably decline. You don't usually talk with us, and only talk when it's a drama. It's the most I had conversation with you, so here is at least this.
there's no "we" here
you pretend to be different posters to support your ideas while blaming me for my reasonable suspicious 
it's your fault from the very beginning, i don't mind people insult me or call me names, what i don't like is lying
Replies: >>1975 >>1977
That's why I want to add people to session, you can't really samefag there and you get to know each other better, have private conversation while having contact outside of ibs. I am sorry that I hide the fact I was among the 'p posters in that splinter drama thread, I really didn't want to stir new conflict so I hide it...
yes, I also made /lg/ threads...
Still I haven't posted 'p on this site since our last conflict till yesterday, and I am sorry for doing that...
I feel guilty, and I am sorry...
Guess I can't prove you anyhow, but I didn't complain when you removed the csam.
>muh "your way"
I knew you're despicable faggot and lied about compromise, your bullshit apology about accusations and etc. You're an incompetent retard that just want drama and want to run the website YOUR way but hate it when that free speech result in to something you didn't expect. Also I didn't said I will leave.
Replies: >>1976 >>1978
Pardon me good sir, I assumed the pirateguy is the 'p poster. At least one person in 'p thread told me he was pirateflag when chinny was spammed with pedogems and contributed.
>don't do everything you say = no free speech 
lol like i said try posting your jailbait stuff on not just soyjak imageboard but literally any other generic imageboard then see what you get
/lg/ isn't coming back and i'm not gonna make another one for you so i really don't know what do you expect me to do here
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That's like old sharty tradition to post 'p. Nevertheless, both Lute and Froot are less toxic to talk with despite differences in views.
Replies: >>1979
lol they wouldn't be talking to you like i'm doing here they'd just permaban you on sight
are you retarded or what?
I can't talk about lute but froot won't create board just so someone put effort to gem it up and then destroy it, not that faggot lacking empathy would know.
Replies: >>1980
>i expect the admin should be cool with me posting real cp
you are honestly one of the most deranged people on the internet.
>only soyjaks allowed = ((( """free speech""" )))
lol, lmao, rofl even.
Replies: >>1981
You came to goon too? Imagine expecting anything from sk*jyos lol.


Replies: >>1982
you should make your own cp splinter and see how long it can stay up.
Replies: >>1981
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cp get
Tiger girl won!
JM fags will seethe


Replies: >>1983 >>1984
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Replies: >>1985
You have great ideas for improving this imageboard. However, if Skajyos refuses, would you be willing to make a splinter of this site on adult onohosting with all of the features that you want for nuJarty and potentially become the establishing admin of that website?
I am poorfag living in post-commie eastern shithole. I wouldn't be able to pay for it, I can't just wilfully throw away 400$ for jarty host like some of you. I only try to help Skajyos because awhile back he gave impression of being very passionate about jarty. Guess I was wrong...
Hmmmm... do you know anyone else besides Skajyos that you could collaborate with to get your plan in motion?
Did it had any other boards? What exactly did it host? Some candydoll legal shit or foodist tier daisy destruction with dancing swedes? Candydoll is still legal in japan btw.
It takes time to experiment with proxies and hosts, it's why some sites allow bmt and some don't, and same catchan was up to 2 years by using proxies cleverly. That is not to mention 8chan, 8moe and ninechan that had legit 'p.
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