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So uh hi guys. So Im scared ill be a future map or pedo because Im a teen and I get crushes on typically younger and scrawnier guys. Idk if Im a pedo but I like the idea of shota and Im kinda more rarely attracted to guys "my age" or height now if they dont look younger. Also you know for men its less likely theyll be pedos because you guys are usually attracted to mature feminine features like hips or the chest but men dont have those and since im attracted to scrawnier bodies and not chads I might be up for the risk. Alright never going here again Im just gonna leave this here then Im out.
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Most people on this site dont either ;^)
Replies: >>1306
Sir, this isn't twitter.reddit, i.e. the shitty.
Replies: >>1307
Same thing
Replies: >>1308
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Maybe you should go back then
Replies: >>1311
Without the ban though there isnt even a banlist

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Soytan is a trash btw

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shartybigots need to read this
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shartyGODS look like this?
Now stick penises in their mouth and bussy then its total pedo victory
Kill soytoddlers. Rape soytoddlers. Hang soytoddlers. Throw soytoddlers into a pool of lava. Impale soytoddlers with a metal stake. Slam soytoddlers against a table. Feed soytoddlers to a pack of wolves. Run soytoddlers over with a bulldozer. Buckbreak soytoddlers until their brains are damaged. Make soytoddlers' bussies prolapse. Groom soytoddlers. Stab soytoddlers. Choke soytoddlers. Nuke soytoddlers. Total soytoddler death. Total pedoARYAN victory.
Consider roping pedo

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Retardtoddlernuke. He doesn't know anything what he's talking about.

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lute is such a greedy lying kike faggot. he promised his users he would never sell out. but after some crypto millionaire larper offers him 2000 dollars for the domain he immediately wants to talk. then he thinks his website is worth so much he refuses to sell it for the next offer of 400 kek.
Replies: >>972 >>1154
yup i thought the same thing when i saw that happen
>>939 (OP) 
I saw that anon. I have feelings the "cryptofag" was just some troll who wanted to waste lute time with bullshit offer and at the end just give him middle finger. Either way, once domain expires you can just buy the site from domain and host itself for much less. Jarty is no way cost 400$, 100 is too much for it. All it was is just a boogeyman for the sharty with nothing but slopjak spam. Are you skajyos and want to buy it for 400?
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>>939 (OP) 
Who are you, anon?

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jsharty not even half a week old and it already mogs the j*rty's user count
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Replies: >>824 + 1 earlier
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You can just ask for more, you know.
>>806 (OP) 
All jartycuck spammers btw
>not even half a week old
>already full of child erotica
Kek. Is that even legal? Not like jartypedos care. Theyre probably on tor or some shit well guess what, tor can still snitch on you faggots.
Replies: >>889
Legal if you're not in a utterly kiked shithole
Tor doesn't snitch, retard. Unless you're connected to honeypot nodes then that is up to you.
You can't be a pedo and faggot, retarded faggot. That is called pederasty.

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Ek gie nei in bar ferline wike en seach dit totale morbette. Ik morbed fuortendaliks in bytsje yn myn broek en besletten om te setten myn morb dêr’t myn mûle is. Ik gyng op en siet myn Morbussy op ‘e kruk neist har, en frege har oft ik har koe. Nee, do bist te moai. Ik soe my dyn gesicht ûnthâlde. Tequila om te ûnthâlden, whisky om te ferjitten. Se wie daliks morbing út har slipje by de gedachte fan morbing út mei my. Doe kaam der in anty-morber jerkop op en sei: “Sitearje jo Morbius (2022) om famkes op te heljen?” Ik rekke yn panyk. Ik sei: “Wolsto wat whisky, myn freon?” en hy begûn my oan te fallen. Ik morbed de hel út en morbed oer dy man en bin no yn federale finzenis foar “Moard”. Witte dy detectives net dat it in morbius referinsje wie? Al mei al, AITA?

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>Feel free to report this website to porkbun and for pedophilia and illegal content

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>Go back to the darknet, where you belong
>The clearnet was not made for everybody, definitely not paydos.

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