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Replies: >>1396
>>1395 (OP) 
Holy obsessed seetherald.
Replies: >>1397
i find it hilarious there are splinters who can get away with keeping up real csam in the archives for a whole year. yet the biggest crime for swinnycucks is the existence of lolijak in glasses imageboard.

13 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
>add quote button
No one needs this unless they’re a twitter/youtube immigrant…
But I agree with all the rest.
Maybe you're right and it's best for this site to distance itself from soyshit dead "culture", though quote button helps with easier with replying certain points but you xan select parts of its manually.
>i seriously don't know why i have to put up with this jailbait stuff, all i ever wanted was a soyjak site that doesn't ban people for what they say like the old jarty
You can't have true freedom of speech, even if ((( legal ))) one without BMT and jailbait, even soot early sharty allowed jailbait.
>i know none of you have any reason to choose this site over other sharty splinters with established userbase
I don't think any of us actually use ANY of the splinter for how shit they are and because we realised hoe unfunny and cancerous nusoy culture is, with rare exception perhaps some /pol/ stuff.
>porkbun explicitly told me to delete those videos because it's considered csam to them, i got warnings long before i made a post about it
What kind of shithole country porkbun is? A female hebe changing clothes voluntarily on camera not even showing butthole nor vag that she uploaded to jewtube or vk is no way can be considered a fucking csam in anywhere to anyone who isn't completely braindead.
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So what about enom and what do you expect from them?
Nice get.
Also a bit of a long shot but would emailing the staff of Kohlchan about the website's reseller work? If I were you I'd tell the staff members  that I run a community that would like to use a reseller to switch to a new register because of security issues with the previous one. Please take my suggestion with criticism
>Words words words...
You ain't grooming anyone with this rizz

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Do you think he's still around and uses this website?
He's back and he's going to switch the registrar to enom or something like that. It appears to have no restriction on jailbait (which is allowed on Kohlchan) and BMT which Skajyos really likes for some reason
Replies: >>1349 >>1352
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you don't know anything.
Replies: >>1350
What should we know?
Replies: >>1352
The ugly mulatto is not skajyos.

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how did the zelligfags manage to get away with it? aren't the characters in the show underage?
Zellig character aren't kids
Replies: >>1319 >>1320 >>1321
they literally go to school...
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(6.9MB, 1006x720, 00:16)

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this dead nigger of a website actually passes the sharty pph
alive and aryan though
Kill soytoddlers. Rape soytoddlers. Hang soytoddlers. Throw soytoddlers into a pool of lava. Impale soytoddlers with a metal stake. Slam soytoddlers against a table. Feed soytoddlers to a pack of wolves. Run soytoddlers over with a bulldozer. Buckbreak soytoddlers until their brains are damaged. Make soytoddlers' bussies prolapse. Groom soytoddlers. Stab soytoddlers. Choke soytoddlers. Nuke soytoddlers. Total soytoddler death. Total pedoARYAN victory.

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Go back to the darknet, where you belong
The clearnet was not made for everybody, definitely not paydos.
>The clearnet was not made for everybody
you sound like a leftist fag
Replies: >>3809
Even the clearnet can tolerate people who blurt out "nigger"
Last edited by admin

skajyos make an official meta thread on this board and pin it

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add these
>rule 1: Posting or linking to content that violates US law is forbidden
>rule 2: You must be 18 or older to browse this website
and then give a 3 year ban to the spammer because he is most likely 15
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rip this is the website's circumcision.
to be fair you can't expect an imageboard to allow 'p and botspam  is annoying
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This. CSAM and BMT is legal in Ukraine.
Fuck rules. Keep the botspam rule on but dnb, bmt and 'p is equally the same shock content no different than gore. Just because you goon to either doesn't make it somehow worse than another.

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make /zoo/

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MARGE how is xe posting on kway in 2024

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