>It consists of nothing but porn, nigger porn, faggot porn, faggot furfag porn, faggots posting their hairy asssholes, faggots posting their hairy dicks.
Yeah, nobody said /b/ was ever good, but their lolicon thread is most active. I don't know anything about same images, mostly it's different shit but I am not in to it so I visit it once a month.
Sharty was always turboshit ever since froot, or doll even, but it always allowed autistic turbo degeneracy there, which is partly why it was so shit, plus /nate/ board fir legitimate porn and animated porn.
>I am degenerate furfag
Bro why don't you fuck off to fur affinity then? It's a whole website dedicated to furfags. And loliconfags have very active baraag.net hosted by pajeet that sharty tried to take down for whole month and failed. There just isn't much this site can offer otherwise, especially when soyjaking is dead.