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anyone who here for this shit fuck it had real CP on this site last time
wow you sure owned the jassycucks with this amazing thread. i bet they are all crying now.

your shit site died not because you don't allow cp but because you are a rulecuck
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because i'm hungry and you keep asking stupid questions
i asked you 1 question...
and if you're hungry why don't you go eat something
Because I've been on this thread for awhile now and am firmly anti-discord. I think its cringe that the thread is having its semi-monthly "discord cp shithole gets exposed and then the owner of it comes in to start getting upcummies from the thread". I also checked on the pedo splinter again and decided to let people know it's still active in the same post. Since when did being against a literal cp loving pedo splinter mean that you support a CP gooning pedocord den? If I was trying to derail, it wouldn't make sense to just post some small screencaps from a thread. Wouldn't it be better to do like the discord faggots and impersonate someone or spam the thread with nonsense?

Speaking of discord. Froot, did you ever explain why you were such a big fan of child gore? It's rather strange for you to be against these types of people since they really are just like you. Instead of jerking off to children being murdered like you, they jerk off to children being raped. Seems like you guys would get along as you're both terminally online sadists at heart.
she's true
it is evolving as we speak 🤣

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yes delete the lolicon please
also, the cp spammer and the "sends his regards" bot are two completely different people

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i said before and i'll say it again
my wallets:
solana: 2FZr51c1hxfCYeuJR7FZouxN4DV3fYtKtuvWbwZLjVgi
ETH: 0xe453A9B89B2EC48a8236DAe7D3D34fb43D020db0
Polygon: 0xe453A9B89B2EC48a8236DAe7D3D34fb43D020db0
BTC: bc1q9ekaetvpjkqr03xvef66wgn0v4xvsy25f2d6w2

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>cp thread deleted
at the very least it was gemmy
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the cp is on your ssd forever
there's nothing funny about that, you're just autistic and deranged
Massive Jassycuck falseflag
Wow, I sure do love having to wake up and immediately go masturbate.
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>lol i'm not the one who finds cp quoting funny, even if cp was legal it's objective not funny at all to quote with real cp especially on a site that no one will get triggered by it

well, here's mine too, i hope you will stop forcing lita again. 
eth only
also solana
now please kindly donate me some so i will abandon this website.
i need em to get a card reader from AliExpress rn
döp döp.mp4
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and please stop moving shit

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Skajyos, thank you for doing your part to kill all of the soipedos.
You are now an honorary aryan.
>the reddit frog
go back
>the winning aryan trump frog
stay here forever
well, you should instead just try to get this webshitzone out of service before they'll will start to molest real kids
these aren't soicucks, these are pissycucks
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no more brother wars

this is what happens when you allow lolicon
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there are 7 child molesters in this thread kys please
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>tor nodes banned
lokinet 🔛🔝, i can spam your shitboard all day long
döp döp döp

You should unironically consult the codders of kohlchan and catchan. Use text only metaboard of catchan and consult El Silvador, he's often online and willing to help with coding.
594 replies and 122 files omitted. View the full thread
You have great ideas for improving this imageboard. However, if Skajyos refuses, would you be willing to make a splinter of this site on adult onohosting with all of the features that you want for nuJarty and potentially become the establishing admin of that website?
I am poorfag living in post-commie eastern shithole. I wouldn't be able to pay for it, I can't just wilfully throw away 400$ for jarty host like some of you. I only try to help Skajyos because awhile back he gave impression of being very passionate about jarty. Guess I was wrong...
Hmmmm... do you know anyone else besides Skajyos that you could collaborate with to get your plan in motion?
Did it had any other boards? What exactly did it host? Some candydoll legal shit or foodist tier daisy destruction with dancing swedes? Candydoll is still legal in japan btw.
It takes time to experiment with proxies and hosts, it's why some sites allow bmt and some don't, and same catchan was up to 2 years by using proxies cleverly. That is not to mention 8chan, 8moe and ninechan that had legit 'p.

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