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wtf i had no idea kiwitrannies could be so aryan. skajyos you should invite this guy to be janny here since he got fired. he was like the most obsessed terminally online janny they've ever had.
rare kiwitranny W

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Jassybros have you ever thought of how much our website is a dead nigger? I think we should go to it mogs this ghost town
rulecucked and the admin never approves your account unless you're friends with him in discord or something
Replies: >>3801
he approved my account in like a day and i was a newfag when i made it, i didnt even use a real email address
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>Shartycucks are too underaged and rulecucked
>Swedishfails are too underaged and cannot do anything properly
>Anonymous Against Foodism just spams boards with propaganda and does nothing beyond that
>Bluesky/ Xitter leftists will not care about this place
Who will defeat the Jassycucks now?
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Replies: >>3088
>>3062 (OP) 
Daaaa fedddssss will o algo
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>>I really want to end this drama on a good note
>what exactly do you want? there's no way i'm apologizing for removing csam
well we wanted a gem board, but it looks like we're gonna get another 2000 words of meta drama and cp spam instead.
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I believe you made most the posts shown below:

Each of these messages at show adversity to Soyjaks and, in some cases, reasons to why Soyjakking is dead, if not explicit demands to ban Soyjaks. I will let our good friend Skajyos examine them, but I would like to address some statements you have made in these posts.

You fail to acknowledge the Sharty's upbringings and why it was created in the first place. It was originally built as a remnant of /qa/ and a sanctuary for /qa/ immigrants, most notably Soyjak posters, after the original board from 4Chan was deleted by jannies back in 2020. About anything that was notable on /qa/Soyjaks, Frogs, Leebaiting, racebaiting, Touhou, political comics, general /pol/ and /leftypol/ conversations, and suchwould, in theory, automatically be considered Sharty culture due to the influence of the many shitposting factions that Sharty oldfags once mingled with. I highly doubt jailbait/ child thirst threads or posting 'p/ BMT/ O9A propaganda had any place or unironic influence in /qa/ history since the 4Chan jannies were probably wise enough to delete and ban them as soon as possible.

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>Sharty created in 2020 as even less rulecucked version of /qa/ that allowed almost anything, including jailbait and bmt.
If the whole purpose of the Sharty was exactly that, then you would see Soot as a pedophile advocate or ally like Kuz was.

Also forgot to state that on the old /qa/, Soyjaks were generally considered a pestilience by 4Chan anons and jannies, so was made to accommodate Soyjak posters who were migrating from 4Chan following crackdowns on soyposting back then. I can obviously see why the Sharty was made to be less rulecucked with the Soyjaks being hated on by 4chan Anons, but when did Soot ever say that anything is allowed on Soyjak.Party, or that the site was somewhat anarchic in content being posted?

As an aside, are you still into a Frenschan revival? I heard you are making an imageboard over TOR that allows whatever you wanted from this place and I'm assuming its the revival in question.

skajyos make an onion so we can post cp gems
Replies: >>3862 >>3864
ew fag
Replies: >>3863
wtf how did this get 10k likes on the chink instagram or whatever this is
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>>3859 (OP) 
This but unironically.
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what did he post
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>>3859 (OP) 
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ITT we dox and swat Swinny's owner
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I added you.
Prove it
dobkun = carl theory is true
found his kiwitroon acc

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What is the new domain? Previous got seized
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Why you chinnyfags call chinny admin "soot" when it's some literal kike in Italy?
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Replies: >>3872
cause soot was jewish, get over it goy
jokes aside it's because he doesn't really have a name and soot was the first sharty admin bla bla bla, we call him soot as a joke and he doesn't mind it, it would be worse if we called him choot (chud/chinny + -oot)
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Replies: >>3873
I wish he was less of a faggot kike and abolish rule 2. Also allow posting lgs on your /r/ plz.
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its unlikely that a shitsphere admin will allow lgs but i wish he could allow loli
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Replies: >>3875
PirateCHAD, is that you?
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>deleting my JM series thread
skajyos, why are you a ruleclit?
Bro thst literally killed his website.

Wait at least till December when skajyos attempt to change domain, and if lucky some based host.
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>JM series

pepe waiting.jpg
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ban soylita
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jews are a separate  race from everyone else
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Replies: >>3855
pepe jewish.png
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Bro's going full-schizo kek
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Replies: >>3856 >>3857
just admit you're anti-white
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>just admit you're anti-white
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how can i convince arkaim (or any other irrelevant booru namefaggot) to troon out?
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i just like watching people seethe over the existence of websites
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Replies: >>3821
And I just like cuddling with femboys in bed
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Go ask Giggly Goonclown, he knows a thing or two
Replies: >>3823
Cecefem knows better
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hes already trans

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Post your most hilarious screenshots only.
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you weren't obsessed enough
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latest seetheralds, images ordered from oldest to newest
>Swinnyfail downloaded 'p 3 times
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>if you don't shut down this site down ASAP I may be forced to sue.
Make sure your report is angry as possible.png
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