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alredy report it

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>Gassy Jassy
<Swedish Winnerald

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delete the site

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reminder that frogpond still mogs this shithole

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Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
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Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
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Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 Reich gas the kikes. Reich for the volk. Fuhrer for the reich. Krieg for the fuhrer. Volk for the krieg. Sieg heil. Kill niggers. Kill kikes. Kill spics. Kill faggots. Kill trannies. White power. White race. 1488. KKK. Gas the kikes. The holocaust never happened but it should have an
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kuz sends his regards
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kuz sends his regards
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how come children have no problems orgasming in front of their friends who are filming them? dont they feel a little shame?
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>children have no problems orgasming in front of their friends who are filming them
Lies, there's no proof that any such videos exist
Last edited by admin

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i raped and molested a kid irl congratulate me
since you're a kid yourself it doesn't count as rape or molestation
also not a child OP therefore you're getting deleted or moved
i'm 23, what do you mean
manchild lol

13297 - SoyBooru.png
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I generally can't take it anymore, All of these boards are filled with 'p more and more pedophile keep coming, I guess this is a site for finding cp now.
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it was never really about sootists, he really just wanted his own qafe but under the form of an imageboard
So why skajyos became admin if he hated both lite and jarty? What purpose he saw of that website?
he was a mod, not an admin...
It's essentially the same thing but fine, a janny if you care about semantics
>I didn't get that
Sorry I meant became, not because. I am pretty sick now. I guess janny is also correct term, not the admin...

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Only gem I founded from there
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funny because root is still on the mod team, the dataminers and captcha of nudev are still up, doll has been a long time friend of kuz and engaged in the same degeneracy, and he got groomed so hard by red that he still refuses to misgender her to this day
the WORST part is they ruined the booru too
They removed gems like rapeson and other "muh not sfw" gems, removed lita muh pedo, removed soytan cuz muh gooners, removed any mention of non-slopjak jake because MUH BOOGEYMAN, and then filled whole catalog with slopjak cancer that literally nobody uses it. Useless website tbh.
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it's almost 2025 and i transheart having to go through more datamining and captchas than my bank and google has just to be able to access the cartoon bald men in glasses website.

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