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why so dead jartycucks?
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gigachad toddler.JPG
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lets kill boomers
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Replies: >>3779
why? umad that they married and bred with 12 year old cunnies and watched cp legally meanwhile you are a sexless incel?
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Replies: >>3780 >>3781
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lets kill boomer
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boomers are built for big stairs
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>they have a 1 ppd board

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Skayjos, what do you mean the site cant be my own personal cord and i cant ban anything that mildly annoys me! Please ban the zoomers shitting up the dead board that I never used and absolutely nobody ever cared about!
>the dead board that I never used and absolutely nobody ever cared about
that's why i suggested to skajyos it's deletion retard
because it's a dead board
Replies: >>3421
you suggested its deletion because you saw 1 gigaquote on the 'log after 2 weeks without any new posts
also clitty 'gated
Replies: >>3425
2023 nuteen lol
how about you just go back to the sharty or another sharty splinter where your underageness would be more appreciated amongst their userbase
Replies: >>3444
falseflag by the catchan zigger
how about you go back to the sharty, they ban baiters there so your clitty wont leak as much

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what's wrong with zoomies? they come to this website and all their posts are about nigger penises 
and when you check on their website it's all troon or homo porn along with soyjak self inserts aka newfaggotry
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there's more than 1 cp poster here nigger
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Replies: >>3790
meds, its all the 30 year old russoid samefagging
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Replies: >>3791
tsmt kek
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no im not giong to lurk on spaces for little nigglets
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Replies: >>3793
newfag cope
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Kill yourself trannjannies stop deleting cp threads
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>be terminally online on every single shitsphere altchan
>still manage to miss all the cp that gets posted
Replies: >>3796
Respect his time zone, he's a saudi sandniggie
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Are you still here?
you are not cicada 3301 lil bro

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she won
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geg you don't realize this is what jartyfails used to post on the sharty
Why? It means being straight and have high T level.
redditor BTFO

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stop getting every tor node banned nigger
go spam cp on the other splinters or something
nobody who is still here gets offended by it
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I don't think children say this.
I don't look like this either.
I wish people posted better animal gore, it's always the same bmt and cat blender video
why don't you just go outside and get a life
Replies: >>3261
he doesn't even have a real 'p collection😔
just reposts the same files from other spammers💀
and has to larp about his proxies😭
daddy skajyos should make him honorary admin/manager since he's the biggest brownest jartycuck in history✡️
then maybe he'll stop spamming💦👶🛑

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>This is why I suggested the adult version of onohosting, it can allow bmt, muslim fucking goats, pajeet fucking cows and they don't care about 'p either.

>Please don't say clear "no" just yet, let's get more experience with the host you're currently using and polish the website first. 

>By polish I mean get imageboard look more organised and complete. I like the way oldsharty did look, you had multiple painting options, not just tegaki, which allowed to quickly edit any image you attempt to upload or even the ones you copied online. There was also embed window for youtube links and other video hosting services, these retards broke it now so it doesn't work. I also would like increase of host maximum capacity at least to 200 like on old krautchan. The more the better, you could then archive long videos like TGSNT and YTP videos of the past. The top page with boards also could look more polished, especially for mobile phones, by decreasing size of board font.

>I don't want to overwhelm you though, but these things is something that would make board look more gemmy. Please don't give up on this place to grow great, more than just "yet another soyjak splinter of one niche only".
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>>if sharty suddenly allowed pedophilia
>So why do you want pedophilia allowed if you hate pedos? I am genuinely riddled with this. Do you think they can be fed up with lolicon alone, something you get in excess on 4chan, yet hardly ever posted here?
>>because spamming soyjaks and making obscure soyjak oc is exactly what sharty used to be?
>You do know soot created his website in 2020 because he wanted a 8chan back? You had /qa/ throughout whole 2021 that allowed soyjaks, but allowed more than that, including jailbait and was least rulecucked ib at the time. Soyjaks were never sole purpose of /qa/ but side niche inner joke, same for pre-doll sharty that had /sol/ basically being a /b/ board.
>>maybe you just hate new things, maybe you don't like soyjaks at all 
>Maybe you're right, because even during golden age of sharty I mostly liked webm threads, random OC threads, while spend most time on /pol/. Chinny is how I found your website after sandaryan spread it afterall. The last gems sharty produced at least for me are amerimutt and euromutt.

>Again, what have you done to attract soyfags, oldfags or whoever who cares about this soyjaking autism who isn't underaged faggot, aside from banishing pedos? It's clear you don't care for pedos and probably wish we all just gone, but you'd also have to ban lolicon completely if you want to attract the CURRENT soytoddler userbase, maybe a few shemmyfags will migrate as splinter without retarded bidenflare.
>>i never said you did, when i said "you" i meant some other users who posted cp and jailbait lately and likely caused this domain suspension
>Maybe stop using word "you" when you talk to someone when you address general public? It was one of the litafags, or raiderfag larping as litafag.
>>so what do you want me to do? remove every post that's made by raiders?
>Isn't that what community been asking you for a long time? Banish all raider unfunny cancer to /lgbt/, where it belongs.
>>all i did was allowing him to post as long as he's not spamming according to the site's rules, what's so "lute" about it? in fact "lute" is the exact kind of janny that would ban anything that triggers him and then make rules about it
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>That's like old sharty tradition to post 'p. Nevertheless, both Lute and Froot are less toxic to talk with despite differences in views.
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>Where is the lie though? I never said a single sentence about deleting soyjaks. Me giving a valid critique to current state of sharty culture and whole soysphere is not "explicit demands to ban Soyjaks" or "adversity to Soyjaks", saying that serious threads should be cleaned from spam neither

>No, sharty was created before death of /qa/, about year prior actually. /qa/ died close to 2022 actually, either November or December 2021 IIRC but it was close to holidays. Sharty created in 2020 as even less rulecucked version of /qa/ that allowed almost anything, including jailbait and bmt. You don't even remember your own history when catty was filled with anime cp that wasn't against the rules

>The reason " 'p/ BMT/ O9A propaganda" was banned on /qa/ is why sharty was created to begin with, to practically allow anything. Shit get out of hand when Goth and Kuz cooperated and spam board with snuff child gore porn and embedded snuff like the infamous dancing_swede.mp4, so much that Soot was forced to sell the site to not deal with feds. But no, jailbait and photos of almost naked kids still had place on sharty, especially considering sharty was also home for /tv/ and 8chan migrants

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>>so from what i read about this post: 
>>>you've been secretly shilling this site outside of soyjak imageboards
>Secretly? It was general idea from whole community and you wasn't against it.
>>>you still expect me to host "explicit jailbait" despite the fact that it's basically just child porn, which you later denied because it's not child porn to you
>I wish I could host actual jailbait, not expect it from you. There is a difference retard. You could of just say what registrar allows and what isn't so I could of just follow rules.
>>>you consider this place "sharty2" (for some reason) if i don't be nice to you personally
>Learn2read you ESL shitskin faggot.
>>>you think that i don't care about this imageboard despite the fact that i clean up the spam and reply to your complaints everyday
>Only when it's so bad it damages the website or enough people complain to a point it creates drama
>>>you insulted me many times but you still think you're just "joking" when it's clearly not
>You were the first to call me pedofaggot despite I was extremely nice to you the whole time despite you always been snarky to me, don't think I forgot that dipshit. When I tried to solve conflict worst thing I called you is chud and when we were not in conflict I only ONCE said "Please stop ruleclit" and it was a joke. When I quote my old messages I try to replicate exactly what I said even if it has mean words because you constantly accuse me of lying when I don't. I insult you now because you making me really stop caring for you.
>>>you unironically consider posting cp "true sharty culture" rather than posting or making soyjaks
>Yes, BMT, DNB, TND and even CP is sharty culture. Soyjaks are just a little niche that are only fun when relevant, doing flanderization of soyjaks by forcing them as sole purpose will just kill them for everyone. You're being exactly like lute now btw.
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>I got really tired of your passive aggressive bullshit and endless accusations, talking with Lute or any other rulecuck admin is thousand times more enjoyable despite our obvious differences with views. Considering you're a shitskin asiatic psychopath faggot judging by your speech alone you just can't grasp the fact that we are all humans with emotions that have their own interests and thus agenda, so you're projecting that we are just offsiter agents and it's our mission to host "cp" or whatever else because you have no concept of consensus.
>I had interest to allow whatever the domain would find tolerable. Ideally model or studio photos of naked hebes would been perfect, if it's "cp" for the domain then I wouldn't post it. Topless hebes seemed to be innocent enough to not be considered as cp by anyone, so it was in my interest to argument to allow it, and argumenting isn't same as to force or demand you to allow it, faggot. Any attempt of argument exist to persuade or convince anyone of anything and behind any argument there is agenda (interests), it's whole purpose of arguments to begin with retard. If anything, I only ask why you delete anything, and if you cooperated and told me that you thought it was cp just because I downloaded it from raider website, it would have been resolved peacefully.
>I wouldn't be so verbose with muh essays if you weren't this much of a braindead shitskin who needs to break down the very basic concepts of logic and common sense who just keep repeating same logical fallacies and accuse me of shit.
>And despite what have you convinced yourself, I don't had agenda to remove the fucking soyjaks that you keep mistaking me for other people. Nor did I had idea to host cp on your site, ever.

>>muh rude
>I've only been rude to faggots who been rude to me first such as you and antis raiders.
>I tried so many times to be nice and resolve the conflict so we can understand what we (both of us) did wrong, what exactly I can or cannot post, holding myself and not insulting despite your accusations and passive aggressive attitude, I even sincerely apologized for participating in that cp thread and for trying to hide it but you still don't listen and continue to accuse me to be one of the actual cp spammers who might actually want you to host cp. I have my own limits.
>If you're implying that I am rude to that one faggot who was trying to delete /lg/ that I put so much effort to look representable and ordered then of course I would have been, retard. How would you feel if someone tried to destroy what you put much effort in to building? It's the only board I asked for and cared about the most, it doesn't even matter at this point if it was samefagging or I asked muh matrix friends to help, deleting board that otherwise does no harm to anyone is a complete dickhead faggot move, dipshit. If there is one reason why Lute been hated a lot by some, is because he start deleting boards full of gems in it, just because he personally didn't like it.

>>muh bmt
>The reason "bmtfags" don't complain is because you can't be fed on zoosadism alone and they all are mostly chinny migrants, yes I shilled that thread on chinny to attract more posters. So when you deleted their thread they just called you a faggot in their /pol/cord and moved on; the difference is that even their admins try to switch domain and experiment with hosts to host something illegal, instead of just constantly tell them "this is soyjaks only board, fuck off".
>There is no way to prove that none of the BMT posters aren't the 'p posters on this website either, because people when posting this stuff usually change vpn or use tor for how illegal it is.
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deleted schizorald
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i hate some of them because they can't stop posting cp on my site, which could potentially get my site taken down
although i don't encourage it, there's pretty much nothing i can do about it 
even if i deleted his thread and banned him he can still spam cp everywhere and falseflag you
Replies: >>3152
Well still ban the pedos to get them kicked out of soysphere for good. I only wish they were gone
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