>You're currently providing services to Skibidifarms, which is the thread you are posting in now, and the summary is "Child exploitation website + nexus with connections to a group of interest called 764, which is currently registered as a tier 1 terroristic organization according to the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and other intelligence firms."
<kiwitroon spacing/>
>@nigger froot is the owner/administrator of another website you are providing services to, Soyjak.party, a former Child exploitation website that served as a nexus point for Child exploitation websites (like the aforementioned) one would arise out of and gather.
<kiwitroon spacing/>
>The current iteration of Soyjak.party is no longer exploitative of children for the sake of sextortion, or violence; however, is a website that operates as a relative base of operations for life ruination campaigns that stops short of being illegal. Said operations are often encouraged by it's moderation staff, but more often than not done by users with personal axes to grind, and often by outside users part of aforementioned communities.
<kiwitroon spacing/>
>The only real complaint to be had is when it goes into things regarding Remote Access Control