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>This is why I suggested the adult version of onohosting, it can allow bmt, muslim fucking goats, pajeet fucking cows and they don't care about 'p either.

>Please don't say clear "no" just yet, let's get more experience with the host you're currently using and polish the website first. 

>By polish I mean get imageboard look more organised and complete. I like the way oldsharty did look, you had multiple painting options, not just tegaki, which allowed to quickly edit any image you attempt to upload or even the ones you copied online. There was also embed window for youtube links and other video hosting services, these retards broke it now so it doesn't work. I also would like increase of host maximum capacity at least to 200 like on old krautchan. The more the better, you could then archive long videos like TGSNT and YTP videos of the past. The top page with boards also could look more polished, especially for mobile phones, by decreasing size of board font.

>I don't want to overwhelm you though, but these things is something that would make board look more gemmy. Please don't give up on this place to grow great, more than just "yet another soyjak splinter of one niche only".
us jartycucks are white lol.gif
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>Slopjaks isn't fun for anyone, it's not fun to poster, it's not fun to post, it's not mocking anyone, it's not fun to look at them in place where it is posted nor is fun for the place it tries portrays, it's just legitimately cancer that drove the last oldGODS from jarty elsewhere and that only 11 years old brownoid children from shitholes may find fun to post. It's essentially low effort spam that just fill up space and makes people feel bored to look at catalog. People don't even care to make fun ai songs nor funny edits like with fnf pedonigger anymore, at best it portray that the user is seething when he's posting slopjak or spam. It's only perfect for trash board that is /lgbt/.

>I still believe we need an welcome place for oldfag jakking community that would feel comfy, slow and calm, like what sootism LARP jarty tried to be. I don't see anything bad with jarty banners, they show oldgod culture back when it wasn't all about drama and obsession.
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>Bro I explicitly highlighted OLD jarty, as in the original one back when:
>1) /b/ had general with nothing but BMT collection.
>2) open pedophiles came to jarty about how they want to rape and matty irl children and posted very suggestive webms of little girls kissing
>3) gore, troon mutilation and dnb posts were everywhere.

>Sure you can have your foodist utopia here, but another good thing was about OLD jarty is ability to create personal safe space boards with self regulation and you could become janny of that little board to keep it look polished and board theme/niche uncorrupted. Being able to create AnCap microstates with minor rules related to that tiny board where you become tiny monarch is part of freedom of speech libertypill, freedom of association is part of First Amendment.

>Let me try to explain it slowly so it doesn't get misunderstood. Having a full freedom of speech shitposting board is all good and dandy, but if it becomes the ONLY meta of the website, then nobody will use it, and because here will be nobody to bait then all the shitposter foodists will move elsewhere as well. And how can we attract userbase if all we ever see is spam and unfunny ugly slopjaks? Even if you make this unironic website pedo utopia with 'p allowed, most pedos won't post here since they will be driven off by spam.

>I strongly believe we need a space haven for oldDEITIES who just nostalgic about old times of jaking. Now that both and jarty are dead, 4chan/qa/ is locked, yet both sh*rty, shoally and svinnyfail are literally unusable, it's perfect opportunity to create for them the old, original /qa/ board that would feel welcome. Maybe create the /jak/ board for them, or turn the current /soy/ in to that so it feels welcome, and the old jarty banners for that board would feel most warm. Maybe just create /jarty/ board for them. I just want high quality human capital userbase to return, not just be filled with shitskin spastic seething obsessed toddlers that can't create anything for shit or bots.
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>I think you completely missed the point of my messages. Having place of self-cuckolding won't be getting new genuine users and instead will attract offsiters just to shit on this place, botspam it and they will fuck off to their regular shitholes after each raid - basically using this site as toilet to shit on whenever they feel like. Self-degrading place will force either every poster who decides to stay to be ironic poster or become stolkholm syndrome cuck like lute who just bent toward whims of offsiters rather than caring for old established community that left after lute bent over to offsiters and offsiters never meant to stay here anyway as their goal was just to whine.

>You're essentially repeating the same mistakes the old jarty did, you allow it to be a punching bag for offsiters, you don't fight or defend this place original principles and it's userbase by allowing offsiters to shape the image of this site for you. This is how old jarty died, lute allowed the site to be raided non-stop with cancerous shit that drove the last users off elsewhere because they ACTUALLY had self-esteem and didn't want to remain in the shithole swamp of slopjaks that was jarty in its last months of it's lifetime. Unless you turn their mockery against them, replace fnf pedonigger with fnf pedoaryan, just like how 4chan/pol/ turned leftypol's "le pol face" (chud) in a aryan chud; or ignore their mockery all together and just become your own thing, with own culture and meta unrelated to their bullshit boogeyman image, then they will win and users of this site will feel insulted, feel uncared and unwelcome and will just left.

>I don't want to convince you if you don't want to listen. If anyone else, besides me and bots, used this site - they would tell you exactly the same thing. I am genuinely trying to make this place to look presentable than being a dumpsterfire cesspool for offsiters, and I am trying to help you with your site, I don't want to just go against your ideals either. I feel sorry for old jarty and what dumbass cuck the lute was for not defending it and it's users, but instead kneeling to the bitching from shitskins who had impression about jarty from the strawman boogeyman they created and convinced themselves. Is this site just a strawman boogeyman personification? Then it will be as dead as jarty was in its last month of life.
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>The site will be dnb in no time when all ironic/non-ironic pedos will leave and offsiters will have no reason to seethe about. You could expect some shartoidtroon to falseflag as pedo, but they are unironically braindead low iq shitskin spergs who will think mere entering this website will report them to FBI.
>Skajyos refused to make a safe haven home for old calm mature jarteens and other /qa/ oldfags under excused of muh free speech and that it would make this place be rulecvcked, yet rulecvcked the only thing that made this place fun and unique that made soytoddlers perpetually seethe in their containment boards. This website ran it's course, it's over...
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>>so i changed the name as that raider requested 
>So in other words, you being a hypocritical cuck and kneeled before raiders
>>after all this time i fought for your rights
>Nigger you said countless time that you don't even care for jailbait, that "I never intended to host jailbait", or "csam" as you prudely call it whenever people suggest to allow dancing girls fully clothed. You only ever said you want to allow foodist sadism faggotry like bmt, that's your ever reason to change registrar while not caring at all to change host. Do you think I am an idiot? 
>And even if you wanted to ban pedostuff entirely, I suggested few things to make site be more appealing to oldfags and more higher quality posters without rulecucking it, and it all met with contempt.
>>you can still post loli and bmt like old sharty and that's enough for me
>>and that's enough for me
>You contradict your statements, retard. You're an hopeless liar, not better than lute.
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>Skajyos, I might be one of the few lita posters left on this planet, but even I don't care for 2d shit much We want to be cut off from soyfags, nobody find them fun or amusing anymore I only post lita for the sake of authenticity of this board and because it makes soyshits leak

>The guy you had war with speak for majority of us. We don't want to be associated with "soysphere" - word is so cringe it sounds straight from reddit We don't find nusoyculture fun And I've yet to find a single soul who doesn't find slopjak cancer as purest vantablank brimstone straight from niggerhell, and even if one claims otherwise he has to prove not to be soytoddler raider

>The jailbait hebes that have been posted during its first days of jaksoy creation were the absolute best part of the website, it's so much more appealing to use the website for than the BMT that you seem to prioritise We also want you to care about us as you're representative of our community, if you won't then raiders will win and everyone will leave because nobody wants to remain within toxic environment made by raiders
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>>if sharty suddenly allowed pedophilia
>So why do you want pedophilia allowed if you hate pedos? I am genuinely riddled with this. Do you think they can be fed up with lolicon alone, something you get in excess on 4chan, yet hardly ever posted here?
>>because spamming soyjaks and making obscure soyjak oc is exactly what sharty used to be?
>You do know soot created his website in 2020 because he wanted a 8chan back? You had /qa/ throughout whole 2021 that allowed soyjaks, but allowed more than that, including jailbait and was least rulecucked ib at the time. Soyjaks were never sole purpose of /qa/ but side niche inner joke, same for pre-doll sharty that had /sol/ basically being a /b/ board.
>>maybe you just hate new things, maybe you don't like soyjaks at all 
>Maybe you're right, because even during golden age of sharty I mostly liked webm threads, random OC threads, while spend most time on /pol/. Chinny is how I found your website after sandaryan spread it afterall. The last gems sharty produced at least for me are amerimutt and euromutt.

>Again, what have you done to attract soyfags, oldfags or whoever who cares about this soyjaking autism who isn't underaged faggot, aside from banishing pedos? It's clear you don't care for pedos and probably wish we all just gone, but you'd also have to ban lolicon completely if you want to attract the CURRENT soytoddler userbase, maybe a few shemmyfags will migrate as splinter without retarded bidenflare.
>>i never said you did, when i said "you" i meant some other users who posted cp and jailbait lately and likely caused this domain suspension
>Maybe stop using word "you" when you talk to someone when you address general public? It was one of the litafags, or raiderfag larping as litafag.
>>so what do you want me to do? remove every post that's made by raiders?
>Isn't that what community been asking you for a long time? Banish all raider unfunny cancer to /lgbt/, where it belongs.
>>all i did was allowing him to post as long as he's not spamming according to the site's rules, what's so "lute" about it? in fact "lute" is the exact kind of janny that would ban anything that triggers him and then make rules about it
>Lute was the kind of hypocrite that banned soylita but once his site was flooded with slop raids, he allowed it to stay and that's exactly what drove remaining userbase. He was the cuck who listen to raiders more than loyal userbase, tolerating their cancer instead of fighting it. He only start to delete it because he lost control of situation and realised his site is nothing but raiders infestation, but it was too late already. You might don't like me but I am just telling you to not repeat Lute's mistakes.
>>there's no "discussion" going on here i'm just repeating why i had to remove jailbait like what i've been trying to do for the past 3 weeks
>And I've been telling you for the 3 weeks there is difference between HAVE to remove vs WANT to remove. I am genuinely confused as to where your position in this situation, on one hand you tell us this site was never meant to be about posting jailbait, on the other you want to switch domain so you can host DNB. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

>Look Skajyos, I am not insulting nor disrespecting you. I am just letting you know that you can't allow lolicon and expect pedos not getting offended by removing jailbait that is legal in many nations, especially if you aim to allow bmt that is highly illegal on many nations. And if you want to prioritise this site to be all about soyjaks then maybe you should ban lolicon completely to appeal to current shartyshits. Are you going to blame it on pedos that they drove away lolicon posters, really?
>>fine i'm moving his posts to >>>/lgbt/ 
>this dobfaggot was never funny anyway, and so is this shitty thread
>This was unironically the most based decision you did last month, but then you just said
>>i think i'm done with removing raid spam that triggers users here, let's see if you really care about the "quality" of this site or do you just want to complain about things
>Like holy shit, what's the purpose of this thread if you hate your own community so much you don't even want to talk with us? The reason we "complain" is because we want to help this site be better. And me personally, I just want to know what you want from this site. Obviously nobody cares about soyjaks here, and you'd have to ban pedos entirely if you want soytoddlers to use your site. Do you want genuine userbase, or you want sharty clone? Either way, the best thing you can do this moment to help this site is to stop deleting your own messages for crying out loud.
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>That's like old sharty tradition to post 'p. Nevertheless, both Lute and Froot are less toxic to talk with despite differences in views.
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>Where is the lie though? I never said a single sentence about deleting soyjaks. Me giving a valid critique to current state of sharty culture and whole soysphere is not "explicit demands to ban Soyjaks" or "adversity to Soyjaks", saying that serious threads should be cleaned from spam neither

>No, sharty was created before death of /qa/, about year prior actually. /qa/ died close to 2022 actually, either November or December 2021 IIRC but it was close to holidays. Sharty created in 2020 as even less rulecucked version of /qa/ that allowed almost anything, including jailbait and bmt. You don't even remember your own history when catty was filled with anime cp that wasn't against the rules

>The reason " 'p/ BMT/ O9A propaganda" was banned on /qa/ is why sharty was created to begin with, to practically allow anything. Shit get out of hand when Goth and Kuz cooperated and spam board with snuff child gore porn and embedded snuff like the infamous dancing_swede.mp4, so much that Soot was forced to sell the site to not deal with feds. But no, jailbait and photos of almost naked kids still had place on sharty, especially considering sharty was also home for /tv/ and 8chan migrants

>Dude you're unironically "stroke the ego of you and perhaps your friends and make excuses for" your made up bullshit right now. Obviously you never been on sharty during Soot era or even Kuz who is a profound pedophile cooperating with 'p spammers. Also I really don't give a shit about swedishfail, all I know they have thread to raid us and cleaning spam would benefit
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>>so from what i read about this post: 
>>>you've been secretly shilling this site outside of soyjak imageboards
>Secretly? It was general idea from whole community and you wasn't against it.
>>>you still expect me to host "explicit jailbait" despite the fact that it's basically just child porn, which you later denied because it's not child porn to you
>I wish I could host actual jailbait, not expect it from you. There is a difference retard. You could of just say what registrar allows and what isn't so I could of just follow rules.
>>>you consider this place "sharty2" (for some reason) if i don't be nice to you personally
>Learn2read you ESL shitskin faggot.
>>>you think that i don't care about this imageboard despite the fact that i clean up the spam and reply to your complaints everyday
>Only when it's so bad it damages the website or enough people complain to a point it creates drama
>>>you insulted me many times but you still think you're just "joking" when it's clearly not
>You were the first to call me pedofaggot despite I was extremely nice to you the whole time despite you always been snarky to me, don't think I forgot that dipshit. When I tried to solve conflict worst thing I called you is chud and when we were not in conflict I only ONCE said "Please stop ruleclit" and it was a joke. When I quote my old messages I try to replicate exactly what I said even if it has mean words because you constantly accuse me of lying when I don't. I insult you now because you making me really stop caring for you.
>>>you unironically consider posting cp "true sharty culture" rather than posting or making soyjaks
>Yes, BMT, DNB, TND and even CP is sharty culture. Soyjaks are just a little niche that are only fun when relevant, doing flanderization of soyjaks by forcing them as sole purpose will just kill them for everyone. You're being exactly like lute now btw.
>>after reading all this i still have no idea what do you want me to do, should i say thank you for bringing more of "your friends" to this site? should i call you my best friend even though you are just some stranger online?
>My friends? I tried to make this place feel welcome to everyone, not just botspammers you ungrateful faggot. These friends are just anons I made friends with along the way, you know, by not antagonising everyone. I tried to go out of my way to look for solutions just to fix the codding issues and other problems with website you had. How about you at least appreciate my effort to help you and your site instead of getting another snarky response of "i never asked you that durrrr", how you accept me as part of community that been on your side for long time? It's not a rocket science of not acting like a pretentious dick.
>>i've only said that i don't care about the activity of this site, which means i will keep moderating and paying for this site no matter how dead it is (unlike jannies from the original jarty that left cp up for hours on daily basis)
>So in other words - you just don't care for this place and posters.
>>none of this would've happened if you didn't post cp on that day, and you indeed samefagged in that thread so i'm fully justified to question you
>If not me then someone else would and result would be the same, and it's clear there been far more cp posters than just me; you yourself said "not only you but majority of the users here had more fun with cp on that day" so why are you punishing only me and people who weren't in that thread? At least I did something because I was asked so the community don't feel alone and abandoned.
>>i am talking normal, i have yet to slopquote any of you like i usually would besides maybe this post 
>Nice self-contradiction in a single sentence nigger.
>>i don't know how to respond to those questions, like what do you want me to say? it's midnight at my timezone?
>Maybe genuinely answer how are you, without pretense and negative attitude, so we know that you're with us and we don't feel abandoned on dnb website, as well know how are you doing? No, you rather create new drama instead. You insult random anon, delete message afterwards and only then apologise and say you had bad mood. And I only ask you this when I see you being active, you have whole day and more to answer it.
>>i warned you when you first asked me to talk to you, that i'm not very talkative 
>>i don't "act tough", i just don't lie about what i think like other people do, you don't get to talk with people like me very often
>You don't talk at all to humble questions, all you do is accuse people of any shit possible. Almost like you're projecting, really.
>>you should probably just stop talking with me if you hate the way i talk
>Maybe I will, but don't you think I will leave your website afterwards
>>then i wouldn't consider them this site's community, since they barely posted here and only show up whenever they get to discuss metadrama, it's better for you to just use whatever chat app that you're currently using
>Nah I rather stick, besides some of them I added on this site so they are part of the few community that still posts, hate it or not
>>you know that's not gonna happen since they either moved on or hated me for ruining the jarty
>There is nobody to blame but yourself for being a despicable faggot. People been trying to have fun on the only splinter without retarded speech rules or bidenflare, but then you just shitted it up with cancer and they all had to migrate to shemmy or return to sharty. Swinnyfags hate you for killing jarty and turning it in to boogeyman, jartycucks hate you for ruining their home for oldfags, shartyshits think you're deranged pedo and wordfilter you, and now you create conflict with most of your own community who, despite all the hate, been on your side; so maybe there is something wrong with your attitude and your ways if you can only create enemies? At least I had plans to make this website more appealing to potential sharty oldfags and perhaps litafags who sick of captcha and jewish rules, and "secretly" shill it on /jak/ afterwards.
>>if you think i'm being rude to you then you should imagine what would other soyjak imageboard admin do when they're getting told to host cp
>At least Lute did almost always respond and did talk politely, never with pretense, snarky attitude and endless accusations. It was overall nice to have conversation with him. Hell, even Froot talk like a human being without toxicity and endless accusations. You're the kind of a faggot who can't even forgive Lute, you're always negative and try to create more conflicts than solve drama. I believed being nice to you would help you to stop taking assumptions and jumping to conclusions and help us solve conflict so we figure out where you think I lied, samefag, push to host cp, or ban soyjaks, but I guess not. You're an unhealthy person, is all I can say.
>Also nobody ever asked you to host cp, at least I haven't seen it.
>>is this some kind of meta joke about me asking lute to allow lolicon? are you from jartycord? am i getting trolled? i hope i am because if it is then it's probably the most elaborated troll i've seen in a while, though lute probably wouldn't cooperate with cp posters
>There is nothing to joke about. You're eager to host illegal content of animal cruelty that is strictly illegal across whole world, and that isn't restricted to just "crushing" as you keep fallaciously assume. But when people, not just me, tell you ways to make both host and domain fuck off so you can host your bmt shit, INCLUDING with jailbait, you just keep repeating the same old "I never meant to this site to host jailbait durrrrrrr". You don't even seem to care to make compromise and just want to push for your thing while neglecting others, not because jailbait can shut down your website. Perhaps you're indeed a psychopath if you don't care for people and want to see animal cruelty, so much that you wouldn't even wish your own mother to get better if she got ill.
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>I got really tired of your passive aggressive bullshit and endless accusations, talking with Lute or any other rulecuck admin is thousand times more enjoyable despite our obvious differences with views. Considering you're a shitskin asiatic psychopath faggot judging by your speech alone you just can't grasp the fact that we are all humans with emotions that have their own interests and thus agenda, so you're projecting that we are just offsiter agents and it's our mission to host "cp" or whatever else because you have no concept of consensus.
>I had interest to allow whatever the domain would find tolerable. Ideally model or studio photos of naked hebes would been perfect, if it's "cp" for the domain then I wouldn't post it. Topless hebes seemed to be innocent enough to not be considered as cp by anyone, so it was in my interest to argument to allow it, and argumenting isn't same as to force or demand you to allow it, faggot. Any attempt of argument exist to persuade or convince anyone of anything and behind any argument there is agenda (interests), it's whole purpose of arguments to begin with retard. If anything, I only ask why you delete anything, and if you cooperated and told me that you thought it was cp just because I downloaded it from raider website, it would have been resolved peacefully.
>I wouldn't be so verbose with muh essays if you weren't this much of a braindead shitskin who needs to break down the very basic concepts of logic and common sense who just keep repeating same logical fallacies and accuse me of shit.
>And despite what have you convinced yourself, I don't had agenda to remove the fucking soyjaks that you keep mistaking me for other people. Nor did I had idea to host cp on your site, ever.

>>muh rude
>I've only been rude to faggots who been rude to me first such as you and antis raiders.
>I tried so many times to be nice and resolve the conflict so we can understand what we (both of us) did wrong, what exactly I can or cannot post, holding myself and not insulting despite your accusations and passive aggressive attitude, I even sincerely apologized for participating in that cp thread and for trying to hide it but you still don't listen and continue to accuse me to be one of the actual cp spammers who might actually want you to host cp. I have my own limits.
>If you're implying that I am rude to that one faggot who was trying to delete /lg/ that I put so much effort to look representable and ordered then of course I would have been, retard. How would you feel if someone tried to destroy what you put much effort in to building? It's the only board I asked for and cared about the most, it doesn't even matter at this point if it was samefagging or I asked muh matrix friends to help, deleting board that otherwise does no harm to anyone is a complete dickhead faggot move, dipshit. If there is one reason why Lute been hated a lot by some, is because he start deleting boards full of gems in it, just because he personally didn't like it.

>>muh bmt
>The reason "bmtfags" don't complain is because you can't be fed on zoosadism alone and they all are mostly chinny migrants, yes I shilled that thread on chinny to attract more posters. So when you deleted their thread they just called you a faggot in their /pol/cord and moved on; the difference is that even their admins try to switch domain and experiment with hosts to host something illegal, instead of just constantly tell them "this is soyjaks only board, fuck off".
>There is no way to prove that none of the BMT posters aren't the 'p posters on this website either, because people when posting this stuff usually change vpn or use tor for how illegal it is.

>>more accusations
>Except after you allowed jailbait and reopened /lg/ I tried to treat you with respect. I tried to do what you implied I should do: post on other boards and encourage soyjak culture, I still get passive aggressive snarky response from you. I participate in the 'p posting thread only because it was the most active thread in awhile and I wanted to entertain people anyhow. It would help to remove all this drama if you could stop projecting and assuming that all people in the world is just me or same group. Just because some foodists want actual cp, that doesn't mean the SFW cunny enjoyers are the same.
>Don't think just because you deleted previous messages I will forget to reply to them and didn't had plans to do it eventually as is, or just because you posted new message that isn't rude I won't reply to rude ones.
>>muh approach stranger
>Yeah that was my way of expressing myself nigger. It was a bit of expression, a bit of rulecuck testing, a bit of showing my gratitude and back then I tried to boost your morale with positive comments due to amount of enemies you have, now I see why tbh. But I didn't expect you to consider me as "friend", I did consider you as leader who would equally justly treat his community, I was wrong I guess and don't expect anything from you now. I had faith that you'd want to make this board great and perhaps attract all other splinterfags or even other channer who got cucked over time; and I genuinely tried to uplift your mood to a point swinnyfags added "tried to ride skajyos dick" o aglo. Perhaps I got deluded that you're a """great""" person and started to believe it myself. Yes, around first days of your site creation I added one person to session who happens to be the lita poster you defended against Lute, he told me more about it in session and that he also had great expectations of this site, but after you been rude to me he said he's done posting here. Now I don't see reason why I shouldn't join the swinnishits raids that I used to defend you against them, except the fact they are worthless incompetent faggots, almost like you. Funny how they changed their boots and now pretend to be nice to you and dick ride you since you've been rude to me and other pedos, wanting us to leave; as if I they think I can't see their little plan they been discussing for awhile.
>>muh "single word"
>It wasn't just a single word, faggot. It's you calling me names and being rude because you wasn't arsed to read whole message before replying and never truly apologise to my initial post; it's you accusing me of shit and jumping to conclusion even back then (yes, I was first to say "blame skajyos for dead site", and it was never because of domain ban on jailbait); it's you being neglectful and ignoring your community, even simple questions that you quoted, YET you have negotiations with actual offsiter cp spammer from catchan that I told you to ban so he fuck off; it's you not even appreciate the efforts I did to make site be recognised and enjoyed by other people other than swinnyfags who actually have plans in their raid thread to colonise it; I felt very terrible and I only ask you if you could wish to get me well, that "no" was the final spit in my face I wouldn't tolerate such insults anymore. No, you don't need to be friend with anyone to wish them well, even your online "enemies", it just means to not be a petty psychopath. Ignoring my message would still be a dickhead move that would still decrease my respect to you but sure, you could have prevented the last straw. I only stopped posting cp because you done self-reflection and apologised for false accusations, even though you didn't apologize for being neglectful and rude to me, but I don't like to be mean to these who admit at least one of their mistakes.
>>muh "lie to me"
>If you actually read >>2963 post carefully and thoughtfully, I didn't inherently "lied" to you. My point still stands, I cannot be responsible for actions of other people EVEN if I participate in it too. I wasn't the one who desperately begged to post cp, and you yourself numerously times confirmed that I wasn't the only one posting cp, plus other people came to enjoy that thread, and I never complained for deleting cp despite your accusations. If I didn't post cp then the actual cp spammer (I thought it was pirateflag, but guess it's one of 'lita posters) would instead, and you'd probably still would hide /lg/. Yes I was the one who first post cp in that thread, and I am sorry I tried to hide it, I really didn't want new conflict and dramas.
>My other point is also valid - if some other people like /lg/ but end up post cp, it doesn't mean I brought them in. Catchanners already left during one of the botspam.
>However, you hide /lg/ without saying anything and that made me very nervous. The reason I even started conversation with you with the IP I used to post cp is because I was scared: what if people who want to mess with me, or swinnyfags, or whoever else start to post cp just to piss you off and remove /lg/ would actually start doing it, or even falseflag as me? I was trying to see if you're competent enough to not punish people for actions of other. I am sorry I falseflag as random impudent cp poster and pretend like it's someone else who posted cp and not me, but I really wanted to know the answer, and I guess I got it...
>After all, you deleted /lg/ when I wasn't even here, and I don't see reason to forgive you now.
>>you are just a bunch of deranged csam posters
>Is this your final say? It cost me nothing to be one, and without /lg/ I now have nothing to lose.
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