Post your most hilarious screenshots only.
Kill yourself buckbreaker
>please shut this site down and contact the police and/or other agencies
>>1285 >I have been active on the sharty for almost a year >almost a year >a year >almost Why do newfigs concentrate their hatred towards us? What did we ever do to them? They are the ones who made the sharty unusable for everyone.
It would be a real gem if someone emailed regarding, the host ip of They are hosting ddos tools that they've advocated for their users to illegally use and then bragged about taking this website offline. Picture 3 also shows them advocating people to use illegal botnets and malware.
>>1346 Holy fucking kek. Frogniggers are truly soybabas afterall.
>>1347 frogs are the original newfag cancer of imageboards after all
>>1349 They just spammed cp for like 10 minutes straight
>>1350 looks like i just missed something gemmy
>>1351 Same. Why I always miss these types of raids smh
>>1352 you weren't obsessed enough
latest seetheralds, images ordered from oldest to newest
>>1491 >Swinnyfail downloaded 'p 3 times
>if you don't shut down this site down ASAP I may be forced to sue. GEEEEEEEEEGEGEEEEEEEEGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG