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Post here MAP-supporting soyjaks
26 replies and 19 files omitted. View the full thread
So you do look and speak like this?
Replies: >>4006
Stop asking. I know you're trying to cope.
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>Post here MAP-supporting soyjaks
kill yourself FnF pedo nigger
live yourself FnF geronto cracker

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>To all members of Com, 764, and sub affiliates. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your close circle of family and friends, be thankful for them for helping be there in your lives and loving you as the men you are growing up to be, or have grown up to be. Your family is proud of you, despite your mistakes, because you are still their son/brother/cousin/nephew/uncle. This applies to non American members, such as the members of 895, 6996, etc. Spend today with your family, and remember that you aren't alone in the world, despite the fact how you choose to live in it. You're still loved and tolerated by family and loved ones; embrace that for just today.
>And if there is any member of your groups who is like "Grrr....ME HATE FAMILY, ME HAVE NO LOVE." Yes you do, you're just being too miserable to see it.
<kiwitroon spacing/>
>That being said, take some time off the computer, just for a bit, and relax. For those of you getting paranoid, trying to over analyze posts looking for a crumb of workable data; lay off the caffeine, give yourself some room from the computer, and take some time to reflect where you really are with your life. Do you really want to live this way for the rest of your life? A tweaked out paranoid schizophrenic constantly looking over your shoulder, making wild claims that only make sense to you? Put down the drugs, turn off your monitor, 
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>lita lost
<tranny enspacement>
>rape all niggers
they really look like this except it's twitter and discord logo on their shirt
Replies: >>4030
sharty isn't white nerds making fun of other white nerds anymore, it's low iq underage brown people pretending to vaguely imitate something similar. most likely this would actually be their dad present in this picture.

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>Jesus I hear this argument so much it’s so annoying. Literally just search for the definition of phobia sweetheart, English isn’t hard! A Phobia is a fear OR HATRED of something. It’s in the god damn Oxford dictionary. So yes, hating trans people is transphobic, because it means hating trans people not being scared of them. Can transphobes make a single rational statement without severely f*cking up?

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>international women's day

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>We regret to inform you that we cannot proceed with your request, as server was found to be involved in hosting content that violates our policies, specifically explicit depictions involving minors.
>Please be advised that our platform has a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding abuse of this nature. As such, your account has been suspended until further notice.

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>toddler please

daiyousei cryjak.png
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>Cruelty Squad 

4681 - fa9142f96a11956de55796f0d2c5742c.jpg
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>i fucking hate being able to handle gore

>i hate that i can handle gore videos so well, after i watch a gore video i dont feel anything really which is the worst for me because it makes me feel like an edgy emo teen and i dont want that i dont want to be psycopathic or an emo

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